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The Indo- European Language Family

The Indo- European Language Family.

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The Indo- European Language Family

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  1. The Indo-European Language Family A large group of languages spoken over most of Europe and also in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Northern India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. They developed from a parent language probably spoken somewhere in eastern Europe or Western Asia around 5000 years ago.

  2. An Example of the Evidence:Words for `is’ • German: ist • Russian yest • Latin (ancient European language) est • Ancient Greek esti • Sanskrit (ancient Indian language) asti • Can you guess what the original word probably was?

  3. An Example of the Evidence:Words for `is’ • German: ist • Russian yest • Latin (ancient European language) est • Ancient Greek esti • Sanskrit (ancient Indian language) asti • Can you guess what the original word probably was? *esti

  4. What the original language might have been like `Ner owiom r wihnam sebhi gwhermom Man sheep ‘s wool to-himself warm westrom kwerneuti neghi owiom wihna esti.’ clothing makes nor to-sheep wool is Tod kekluwos owis agrom ebhuget. That having-heard sheep to-plain fled

  5. Branches of Indo-European in Asia • HITTITE (ancient language once spoken in Turkey) • TOCHARIAN (ancient language once spoken in Sinkiang (新疆 )) • INDO-IRANIAN • PERSIAN and similar languages • INDO-ARYAN (languages of northern India and nearby countries)

  6. Uriah the HITTITE (赫人烏利亞) was sent to die in battle by King David so that David could take his wife - Samuel II, 11 (撒母耳記下)

  7. Hittite Writing Method

  8. Chinese Oracle Bone

  9. Mummified body of a Tocharian speaker? 1500 B.C.?

  10. A hymn to the god Ganesh from the Rigveda, written in Sanskrit, an ancient INDO-IRANIAN language

  11. INDO-ARYAN LANGUAGES • [SANSKRIT] • HINDI/URDU • NEPALI • Bengali • Gujarati • Marathi • Sinhala

  12. What’s your name (in Indo-Aryan) • Sanskrit: Tava nama kim asti? • Hindi/Urdu: Tumhara nam kya hai? • Nepali: Timro nam ke ho? • Gujarati: Tamarun nam shun che?

  13. European Language Groups • CELTIC: spoken in small areas of North-Western Europe • SLAVIC: spoken in Eastern Europe • GERMANIC: spoken in Northern Europe • ROMANCE: spoken in Southern Europe

  14. CELTIC • WELSH • [Cornish] • Breton • IRISH • Gaelic • [Manx]

  15. SLAVIC • Russian • Ukranian • Polish • Czech • Bulgarian • SERBO-CROATIAN

  16. GERMANIC • GERMAN • Dutch • ENGLISH • Danish • Swedish • Norwegian

  17. COMPARING GERMANIC LANGUAGES • English: The king slept in my house for two nights • Dutch: De koning sliep in mijn huis voor twee nachten. • German: Der König schlief in meinem Haus für zwei Nächte

  18. ROMANCE • [LATIN] • SPANISH • Portuguese • ITALIAN • FRENCH • Romanian

  19. We love our mother(in Romance) • Latin: nostram matrem amamus • Spanish: Amamos a nuestra madre • Italian: Amiamo la nostra madre • French: Nous aimons notre mère

  20. How Latin may have sounded 2000 years ago(http://www.rhapsodes.fll.vt.edu/audiofiles/aeneis1.mp3) • Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab orisarms man also sing-I Troy’s who first from shores • Italiam fato profugus Laviniaque venitItaly-to fate-by refugee Lavinian-also came • litora multum ille et terris iactatus et alto coasts-to much he both land-on harassed and sea-at • vi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram.force-by gods’ cruel memorable Juno’s from anger

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