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HOW TO STOP THE CURSE AMONG CHILDREN OF INMATES DETERRING THEM FROM BEING LIKE THEIR PARENTS. Presented By Dr. Cleveland Houser Prison Ministries Consultant and Trainer. DEMOGRAPHICS. 7.3 Million children in the us have a parent in prison or who has left the system

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  1. HOW TO STOP THE CURSE AMONG CHILDREN OF INMATES DETERRING THEM FROM BEING LIKE THEIR PARENTS Presented By Dr. Cleveland Houser Prison Ministries Consultant and Trainer

  2. DEMOGRAPHICS • 7.3 Million children in the us have a parent in prison or who has left the system • 70% of these children end up in jail unless a caring adult intervenes • Children of inmates are prone to act out in school or drop out

  3. 2.3 Million men and women are incarcerated in state and federal prisons • One in eight American children have had a parent in prison at some point in their lives. • 65% of female inmates have children • 6% or more of female inmates are pregnant

  4. In most cases 93% of children of prisoners have fathers who are in jail • 49% of inmates with children are African Americans • Children of prisoners are seven times more likely than their peers to be incarcerated and six times more likely to be incarcerated in their life time

  5. SPECIFIC STRUGGLES FOR THOSE LEFT BEHIND • Developmental issues hardships- socially, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually • Poverty • Labeling and social stigmas • Community and church expectations

  6. ROCKY ROAD FOR CHILDREN OF PRISONERS • Impaired development • Low self-esteem • Anger and depression • Emotional numbering and withdrawal from friends and family • Feeling of abandonment, loneliness, shame, guilt, and resentment

  7. Eating and sleeping disorders • Diminished academic performance • Inappropriate or disruptive behavior at home and in school

  8. PARENTAL INCARCERATION OFTEN ADDS TO THEIR CHILDREN! • Stress • Family instability • Financial strain • Strife and abuse • Stigmatization from their peers • Stigmatization from their teachers • Stigmatization from society

  9. The assumption that they too will go to prison • Shame and rejection • To embarrassing to talk to friends, teachers etc about their parents incarceration

  10. CHILDREN OF PRISONERS ARE IMAGE BEARERS • Made in image of God • Known by God • The fatherless and orphaned • Forgotten by society • Most likely to become prisoners • Special opportunities to break the cycle

  11. PARENTAL INCARCERATION LEADS TO A RIPPLE OF VIOLENCE AMONG CHILDREN • Violence as a way of achieving justice is both impractical and immoral – M L King • Violence self destructs • The old law an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind • Violence humiliates an opponent rather than win his understanding

  12. Violence annihilates rather than converts • Violence strives on hatred rather that love • Violence creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers

  13. BEGIN EARLY TO DEFEAT THE CYCLE • Children have numerous needs • They need care takers to provide for their physical and medical needs • They need to be told the truth about their parents situation • They need the companionship of others who share their circumstances

  14. They don’t need to be judged or stigmatized because of their parents situation • They need to be treated with respect • They need to be offered opportunities that are offered to others • They need to be recognized as having potential

  15. SUPPORTIVE ADULT MENTORS CAN HELP YOUTH AVOID RISK BEHAVIORS THAT LEAD TO INCARCERATION • It helps to make successful transitions to adulthood. • Supportive adult mentoring result in a significant decrease in drug and alcohol abuse among youth

  16. Supportive adult mentoring decrease physical violence • Mentored youth improve in school attendance • Mentored youth improve in academic achievement and have a sense of self worth • Mentored youth improve in peer and family relationships

  17. BE A GOOD MENTOR HELP YOUTH AVOID CRIME AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE • By establishing and effective one-to-one relationship • Meet with the youth once a week • If possible call at least once a week

  18. Always be available for the youth to talk to you if situations warrants your counsel • Involve the youth’s parents or guardians • Provide structure the youth to engage with the mentor • Conduct mentoring activities outside school • Take the youth on outings mall, restaurant, park, etc…

  19. HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT WILL ENSURE YOUTH TO AVOID THE CURSE • Teach the youth to be patient with him / herself • Teach them how to be honest and truthful • Teach them core values, dignity, respect, work ethics, social and spiritual values, etc…

  20. Teach the importance of trusting in God, Prayer, Faith, and Personal relationship through study and devotion • Teach abstinence from substance abuse and risky sexual behavior • Teach them how to respect authority and how to avoid engaging in activities with peers that culminate in criminal activities

  21. Teach them how to choose friends and how to avoid gang relationships • Teach them how to build self esteem and to increase self worth • Teach them how to have a positive attitude and how to believe in themselves • Increase self confidence and to believe that all things are possible through Christ

  22. Teach them that they can be anything in life that they want to be • Teach them that their dreams can be reached and that they don’t have to conclude that prison is the ultimate conclusion for them • Acquaint them with all of the spiritual, social, and physical resources that they need to be successful, productive, law abiding citizens in the communities of their choice

  23. Finally, teach them that prison is not an option for them – THE CURSE STOPS HERE!

  24. CHILDREN OF PRISONERS- JOHANN C. ARNOLD • Made in the image of God • Known by God • The fatherless and orphaned • Forgotten by society labeled by society • Most likely to become prisoners • Special opportunity to break the cycle

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