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SEIU 1000 Council Meeting

Learn how to effectively position ourselves for the future at the SEIU 1000 Council Meeting. Gain insights on goal alignment, teamwork, and innovation. Don't miss out!

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SEIU 1000 Council Meeting

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  1. SEIU 1000 Council Meeting Survival Is A Lousy Goal: Positioning Ourselves For The Future Presented by: Linda Tarrant Linda Tarrant


  3. 23,000 Employees Said Stephen Covey 37%clear understanding of org. goals 1:5 enthusiastic about goals 1:5 connect their task to team/org goals 15% org enables them to achieve goal 20% trust the org. they work for

  4. Soccer Team Seephen Covey 4/11 know which goal is theirs 2/11 care 2/11 know what position they play & what they are supposed to do 9/11 competing against their own team Only 2 are trying to score w/out the help of their team

  5. “If you want a plan implemented,a company organized, work redesigned or many problems solved at once, get as many key stakeholders as possible in one room and ask them to work on the task together.Use a wide-angle lens. Help people find meaning in their workplace. It’s not the‘best way’ …it’s quite simply the only way.” Marvin Weisbord, Productive Workplaces

  6. The Art of Perspective Home sweet home Those darn leaves!!! I’ve got to go! $$$$$ Home sweet home Ode to a tree’ Lightning!

  7. Global Leader Study “events, opportunities and threats aren't just coming at us faster or with less predictability; they are converging and influencing each other to create entirely unique situations.” Sam Palmisano, Chairman of IBM

  8. 79% anticipate more complexity ahead Innovation & creativity are the most important leadership qualities We must take more calculated risks,find new ideas and keep innovating We must create solutions with our customers (internal and external) and integrate them into our core processes Global Leader Study

  9. The Ceiling of Complexity Growth occurs in stages. Within eachstage there comes to a point where it’s not possible to base further growth upon existing knowledge, skills, attitudes, structures, staffing, money, procedures, technology...

  10. It’s hard to plot a rational course in an irrational environment. So don’t be blinded by reason or logic. Be ever vigilant. Take a nap and you could wake up like Rip Van Winkle! Watts Wacker, The 500 Year Delta

  11. Learning Exhaustion SEIU 1000 Opportunity Fear Excitement

  12. A leader is a person you’d follow into a place that you wouldn’t go to by yourself

  13. “Passion is what motivates others to join you in pursuit of your great dream. It is a product of the heart.With passion you overcome insurmountable odds and obstacles - you become unstoppable.” Andy Andrews, The Noticer

  14. We Thrive on Learning • The brain is hardwired to enable routine but it has an innate desire to create novel connections • Ask questions to stimulate learning • When we ‘learn’ the brain releases neurotransmitters like adrenaline:we get a RUSH • Insight is personal and measurable;hardwire with repeated attention

  15. Loyalty to the pastis a treacherous thingin a world of rapid change

  16. “An organization is a system, with a logic of it’s own, and all the weight of tradition and inertia. The deck is stacked in favor of the tried and proven way of doing things and against the taking of risks and striking out in a new direction.” John D. Rockefeller III

  17. Past/present focus Pain Fear Getting by Survival…

  18. Conditions Life forms

  19. Stronger Together Get Focused Innovate Get connected Stay agile Have Fun!

  20. Finished files are the result of years of scientific study and hundreds of research projects

  21. Of OV

  22. Change Enemy #1 Delusional optimism: Seeing the world through rose colored glasses

  23. The Neuroscience of Change David Rock & Jeffrey Schwartz, The Neuroscience of Leadership Focus is power: the act of paying attention creates chemical and physical changes Expectations shape reality Repeated, purposeful and focused attention leads to long-lasting change

  24. All my life I wanted to be somebody. Now I see I should have been more specific. Lily Tomlin In Search of Intelligent Life in the Universe

  25. Money sex power

  26. The words that we use to describe our reality prescribe our reaction to that reality. David Crombie

  27. Why We Miss Things • We aren’t looking • We are looking at other things • We construct limited and linear models to keep things simple • The 80/20 rule: simple or overwhelmed • We edit out the salient features • Can’t consciously change

  28. Innovators3% Early Adaptors12% Early Majority 35% Late Majority 35% Laggers15% Adapting to Change 40% 30% 20% 10% 0

  29. Change Resistance? What looks like resistance may be a lack of clarity, exhaustion, threat or the situation. Don’t assume the reason and don’t take it personally.

  30. Awaken Creativity New ideas daily Try “3”; try “7” Be opportunistic Get multiple perspectives

  31. AEF BCD

  32. “The ability to constructively face the tensions of opposing ideas, and, instead of choosing one at the expense of the other, generate creative resolution in the form of a new idea that contains elements of the opposing ideas, but is superior to each.” Roger Martin, The Opposable Mind

  33. Roger Martin The Opposable Mind Integrative Thinking • Take a broad view ofwhat might be important - scan • Search for creative resolution of tension rather than accept unpleasant trade offs • Complexity is messy and it can lead to better decisions

  34. Creation Not Compromise Don’t settle for either/or solutions: become an “and”organization Engage a broad range of perspectives Be a “can-do”thinker Don’t get rule-bound

  35. Heterogeneous groups are more adaptive than homogeneous groups. Diversityis the source of innovation & long-term adaptability. Diversity is challenging!

  36. Me we SEIU 1000

  37. Need for Safety Brain only has friends or foes: different circuit for each Changing a pattern/process activates a threat response Threats zap energy & decrease productivity, accuracy & focus

  38. Connect for Results The tougher the sell…the tighterthe intimate human bond must be

  39. Engagement: When a person feels a heightened sense of emotional connection –a connection that influences the person to exert greater discretionary effort to the see results. The Conference Board of Canada

  40. Keep People Engaged Curiosity arises from gaps in knowledge The simple act of committingto an answer makes peoplemore engaged & curious If we believe we know the answer, we don’t keep looking

  41. P2E2 • Preparation • Planning • Execution • Evolution

  42. What to let go of? • Fears • Excuses • Attitudes that get in your way • The good old days • Destructive relationships • Please add your own Stuff in the basement Binders that you never read Routines The “to do” list Commitments you can’t keep More than 3/5 goals

  43. Stay Agile • Stretch, train, get a coach • Follow your passion • Stay strategic • Mentor, inspire, coach others • Listen • Question, challenge, let go • Never give up…

  44. Have fun! Life’s too long to be miserable!

  45. In this world you either make dust or eat dust!

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