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The price of a defibrillator depends upon its advancement and brands but when you go to buy a defibrillator there is a standard market price. Visit our website and contact us for the best service and price. https://aedauthority.com.au/price-match-guarantee/<br>
AED Authority Australia AED Authority Australia is a worldwide leader in automated external defibrillator (AED) sales and management programs. Simply Saving Lives is the core of our organisation.We strive in our mission to ensure every Australian has access to an AED. Each year over 30,000 deaths occur due to sudden cardiac arrest. This is approximately 25 times the number of people who die on our roads nationally per year. Extraordinarily, 74% of these lives could have been saved, simply had a defibrillator been used.We are focused on delivering the highest quality and most competitively priced products in the defibrillator market.
Philips Defibrillator Price If you want to know about Philips Defibrillator Price then get in touch with Aed Authority. You can get all the information regarding, price, how it works, and much more essential information regarding the Philips defibrillator.
Zoll Defibrillator Accessories If you want to buy Zoll Defibrillator Accessories then get in touch with the Aed Authority. They are offering affordable Zoll Defibrillator accessories which include ZOLL CPR D padz Adult AED, ZOLL AED Plus/Pro Paediatric Pads, ZOLL 123A Lithium Batteries, etc.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Sudden Cardiac Arrest can occur without any pre occurrence signs and if the patient will not get proper treatment immediately then he can lose his life within a few minutes. Only a defibrillator can save a person for SCA.
CONTACT US Address :41 Marconi Drive, Dandenong South,Victoria, 3175 Phone No. : 03 8710 8666 E-mail : sales@aedauthority.com.au Website : www.aedauthority.com.au