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Preston School Board Meeting August 20, 2014 Superintendent Report. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Mission & Vision Statements.
Preston School Board MeetingAugust 20, 2014Superintendent Report If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Mission & Vision Statements Mission: To provide all students with the academic and social knowledge and skills needed for life-long success in a changing world. Vision: The Preston School District believes that in the partnership with parents and the community our schools will provide appropriate opportunities for all learners to reach their academic and social potential in a safe and supportive environment
Welcome Back to School Fall is here...
District Staff Summer What did you do this Summer?
Curtis Jenson, Lance Harrison, KaylynnHambin, Jeff Lords: IASA Leadership Conference. Curtis Jenson, Lance Harrison, Kaylynn Hamblin: Network of Innovative School Leaders workshops sponsored by Idaho Dept. of Education.
Josh Evans, PHS Josh Evans:” Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to Portland with several Ag teachers from around the state and take a tour sponsored by the Idaho Wheat Growers Commission. We started out at the wheat marketing center where we learned what goes into testing and researching wheat in order to make food products. We got the opportunity to make noodles, crackers, and flat breads. We then took a tour of the pearl bakery in downtown, it is one of the top 5 bakeries in the country. All the flower that they use comes from the Lehi Roller Mills where I grew up (the flower mill in the original Footloose). They receive 80 percent of their wheat from Idaho. After that, we visited a grain elevator that loads ships with wheat bound for China, very amazing operation. We then visited 2 companies that are major players in the exporting of wheat, it was a very awesome experience to see what goes into the business side of Ag. After that we were hosted by a Japanese restaurant that hand spins all their noodles and they fed us an outstanding meal. All of this will come in handy during my wheat unit in plant science and food science. It was a great tour.”
Melinda Harris, PJHS Melinda Harris: I attend Georgetown University in DC for four weeks taking Foundations of American government. Then one week at Ashland University in Ohio where I took aAmerican Revolution Class. Both universities focus on the use of primary source documents.
PandiElison-Chang, PHS PandiElison-Chang: I went to Philadelphia and studied Revolutionary War Battle sites on the actual sights. It's a class/scholarship run through Immaculata University and the Freedom's Foundation. Brent Knapp: In the last two summers PandiElison-Chang has attended summer conferences a). Civil War of the South (New Orleans to Atlanta) and b). Supreme Court Summer institute in Washington DC. She won't tell you about it.
Lynn Harris, PHS Lynn Harris: I attended PTE Conference in Boise, NEA Conference in Denver, and I took a class on Adolescent Brain Development. Also, I took two students to the HOBY (Hugh Obrien Youth Leadership Organization) and mentored our FCCLA State Officer. No wonder summer was short!
Sheridee Earl, PioneerCrystal Malcolm, Pioneer Sheridee Earl: Crystal Malcolm and I took the following courses this summer: Teachers as Leaders Action Research Educational Values The Learning Process: Brain-Based Learning Northwest Nazarene University
Joyce Bayless, Oakwood Joyce Bayless: I took an online class from Connections from ISU for 2 credits, and also took a 3-day workshop at USU, Arts Are Core! for 2 more credits.
Launa Moser, PHS Launa Moser: I went to the Idaho Association of Health,and Physical Education two day conference on August 8th and 9th in Twin Falls (Filer). I actually went Sunday afternoon as I am the current Treasurer (past President) and we had board meetings that night. I went to 6 classes each day on subjects that I currently teach and we had 3 keynote speakers that were National teacher's of the year. Last week I did the taxes for this state association, which was quite an experience. I surely would not have taken this position when asked, if I had known I had to do taxes....I pay for my personal ones to be done. However, I am much wiser now after about 15 hours of work!
Jan McCarthy, PJHS In an attempt to improve the Behavior Intervention class I've been asked to teach at the junior high I took two graduate courses. One was titled "Teaching At-risk Students" and the other was "Teaching Those in Poverty". Both classes were extremely beneficial. I am very grateful for the opportunity to take these classes as the cost was covered by the district. through NDSU (North Dakota State University)
Scott Kunz, PHS Scott Kunz: What I did this spring/summer was attend the Zero Fatalities conference/workshop in Salt Lake City. This 3-day event was jam packed with all kinds of good stuff about highway safety, student behavior behind the wheel, community interaction with respect to driver's responsibilities, etc.
Mackay Manly, OakwoodJanellRoyle, Pionner Mackay Manly: JanellRoyle and I attended a 2 day conference in Heber Utah.It was very well attended (500 plus) and very put together. It had fascinating key-note speakers and break-out sessions. Some of the classes we attended included 504 training, Improving school climate, strategies to teach social and emotional skills, technology for elementary school counselors, stereotype exhibit and others. Over all it was a very productive and positive experience. It was organized by USCA (Utah School Counselors Association) and the title was Promoting Resiliency: Student Success from Crayons to College and Career Readiness.
Brandon Ormond: Andrea Spencer, Jill Durrantattended the Utah Shakespeare Festival put on through SUU and some received college credit and we all had a great time! I was also able to attend USU for their football camp and received 3 college credits through their coaching staff. We learned a great deal about their mentality at the college level and how to run a winning program.
