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TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT. DEFINITION OF TRAINING. According to “ ADIVCE SAINT ” “Training includes any efforts within the organisation to teach, instruct, coach develop employees in technical skills, knowledge , principles , techniques and
DEFINITION OF TRAINING According to “ADIVCE SAINT” “Training includes any efforts within the organisation to teach, instruct, coach develop employees in technical skills, knowledge , principles , techniques and to provide insight into and attitudes towards the organisation.”
NEED & IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING • Increased Productivity:-Training improves the performance of employees. Increased skill & efficiency results in better quantity & quality of production . • Higher Employee Moral:- A trained derives happiness & job satisfaction from his work . He feels happy when his performance is upto the mark . • Less Wastage :- A trained worker will know the art of operating the machine properly. He will also use the material & other equipment in a systematic way causing less wastage.
4. Reduced Turnover & Absenteeism :- Labour turnover & absenteeism are mainly due to job dissatisfaction. A satisfied person may not like to leave his job & try at a new place . Training helps in reducing labour absenteeism by increasing job satisfaction among them. 5. Employee Development :- Training also helps in the development of employees. It first in locating talent in them & then development it to the maximum. The adaptability of a worker will help him working on new & improved jobs.
PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING • Rewards & punishment :- There should be rewards as well as punishments attached to a training programme. This will create awareness & interest in training programmes . • Training Objectives :-There should be specific training objectives. This will help in planning the training programme properly. An aimless training programme will not be much use. • Responsive to Need :-Training should be able to help in achieving the objective for which it is imparted . Those who undergo training want to improve their performance or want a solution to their problems which are being faced at work .
Individual considerations:- While planning a training programme ,individual considerations should be kept in mind .All individuals donot have the same attitudes ,education, experience, intelligence, capabilities etc. so these things should be kept in mind while preparing a programme. • Making Use of Previous Training :-The new & existing employees might have got some training earlier . This training should form a base for future training programmes . The earlier acquired training should be used for giving further training to employees .
Develop Capabilities of employees:-The main objective of training is to develop capabilities & capacities of employees. The employees are also prepared to take up future challenges of technological improvement. • Improving Levels of Performance :-Training aims to improve the levels of perfomance of existing employees .The employees are given basic knowledge of the jobs required for their better perfomance. OBJECTIVE OF TRAINING
Awareness about work:- Training aims to create awareness of tasks and assignments among employees. The emphasis is that employees recognise their responsibilities and contribute their best to the organisation. • Bring Efficiency:- Another objectives of training is to bring efficiency and effectiveness in the organisation. The efficiency and better productivity will help in keeping labour costs under control.
TYPES OF TRAINING • Orientation or induction training. • On-the –job-training. • Off-the-job –training. • Refresher training. • Vestibule Training. • Apprenticeship Training. • Electronic Training.
Orientation or Induction Training:- The employee is given a full description of the job he is expected to do. He is also informed about the policies, procedures and rules which are related to his work. He is also given an organisation chart so that he knows his position in the enterprises in relation to other employees. • On-the-job Training:- He gets training under the same type of conditions in which he will be working later on. Trainee works under the watchful eyes of as master mechanic or craftsman and gets immediate feed back. • Off-the-job-Training:-A trainee has to leave his place of work & devotes his entire time for training purpose . He does not contribute anything for the organisation during training. This type of training may be arranged in the organisation from specialised institutes giving such a training
The methods used for training:- • Lectures method • The conference method • Seminar discussion • Case studies • Programmed Instruction • Refresher Training:- Refresher training is helpful in acquainting personnel with’ latest improvements in their work. The changing technological methods require fresh training to existing employees even if they are well trained or qualified.Theintroduction of new products may also necessitate fresh training of employees.
Vestibule Training:- The vestibule training is used to impart training in a class room in the plant. The word meaning of vestibule Denotes a room between the outer door and the interior of a building. It means that workers are trained at some place in the factory. • Apprenticeship Training:- In this training a worker is Attached to an experienced or senior worker. The worker learns while Observing his senior and helping him in the task. The period of Apprenticeship is generally long, ranging from 2 to 5 years.
Electronic Training :- Computerisation & internet based tools have revolutionised training process. Some of electronic based training methods have been discussed as follows :- • Audio-Visuals. • Computer Based Training. • Electronic Performance Support System . • Distance and Internet based Training.
Identifying training needs:- The first step in training programme will be to identify training needs . A thorough analysis of organisational needs should be taken up. An analysis of these things will let the management know the deficiencies in job performance & training needs of employees . The solution of such problem is essential to improve working environment . • Getting ready for the job :- The next step will be to decide about the trainees, trainer & techniques of training. Newcomers are certainly provided some kind of training . A combination of trainee, trainer & techniques will help in making training programme a success. STEPS IN TRAINING PROGRAMME
Preparation of the trainee:- The trainee should be put at ease by explaining to him the need for present training and its utility for the work he is going to take up. The trainee should be taken as close to the condition of work as far as possible so that he familiarises with it. • Explaining the job sequence:- The trainer should explain the sequence step by step of undertaking the job. Every step should be properly discussed with the trainees. The trainer should demonstrate the method of doing the job. They may also be asked to repeat the steps which they were told earlier.
Actual try out:- The trainer is asked to do the job himself and repeat it a number of times. The trainer watches actual performance of the persons and points out mistakes. The trainees are given performance tests to judge their level of learning. These tests help in improving the techniques if some deficiencies are found. • Follow –Up:- This step is undertaken to test the effectiveness of training programme. The trainer may be put on job to see his performance. He may be frequently checked to find out if he has learnt the job properly or not. The cost incurred on training and the benefit derived from it are also judged in a follow-up step. This step also helps in making improvements in future training programmes.
