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“ ..a joint knowledge sharing program of action of salga, national & provincial governments, and nine of South Africa’s most urbanizing spaces …”. Cover page. in conversation with the NATIONAL COGTA PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE 26 th March 2013.
“ ..a joint knowledge sharing program of action of salga, national & provincial governments, and nine of South Africa’s most urbanizing spaces…” Cover page in conversation with the NATIONAL COGTA PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE 26th March 2013
Since its inception in 2001/2, the SACN has been a network of the nine largest municipalities in the country rather than a representative structure, whose objective is to: • Promote good governance and management in South African cities; • Analyse strategic challenges facing South African cities; • Collect, collate, analyse, assess, disseminate and apply the experience of large city government in a South African context; and • Promote shared learning partnerships between the different spheres of government to support the management of South African cities. Membership & Governance Board is comprised of: • COGTA, DOT, DHS, SALGA, Buffalo City Municipality, City Of Cape Town, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, City of eThekwini(Durban), City of Johannesburg, Mangaung Municipality, Msunduzi Municipality, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and the City Of Tshwane (Pretoria)
Our Programmatic Approach is derived from the Local Government White Paper and thus a analytical tool for continuous municipal performance evaluation
Why is a national cities (network) program important to a progressive Local Government agenda….. ? ….because it is giving effect to the principle of differentiated approach to supporting local government
South African municipalities are simply not the same, and therefore require differentiated solutions for differentiated problems they face
Some Key Research Agenda Issues for Local Government Sector in the next decade WORSTREAM I: Acting with a Better Understanding • Adopt urban development policy regime that seeks to strengthen productive and sustainable urban spaces • Provide local government indicators that allows better governance & interpretation at varied scales (e.g. ward, region, municipal, city region) WORKSTREAM II: Changing Built Environment Function • Addressing issues of land and land-use management • Increasing city efficiencies by improving Public Transport • Using Human Settlements to create social cohesion WORKSTREAM III: Unhesitant in Dealing with Vulnerability • Understanding better and improving local government financing model • Managing better and impacting positively on a vulnerable natural resource base • Better understanding of and enhancing rural/urban inter-dependence & interface • Building and dedicated & focused human capacity for local government • Promoting socio-political stability
GOAL: The 2016 State of the Cities Report reports on South African cities as effective drivers of local and national development. • OUTCOME INDICATORS: • Cities understand their respective developmental roles and strategies • Cities are prepared, recognised and enabled to play their developmental roles • Cites are improving and monitoring their performance in executing their development strategies and plans Strategy Framework 2012-2016 Through:Shared- learning platforms and partnerships between SACN, cities, and strategic partners which support the effective development and delivery of clear and effective City Development Strategies, enabling frameworks, and monitoring systems. Intermediate Result 1. Act with a better understanding Stakeholders are able to effectively plan, act and manage cities with increasing clarity, competence, and alignment. Intermediate Result 2. Transform the Built Environment function Cities’ spatial form and functioning are transformed to enable efficiency and effectiveness. Intermediate Result 3. Deal decisively with cities’ vulnerabilities Stakeholders are targeting and addressing specific key challenges to cities’ performance. Intermediate Result 4. Improve the image of Local Government Stakeholders have an improved experience and perception of city governance and delivery. Intermediate Result 5. Enhance the impact of SACN’s knowledge products SACN is more effective in delivering and assessing its value to policymakers & practitioners. • Outcomes: • ) Cities have credible City Development Strategiesspecifying their developmental roles and strategies • ) There is national Urban Development Policy • ) There is a robust and efficient system for measuring and monitoring City Performance Data and Indicators • ) Rural-Urban Inter-dependencies are better understood and reflected in respective policy frameworks • ) Produce State of the Cities Report IV • Outcomes: • ) There are effective Spatial Planning and Land Use Management strategies and systems for cities • ) Cities have effective Public Transport systems enabling livelihoods and economic development • ) Cities’ Human Settlements are effectively planned and used to meet developmental objectives and enhance social cohesion • Outcomes: • ) Roleplayers understand and are improving city governments’ Financial Performance and Management • ) Cities are better managing and positively impacting on a vulnerable Natural Resource base (esp. water, energy, food) • ) Adequate Human Capacity is being developed for effective delivery and management • ) Socio-political stability is being enabled through increased Social Accountability by city governments • Outcomes: • ) City leaders are able to competently champion and communicate city knowledge enabled by SACN • ) SACN is harnessing leading experts and authorities on urban development to advise and advocate for SA’s cities. • Outcomes: • ) SACN has the human, and financial capacity to deliver on its programmes and plans • ) SACN has the monitoring and evaluation capacity toreport adequately on its results and learning • ) SACN is extending its reach through effective dissemination and communication of city knowledge to the key user communities
M.T.E.F. Goals: 2012-2016 SoCR IV: Cities are drivers of change! SoCR I: Cities are important & changing SoCR II: Spatial segregation continues SoCR III: Cities are resilient LG establishment phase SACN established.... LG White Paper 1998 2002 2006 2004 2000 2011 2016
What Outcomes should the research agenda achieve ? Refresh the developmental vision of metro government Invest in productive capabilities and active citizens Not welfare and consumerism 2. Stabilise metro government and restore trust Support improvement in management systems Enhance good governance and political/ethical procedures Do more to reshape and reconfigure cities Promote integration and densification Take advantage of devolution of housing & transport
What should be the SA Cities Network SCOPE of Work? Decreasing SACN functions & intensity...
These are spaces where most South Africans are living Difference of only 200 000 b/w top 2 Population Clear break between top 5 and other cities Relatively even spread of people across SA towns outside top 5 Tshwane’s population > twice NMB Over the 500 000 mark Source: 2010 population figures from IHS Global Insight
Distribution of resources does not reflect the importance of local government sector, thus making cities more and more vulnerable
CULTIVATING INNOVATION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT THE STRATEGY The focus of this innovation management is to help LG to respond to an external or internal opportunity, and use its creative efforts to introduce new ideas, processes and share unique local knowledge and experience. We approach this Innovation management in three distinct ways: 3. 1 / RECOGNIZE & AWARD Create an awards platform that recognise innovation. 3.2 / DOCUMENT & SHARE Create a centralised online platform through which to manage innovation and disseminate experiential learning. 3.3 / BUILD CAPACITY Create a capacity building forum informed by the above platforms to further stimulate a culture of innovation.
“ Local government is the sphere of government that interacts closest with communities, is responsible for the services and infrastructure so essential to our people’s well being, and is tasked with ensuring growth and development of communities in a manner that enhances community participation and accountability.” The White Paper on Local Government / 9 March 1998. Thank you