Janel Boehme, PJHSJulie Jenkins, PJHS Janel Boehme: I and Julie Jenkins attended a week long Natural Resource Camp up in the Sawtooth Mountains North of Ketchum this summer. We also had a student from the junior high go with us along with a couple of middle school students from Bear Lake Middle School. I know that Camille Jensen attended a STEM workshop that same week at ISU.
DeeDee Ford, Oakwood I attended the Idaho Summer Institute of Best Practices in Idaho Falls in July. I attended 4 classes during the 2 day sessions. The first class was "Moving From Ordinary to Extraordinary" by Neila Connors, the second class was "What do World Class Teachers Do?" by Dave Shepperd, the third class was "Motivating Reluctant Learners" by Mary Urich and the final class was "Leadership in Every Building and Every Classroom" by Rob Sauer. There were 12 classes offered in each of the 4 sessions and choosing just one was each session was a challenge. I came away with some excellent information for my classroom and feeling rejuvenated and excited to get back into my classroom to try some of these new ideas. I will definitely attend this again next year, and I highly recommend it.
Jennifer Gardner, PHS Jennifer Gardner: I attended the Utah State Office of Education Summer Conference- Promoting Resiliency: Student Success From Crayons to College and Career Ready
Sarah Crane, Oakwood Sarah Crane: Alisha Ellis and I went to the Mathematical Thinking class at ISU. Attending together was great because we were able to talk about ways to implement what we learned together the whole way home. It was a week long class. I have also been accepted into the core coach program and attended a week long course about aligning units to common core standards. The program extends this entire year.
Teacher of the Year Michele Elgan, Oakwood Elementary School
FCCLA Family, Career and Community Leaders of America PHS Senior Lily Coleman, State FCCLA Officer
School Safety School Resource Officer Kelly Biggs …NOTE: SRO Biggs doing assemblies and meeting students. Need for security cameras. Need for parent safety committee. Need to review lockdown procedures.
Bus Routes Presentation Kevin Seamons, District Transportation Director …NOTE: Bus routes were approved.
PJHS Class Sizes Curtis Jenson, PJHS Principal …NOTE: Board approved making ½ time teacher full time to alleviate class sizes.
Student Activity Travel Brent Knapp, PHS Athletic Director …NOTE: The board requests an out of state travel report each month.
5 Year Strategic Plan • I. College and Career Readiness • 1. 7 year plan (6th grade – 12th grade class schedule). • 2. Provide career exploration at jr. high level. • 3. Participate in Bridgerland 7th Grade Career Exploration Day. • 4. Strengthen PTE (Professional/ Technical Education). • 5. Clear Dual Credit plan to fill general education requirements.
5 Year Strategic Plan (Cont.) • II. Quality Education and Learning Opportunities • K-12 vertical alignment. • Increase rigor in high school classes to meet college level expectations. • EOC’s ... End of Course Assessments, common curriculum for common courses. • Common curriculum for common courses to close gap in rigor between classes. • Character Education.
5 Year Strategic Plan (Cont.) • III. Quality Personnel • Help high school teachers become adjunct professors. Work with higher education to provide students general education course instructors. • Common preps and regular professional development. • Proactive recruiting of new teachers. • Strengthen new teacher mentoring programs.
5 Year Strategic Plan (Cont.) IV. School and Community Public Relations • Aggressively communicate dual course offerings. • Communicate PTE offerings. • Communicate via various means... texts, emails, Facebook, twitter, website, and newspaper (weakest means). • Proactively communicate budget and financial transparency.
5 Year Strategic Plan (Cont.) • V. School Environment and Facilities • 1. 5 Year Facility Levy - $4,000,000 • 2. Technology Bundle – Security Cameras, upgraded telephones, wireless in buildings, etc. • 3. Remodel Bundle – Update older high school classrooms, update pod configuration at Oakwood, etc. • 4. New Construction Bundle – Bigger multipurpose room at Pioneer, improve elementary cafeteria, add air conditioning where lacking, etc.
Employee Evaluation Overview State 3 Tiered Licensure Proposal. TeachScape Current Evaluation Process Administrator Evaluation Process …NOTE: Beginning Idaho teacher pay to go to $40,000 in 2019. Incremental steps each year (2015-$33k, 2016-$35k, 2017-$37k, 2018-$39k). Other teacher levels will be $50k & $58k with leadership incentives tacked on. *** Will require evaluations from 2 different administrators to make move in steps. No teacher will see a pay reduction.
Partial Schedule List 9th – 10th grade students – Home Schooled, medical, online classes 12th grade students – 3 students doing online class homework during the day. Remaining partial schedule students are working 7th period. …NOTE: The board requests that partial schedule students and their parents meet with counselors to talk about the benefits of dual credit courses and to not coast into college.
Fund Raisers Policy #1028 “It is against district policy for teachers’ or students’ groups undertaking any money-raising activity in the school or in the community without the approval of the building principal and superintendent for such sponsorship. Forms are available in the District Office.” …NOTE: All fund raisers need to be approved by the district office.
Education Foundation Ed Foundation: First Meeting Sept. 9th 4:00 pm. Focus on bi-laws and supporting teachers. NOTE: Re-focus on supporting teachers.
ISBA Stipend $2,000 for Trustee Training: Still Available Date: January 21, 2015 Topic: Facility Levy
FCHS Open House Teachers back on August 11th Students back on August 18th. Open House Date: September 25, 2014 or later if finishing touches are incomplete
ISBA Conference Boise, Nov. 12th – 14th