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Plants. Morphology and classification. Plant taxonomy. Oldest science Knowledge of local plants – flora is essential “Primitive” humans have more knowledge Leave for our future generation an undiminished biota. Plant taxonomy. Production of an inventory of the world's flora

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  1. Plants Morphology and classification

  2. Plant taxonomy • Oldest science • Knowledge of local plants – flora is essential • “Primitive” humans have more knowledge • Leave for our future generation an undiminished biota

  3. Plant taxonomy • Production of an inventory of the world's flora • Production of a classification system that includes all plants, this provides a systematic organization of the diversity found in plants; • An understanding of relationships of plants that can be incorporated into classification systems, if we have a plant that has a useful characteristic, a classification system can provide information that may lead to the discovery of related plants with similar characteristics; and • Provide universal rules and regulations regarding the naming of plants, which is critical to identification and communication.

  4. Vegetative MorphologyDuration • Annuals and biennials • Perennials • Herbaceous – underground stems • Woody – trees and shrubs • Trees – more than 5meters with usually one trunk • Shrubs – less than 5 meters with many trunks

  5. Vegetative MorphologyPlant habit

  6. Vegetative MorphologyRoot System

  7. Vegetative MorphologyModified Structures • Tendril - coiled clawed structure that enables plants to attach to objects. Tendrils are modified leaves and stems. • Thorn - Woody, sharp-pointed stem. These can be terminal or in the axil of leaves. They are sometimes branched. • Spine - Modified leaf or leaf-parts. Cacti spines are modified leaves. • Prickle - Sharp structure that is an outgrowth of the bark or epidermis.

  8. Vegetative MorphologyLeaf Arrangement

  9. Vegetative StructuresLeaf Types

  10. Flower Structure

  11. Flower and the plant • Ovary → fruit (+ some other structures) • Ovules → seed • COMPLETE FLOWER - A flower having all four whorls • PERFECT FLOWER - A flower having both sexes • UNISEXUAL FLOWER - A flower having one sex • MONOECIOUS PLANTS - A plant with unisexual flowers with both sexes on the same plant • DIOECIOUS PLANTS - A plant with unisexual flowers with one sex on each plant, in effect, male and female plants

  12. Learn • Table 1.3 Common Latin names Used for Species and Their English Meaning • Table 1.5 the suffix for each hierarchical level of classification • Table 1.6 – monocot /dicot characteristics • Vegetative (asexual) and sexual reproduction. • How do we exploit each type.

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