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Fast Track Modifications Keith Reinsmith PPL Susquehanna

Fast Track Modifications Keith Reinsmith PPL Susquehanna. Tuesday June 3, 2008. Fast Track Modifications. Plant changes are the biggest exposure to the health of a station’s CM program Plants have strong processes and controls around ‘normal’ modifications

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Fast Track Modifications Keith Reinsmith PPL Susquehanna

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  1. Fast Track Modifications Keith ReinsmithPPL Susquehanna Tuesday June 3, 2008

  2. Fast Track Modifications • Plant changes are the biggest exposure to the health of a station’s CM program • Plants have strong processes and controls around ‘normal’ modifications • Often are challenged to accelerate this process to get a modification developed and implemented quickly (a fast track modification) • Higher risk of errors, near misses, and CM issues exist from this type of modification.

  3. Fast Track Modifications • A plant change that is scoped, designed, planned, installed and tested all in a very short time frame. • Typically in response to an emergent degraded plant condition or to address a new regulatory requirement or discovered non-compliance. • Poses challenges to human performance and Configuration Management

  4. Human Performance Challenges • Engineer Fatigue • Lack of attention-to-detail • Working to assumptions that were not or could not be validated • Inadequate peer reviews • Imprecise or incomplete communications among project team members • Inadequate vendor oversight • Inadequate post-mod training (operators, maintenance personnel)

  5. CM Challenges • Insufficient inputs to design (wrong solution) • Incomplete designs • Latent errors introduced • Overlooked impacted FCI sources • Concurrent design/ installation • Insufficient planning of installation • Installation problems requiring design rework • Inadequate post-installation testing

  6. Logistics Challenges • Material availability/ expediting • Lack of qualified workers (engrs/ craft) • System availability

  7. How to Mitigate Risks • Requires a disciplined approach; can’t let schedule drive process • Need to recognize and address potential error traps • Develop special actions to mitigate identified risks. • Breakout Session: Looking for industry best practices to improve performance in Fast Track modifications

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