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ORCA Flukes New Features as of GEC16

ORCA Flukes New Features as of GEC16. Victor Orlikowski vjo@ cs.duke.edu and of course Ilia Baldine ibaldin@ renci.org a nd Jeff Chase chase@cs.duke.edu. What a difference a quarter makes…. U ser -visible changes:. Initial support for modifying slices

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ORCA Flukes New Features as of GEC16

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  1. ORCAFlukesNew Features as of GEC16 Victor Orlikowski vjo@cs.duke.edu and of course Ilia Baldine ibaldin@renci.org and Jeff Chase chase@cs.duke.edu

  2. What a difference a quarter makes… User-visible changes: • Initial support for modifying slices • Support for extending slice duration

  3. What a difference a quarter makes… More user-visible changes: • Ability to save requests and manifests into iRods • Limiting domains to those with resources available to the current SM.

  4. What a difference a quarter makes… Less user-visible changes: • Better user safety checking • Requests are checked before being submitted, to ensure that the SM being used has access to the domains specified. • Request namespaces are better preserved, both when saved and when submitted. • Several minor changes to help prevent the user from creating invalid requests or losing request data.

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