IMPROVING EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING • Training Objectives:- There should be specific training objectives. This will help in deciding about the type of training required. When there is aim to be achieved in employee training then all efforts should be directed to achieve it. • Motivation to Trainees:-Training helps employees in increasing their performance . This will bring them more financial benefits & create greater avenues for promotion . Employees should be motivated to participate whole heartedly in training programmes.
3. Involvement Of Trainees:-To make training an effective tool of learning, trainees should also be involved in these programmes . They should be provided with opportunity to practice the newly needed behaviour norms . 4. Feedback :-The trainees should be provided with feedback about their performance . If their performance is not upto the expected levels then he should be told to improve his work .They themselves may not be able to judge whether training has improved their world or not . When they get regular & constructive feedback, it will help them in improving their work.
Definition According to Michael J.Jucius :- “Executive development is the programme by which executive capacities to achieve desired objectives are increased.” Features • Executive development is a systematic process for learning the abilities of managing. • The development of capabilities is to achieve desired objectives. • It is a long drawn process. Executive development can not take place over night. EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT
Objectives • Impart Basic knowledge:- Sometimes fresh executives join the organisation after completing their studies, there is need to explain the concepts and techniques from the practical point of view. • Improving Performance:- This programme helps the existing executive to tone up their knowledge for improving their performance . • Imparting Change:- There is a need to implement latest managerial techniques in place of traditional system in order to increase productivity. • Provide Opportunities For Development:- These programme aim to give opportunities for self development to various executive.
Need For Executive Development • Shortage Of Trained Managers:-There is a shortage of trained managers in the market .Executive available in the market may not have that type of training which is required for a particular organisation. It will be better to have own training programmes which are suitable to organisational needs. • Technological Changes:-Rapid technological changes are taking place in the market. The managers are required to update their knowledge at regular intervals. An update executive will be able to cop with the changing situation.
Professionalisation Of management:-There is shift from owner managed to professionally managed enterprises. Even in family owned business, professionally trained managers are given higher responsibilities. Under such situation it will be better to have a regular executive development system. • Developing Full Potential Of Executives:-Executive developments programmes are essential for developing the full potential of managers. Such programmes are planned in such a way that managers work to their full potential.
Methods Of Executive Development 1. On the job methods • Coaching Method • Job Rotation Method • Participation in Deliberations of Boards and Committees 2. Off the job methods • Role playing • Case study • Special project • Conference training • Management games • Multiple management
A. ON THE JOB METHODS 1. COACHING METHOD:- In coaching method a superior plays the role of the guide & an instructor. He teaches job knowledge and skills to a subordinate. He tells him what is expected of him and gives guidelines for doing the assigned work. He checks the work being done by the subordinate & makes suggestions to do the work in a better way.
2.JOB ROTATION METHOD Job rotation is an important method . They are transferred from one job to another and from one department to another in a systematic way. This rotation may continue for a duration of 6 months to 2 years. This method provides a great deal of job experience. 3. PARTICIPATION IN DELIBERATION In this junior officers are attached to Boards & Committee. In this meeting the actual problems of real life are discussed. The juniors are encouraged to participate in deliberations and get an opportunity to share in managerial decision-making .
B. OFF THE JOB METHODS 1.ROLE-PLAYING:- In this method an artificial situation is created & the trainers are assigned different roles. Role playing technique is generally used for human relations & leadership training . 2. CASE STUDY:- Under this method a real problem demanding solution is presented in writing to the trainers. The trainer try to analyse the problem properly and Suggest possible solution.
3.MANAGMENT GAMES:- A management game is a class room exercise in which teams of trainees compete against each other to achieve common Objectives . The games are designed to give a real life condition . The trainees are divided in teams & asked to suggest decision on important aspects of production, cost, Sale, inventories, research & development & so on. Some games may be interacting type ,while others may not be interacting type.
4. IN- BASKET METHOD:- In this method the trainer is provided with a basket of papers & files related of his functional area. He is expected to study the material & analyses the problem from his angel & suggest solution to the problems. 5. SYNDICATE METHOD:- In syndicate method a number of groups, may be 3 to 4 ,are formed of nearly 10 persons each, The members of different groups are carefully selected to represent varied fields. The aim is that members of the group should be able to give their expert advice. The reports prepared and submitted by different groups are circulated among other members of groups for comparative study and critical evaluation The same problem is studied b y different groups and solutions found by them.
6. CONFERENCE TRAINING :- A conference is a group meeting conducted according to an organised plan. The participants in conference express their views on the topics fixed earlier. The trainers will be able to compare their views on different problems with those of other speakers. As a conference leader , an individual can develop his skill to motivate people through his direction or discussion. 7. SENSITIVITY OR T-GROUP TRAINING:- This method is also known as ‘action training’,’ Group dynamics ‘Awareness expertise's’ etc. This method tries to enable managers With increase awareness of their own behaviour and also get a Chance to discover how other people interpretate and are affected By their own behaviour. The participants are brought together in a and open environment wherein they discuss themselves. This technique is an important tool in hands of the management to view the cooperation of the fellow members.
WHY TRAINING FAILS ? The following are the reasons for the failure of training programmes : 1. The benefits of training are not clear to the management . 2. The top management hardly rewards supervisor for carrying out effective training 3. Top management rarely plans & budgets systematically for training.