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Carboeurope. Update of synthesis of continental carbon fluxes. Dourdan carboocean 2008 meeting. Carboeurope synthesis top-down / bottom up. Coastal seas (Ciais et al. 2008 after Borges et al. 68 TgC sink for European coastal seas).

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  1. Carboeurope Update of synthesis of continental carbon fluxes Dourdan carboocean 2008 meeting

  2. Carboeurope synthesis top-down / bottom up Coastal seas (Ciais et al. 2008 after Borges et al. 68 TgC sink for European coastal seas) River fluxes of C of atm origin not counted (NBP or old pools ?)

  3. Ocean - land Northern hemisphere budget Total NH land 2 Pg C y-1 70% of the land sink is in the Northern Hemisphere More than 70% of the northern land C sink is in forest Stephens et al. new inversions 1.5 ± 0.6 total NH sink Now we have too much land NH uptake We need ocean regional C budgets !

  4. ICOS Integrated Carbon Observing System Dourdan carboocean 2008 meeting

  5. Objectives Objectives of ICOS • Establish an integrated long-term research infrastructure to understand the biogeochemical cycles of greenhouse gases • Determine regional fluxes from observations and attribute them to processes (≈10 km each day) • To enable early detection of surprises • Provide regional budget information for policy support • Provide access and services for data and flux products

  6. Atmospheric, Ocean and Ecosystem Observations constrain regional fluxes Atmospheric Concentration Network Operational information system Regional fluxes Surface Flux data Carbon pools inventories

  7. Long-term observations open new ways to understand the changing carbon cycle Science, 2003 Nature, 2000 Nature, 2005 Science, 2000

  8. The knowledge challenge Example, the 2003 heatwave impact on Europe‘s carbon balance A loss of carbon equivalent to six months of fossil fuel consumption [Ciais et al. Nature, 2005]

  9. Long-term observations help reduce uncertainties of climate-carbon future projections Carbon cycle uncertainties Climate uncertainties Same economic emission scenario [IPCC report, 2007]

  10. Implementation

  11. Implementation Month 12 : User survey and requirement, data providers, data handling strategy Month 36 : Draft of legal status & governance Month 36: Expenditure and ressource plan R&D , design studies 2001-2008 Month 48: Final network assessment stations Implementation Plan Preparation 2008-2011 Carboeurope-IP Other research projects National networks Construction 2010-2012 Operational phase > 2012 Month 30 : Demonstration with few sites Month 24: Select atmospheric and ecosystem sensors Month 24 Decision on locations of: Central facilities

  12. Previous steps • ESFRI European Roadmap (2006) • Preparatory Phase program (2008-2011) • Atmospheric station prototype • Ecosystem station protoytype • Network design • Central facilities design / prototypes • Demonstration experiment • Legal organization and governance • Countries engagement • Ocean component ?

  13. Progress • Active network of National Focal Points • First Meeting with stakeholders (May, 2008) • Presentation of the project • National cost estimates • First version of network geometry • Countries Engagement • Proposal submitted in NL • Early engagement in FR • Positive signs in other countries • Network design • Concept of Level-1 and Level-2 sites established • First idea of network geometry • Atmospheric instruments testing (Sep, 2008) • Ecosystem parameters/sensors cost estimate (Apr, 2008) • Legal organisation first steps (Sep, 2008) • Consultations have started • ERI model being analyzed

  14. ICOS Stakeholders The ICOS elements ICOS Central facilities Coordination Office Carbon Portal Data from connex projects And international networks Greenhouse fluxes Assessments International programs IPCC, WMO, GEOSS Central Analytical Laboratory Ocean Thematic Centre Ecosystem Thematic Centre Atmospheric Thematic Centre Quality control Training Sensors developt Calibration Sample analysis Ocean ships and stations Ecosystem stations Atmospheric stations Ocean implementation plan being defined Global Networks GEOSS

  15. Carboocean and Carboeurope atmospheric network • Strategy into ICOS: • Reduce the cost and increase the accuracy • Harmonized protocols • All air samples analyzed in same place • 14C measurements • Standard equipment • Central data processing

  16. Present status The dense European network … … has high ‚biodiversity‘

  17. Present status The NOAA/CMDL US network

  18. Error reduction on June-to-August fluxes using atmospheric data Larger network (FP-7) Small network (FP-5)

  19. ICOS Stakeholders The ICOS elements: ecosystems ICOS Central facilities Coordination Office Carbon Portal Data from connex projects And international networks Greenhouse fluxes Assessments International programs IPCC, WMO, GEOSS Central Analytical Laboratory Ocean Thematic Centre Atmospheric Thematic Centre Ecosystem Thematic Centre Quality control Training Sensors developt Ocean ships and stations Ecosystem stations Atmospheric stations Global Networks GEOSS

  20. Building a European leadership in the global flux tower network • Sites in regions of interest to Europe : Africa, Siberia • Collaborations with other countries • The US network AMERIFLUX is moving to operational infrastructure (NEON)

  21. ICOS network 2015, the vision Ecosystems Atmosphere Ocean : observation plan A. Watson, 2008 

  22. Elements Central analytical laboratories • Central high-precision gas analysis laboratory reduces „bias“ • Air samples analysis for the whole network • Provides standards that are essential for abslute calibration of the network • Radiocarbon central facility, provides high-precision atmospheric 14C analyses for the whole ICOS network • Ring tests globally

  23. Thematic centers • Coordination of data gathering activities • Online data processing and QC • Technical and logistical assistance to the network • New sensors development and testing • Atmosphere, land and ocean complementary thematic centers • Mirror of GMES strategy

  24. ICOS Data Centre (Carbon Portal) • One-stop-shop for GHG data • User interface • Open access policy • Ecosystem data • Near real time products • Multi-data visualization interface • Tools for cross sites analysis • Atmospheric data • Near real time data products • Long term products • Quick look tools • Ancillary data • Fossil fuel emission maps • Biomass and soil C inventories • Remote sensing • Process studies • Flux products • Routine flux diagnostics • Trend analysis • Outreach and Policy information

  25. Example of flux products www.icos-infrastructure.eu

  26. Example of flux products www.icos-infrastructure.eu

  27. ICOS Governance

  28. Financial engineering Cost estimate = a 10th of a permil of the natural ‘subsidy’

  29. The ICOS Ocean component Ocean implementation plan being defined Variables and precision requirements Instruments Groups that will be involved Data architecture and management Data center(s) Governance and funding

  30. Forthcoming satellite instruments NASA OCO Expected uncertainty reduction provided by OCO for the estimation of CO2 fluxes 1-sig(post)/sig(prior) Chevallier et al., 2007

  31. Linking surface networks to upper air and space observations Satellite 0 - ~ 100km OCO GOSAT 100 Stratosphere 10 Aircraft (0-20km) Free Troposphere 1 CO2 column density from space & ground altitude (km) Tall tower (~500m) Boundary layer 0.1 0.01 Surface air sampling FTIR : GEOMON + IMECC

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