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Serienlogo. Namenseinblender. NICOLAS LEGLER. Seiteneinblender.
Namenseinblender NICOLAS LEGLER
TheSpirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointedme to preach good news to thepoor. He has sentme to proclaimfreedomfortheprisoners and recovery of sightforthe blind, to releasetheoppressed, to proclaimtheyear of theLord'sfavour. TheBible, Luke 4:18-19 Seiteneinblender
1. Thecircumstancestellyou: Youare OUT! Seiteneinblender
As Jesus went, thepeoplepressedaroundhim. And there was a womanwhohadhad a discharge of bloodfortwelveyears, and thoughshehadspent all her living on physicians, shecouldnotbehealedbyanyone. TheBible, Luke 8:42-43 Seiteneinblender
When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening. When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days at a time other than her monthly period or has a discharge that continues beyond her period, ... Seiteneinblender
… she will be unclean as long as she has the discharge, just as in the days of her period. TheBible, Leviticus 15:19,25 Seiteneinblender
2. Whatyouneedis a COMING OUT! Seiteneinblender
Shehadheardthereportsabout Jesus and came up behindhim in thecrowd and touched his garment. For shesaid, “If I toucheven his garments, I will bemade well.” TheBible, Mark 5:27-28 Seiteneinblender
Butforyouwhofearmyname, thesun of righteousnessshallrisewithhealing in itswings. Youshallgo out leapinglikecalvesfromthe stall. TheBible, Malachi 3:20 Seiteneinblender
Border of theshawl = Kanaph (wings) Sun of righteousness: picture of theMessiah Seiteneinblender
“Whotouchedme?” Jesus asked. They all saidtheydidn't do it. Then Peter said, “Master, thepeoplearecrowding and pushingagainstyou.” But Jesus said, “Someonetouchedme. I knowthat power has gone out fromme.” TheBible, Luke 8:45-46 Seiteneinblender
3. With Jesus youare IN! Seiteneinblender
Then he said to her, “Dearwoman, yourfaith has healedyou. Go in peace.” TheBible, Luke 8:48 Seiteneinblender