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SURA Super-Regional Testbed on Coastal Inundation – Extra-tropical Storm. Harry V. Wang, Yi-cheng Teng, Yanqiu Meng and Derek Loftis Virginia Institute of Marine Science The College of William & Mary Joseph Zhang Oregon Health and Science University NSF Land and Water Margin Research Center
SURA Super-Regional Testbed on Coastal Inundation – Extra-tropical Storm Harry V. Wang, Yi-cheng Teng, Yanqiu Meng and Derek Loftis Virginia Institute of Marine Science The College of William & Mary Joseph Zhang Oregon Health and Science University NSF Land and Water Margin Research Center SURA super-regional testbed meeting on coastal inundation 03-07-2011
Outline 1. SELFE set up Analysis of surge and tides results for V2.0 Case studied: 2005 and 2007 storms 3D results without wind wave Preliminary results with wind wave 3. What is WWM? (Dr. Yinglong Joseph Zhang)
Results Analyses Plan for the Inundation Testbedv2.0 Tides: Datum adjustment = 0 m (NAVD88 approx = MSL using reference in Boston and Plymouth, baroclinic / sterric effects in open BC forcing) Forcing: July – August 2010 elevation time series provided by UMassD (predicted by the Gulf of Maine FVCOM tidal model with inclusion of five major tidal constituents-M2, N2, S2, K1 and O1). Runs: 2D Mannings n = 0.025 3D run, 11 vertical layers, quadratic bottom friction using: Where zab = height of the lowest grid cell above the bottom and zo is a function of depth: Note, inside Scituate, H < 40 m, and therefore zo should =0.003 m. Analysis: model elevation time series at Scituate NOAA gauge – location/data provided by UMassD Skill: IMEDS – time series comparisons for elevation Model – Model Comparisons from skill assessment - extra-tropical domain
Set Up for 2D and 3D mode SELFE model • Model domains: Situate a domain • Tidal boundary conditions: M2, K1, O1, S2, N2, provided by FVCOM • Time step = 180 s, total run time = 45 days • For 2D, Manning n=0.025 was used.For 3D, Vertical 11 S-layers were used; • The wind forcing 9x9 km WRF wind at 10 m height. • The model and data comparison was conducted for May 2010
**SELFE-WWM used 21 frequencies and 24 angles to simulate wind waves
WWM II (Wind Wave Model) The Wind Wave Model is one of the first 3rd generation spectral wave models, which solves the Eulerian form of the Wave Action Equation on unstructured meshes. The Model was developed in cooperation between the National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (Dr. Hsu) and the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany (Drs. Roland and Zanke). The Motivation was the inflexibility of freely available spectral wave models to discretize complicated domains. The numerical schemes of the WWMII (Roland, 2009) will be available in WWIII V4.0 The WWMII was successfully coupled to SELFE to account for the effect of waves on circulation
Physics in the WWMII The WWM II incorporates: SWAN Model deep and shallow water physics WAM Model (ECMWF Version) Fabrice Ardhuin’s of deep water physics (see JCOMM Project (http://www.jcomm-services.org/Wave-Forecast-Verification-Project.html)
Numerical schemes in the WWM II Operator Splitting Methods (OSM) e.g. WWIII or WWM 1st Step – Spectral part 2nd Step – Geographical space 3rd Step – Integration of the source terms
Numerical schemes in the WWM II Numerical methods for the sub-problems Geographical space Galerkin schemes (non-monotone, conservative, implicit) Residual distribution schemes (monotone, conservative, higher order, explicit/implicit – parallelization of implicit scheme underway) Source term integration Semi-implicit (WAM) or (SWAN) Dynamical (WWIII) Runge-Kutta Spectral space Ultimate Quickest (explicit, 3rd order in space and time) Crank-Nicholson (implicit, 2nd order in space and time) Runge-Kutta WENO (explicit, 5th order in space, 3rd order in time) WWM fully coupled to SELFE Callable as a routine Use same sub-grid – efficiency Radiation stress formulations Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (2D) Xia (2004), Mellor (2003), Ardhuin (in progress) Benchmarks L31, L51, analytical, hurricane Isabel (2003)….
ONR testbed: L31 Set up (m) Time (hours) x (m)
Nicholson test STC model (Nicholson et al. 1997)