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Real Time Operational Perfomance and Variability Supervision

CONTAC . Real Time Operational Perfomance and Variability Supervision. Diego Arenas CONTAC INGENIEROS. OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGIES Empowering your PI RtPM infrastructure. CONTAC . Why real time KPI´s?. Cost. Quality. Reliability. Efficiency.

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Real Time Operational Perfomance and Variability Supervision

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  1. CONTAC Real Time Operational Perfomance and Variability Supervision Diego Arenas CONTAC INGENIEROS OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGIES Empowering your PI RtPM infrastructure

  2. CONTAC Why real time KPI´s? Cost Quality Reliability Efficiency Same for Steel, Pulp&paper, Petrochem, Utilities, etc. Process operations are complex systems, where perfomance goals are evaluated using different business KPI´s criteria. Business KPI time-frames ranges from long term “operational management control loops”, such as mine planing-mine operation, to short term, such as concentrator recovery control vs. short term program. Despite the KPI time frame, most of the business KPI are rooted to the operation, it can be said that business KPI are built in real time.

  3. CONTAC Business KPI´s are “built” in real time. Gains and losses happen in real time The value fishbone, ...how the business KPI´s are built Cost Quality Reliability Efficiency A process bottleneck (leading to quality, throughput losses): a conveyor, or a pump or a control valve working at its maximum capacity or speed for an extended period of time A cascaded (and $$$$ amplified) variability: cyclone feed density variability that leads to a size variability that leads to a flotation recovery variability. Quality losses (plus: energy, operational time, consumables, etc.): because of an inefficient operation of its regulatory system.

  4. What we know about the process behavior? CONTAC • Large number of process variables • Complex cause-effect relationships • Different (time based) Operation Modes: drift, noise, start-up, set point changes, disturbances, etc. • Large data bases for Real Time and Historical information about process variables and equipment vital signs. The Need: an automated system capable to online analize thousands of process variable data and generate context based meaningful information • How to determine early alerts if the process or machine is deviating from a pattern or moving to a new one, being an “on quality pattern”, a “throughput pattern”, a “malfunction pattern”, etc.? • How to determine the “most influencing” factors that drives the evolution of a certain process variable or equipment vital sign KPI?

  5. CONTAC Mapping: Op. Goals of: Quality, Emissions Energy, Consumables Thoughput, etc. Perfomance Model Capacity Critical Factor Critical Factor Perfomance Critical Factor Process Layer Inputs Outputs Perfomance Goal Perfomance Goal Critical Factor Production Potential Capacity Performance Model With: Real Time KPI index Inst. &CONTROL LAYER Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor

  6. CONTAC Technology • Control charts • Tree Map • Benchmarks • Star diagram • Dispersion diagram • Histogram • Other Perfomance Tests(RtKPI) Visualization Modules • Statistical • Control Loop quality • Variability • Multivariable Analysis

  7. CONTAC Visualization, reporting, alarming Technology, the architecture ACE Calculation Engine Template Collection of perfomance tests (RtKPI) The high level view PI System AF Model Perfomance Model Real Time and Historical Information the detailed view DCS Regulatory Systems Operational Processes Business Processes

  8. CONTAC Identify Measure Alert A collection of online KPI to: Real Time variability Abnormal Op. Cond. Disturbances GOAL: Business KPI Technology, the test template collection

  9. CONTAC PI-AF, PI-ACE, Technology, the implementation A form to define the specific parameters for each RtKPI (tag´s, limits, offset, etc.) The collection of RtKPI templates

  10. CONTAC Technology, the implementation Applying the RtKPI to a perfomance Model

  11. CONTAC Quality Cost Efficiency Reliability The implementation The model is a context based representation of the Factor-Critical Factor-Cause&Effect relationships Factor A Sump Pump Perfomance Throughput and quality KPI Ore Size Density Control Class. Harris Index Factor B Factor C

  12. CONTAC The technology, summary Allows for a direct mapping between the Business KPI and its Real Time drivers. Allow for the implementation of an automatic, online perfomance supervision system, working in a 24x7 shift… A scalable and modular technical architecture. Plants, Lines, Processes, Equipment models can be implemented. Since the calculated index are sent back to the plant historian, the values can be trended, alarmed, shown on process diagrams, reported, e-mailed, etc.

  13. CONTAC AD-HOC -Project specific- (PI-PB, DL, WebParts, etc.) RtIndex visualization, reporting and alarming The Implementation ACE Calculation Engine Template Collection of perfomance tests (RtKPI) PI System AF Model Perfomance Model Real Time and Historical Information • Configurable RT Analysis • Read data from PI • Calculate Rt KPI • Send calculated data to PI • (as PI Tag´s) • ---RT-Continuously-24x7--- DCS Regulatory Systems Operational Processes Business Processes

  14. CONTAC Implementation example • Reminder: • Core system: KPI templates, PI-AF/ACE calculations are standard • Reporting and visualization are built using standard PI-RtPM tools • Nevertheless, even PB and DL are project specific, since the construction are made using PI-AF context based models, it can be reused for other applications. Again: what will be shown is a PB+DL app. , it can be modified, reused, re-done, etc., using the RT Indexes being calculated by the standard PI-ACE/AF RT KPI templates

  15. Implementation CONTAC

  16. Índices Utilizados CONTAC

  17. RtKPI Portal (a PI-PB/AF app.) CONTAC Navigation tree Selected controller or variable Other reports Date selection Controller state statistics Variable values distribution histogram

  18. CONTAC RtKPI Portal (a PI-PB/AF app.) IAE Trend (cummulated deviation) Miao Index Trend (oscillation) Forsman Index Trend (oscillations)

  19. CONTAC RtKPI Portal (a PI-PB/AF app.) AutoCovariance Test (variability-oscillations) Variable values trend

  20. CONTAC RtKPI Report (a PI-DL/AF app.) Report Configuration Model SelectionPI-Server Database and PI-AF Model Name ex.: Plant, Area, Process, Water, Energy, Quality, etc. Date selection Color highlighting configuration

  21. CONTAC RtKPI Report (a PI-DL/AF app.) Report

  22. CONTAC RtKPI Report (a PI-DL/AF app.) Report Views


  24. CONTAC Real Time Operational Perfomance Supervision Luis Yacher S.;Felipe Kripper; Felipe Lineo CONTAC INGENIEROS OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGIES Empowering your PI RtPM infrastructure

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