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Sc1 Scientific enquiry /Woodfield Wanderers Outdoor Learning Sc2 Life processes and living things

 KS2 Year 5 & 6 Keen to be Green Science Focus T1 Year 1 2016-2017. SMSC The Learning Team The 4 Rs Assertive mentoring – Keen to be green SEAL – 1.New Beginnings 2.Getting on and falling out / relationships. Drivers Enterprise –Garden Shop Diversity –

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Sc1 Scientific enquiry /Woodfield Wanderers Outdoor Learning Sc2 Life processes and living things

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  1.  KS2 Year 5 & 6 Keen to be Green Science Focus T1 Year 1 2016-2017 SMSC The Learning Team The 4 Rs Assertive mentoring – Keen to be green SEAL – 1.New Beginnings 2.Getting on and falling out / relationships Drivers Enterprise –Garden Shop Diversity – Emotional awareness – independence Aspiration – Research at Met Office join the Climate Team. Monitoring UK climate Discovery Educational Visit Wider opportunities The Good Life - benefits Allotment Recycle centre  Learning Challenge  A new green product – drawing up a grand green design to take to the dragon’s den. Gardening journal – Record, describe, plot, chart, draw, photograph. Can I make a difference? Literacy Model Mapping Saving the planet –superheroes Non-fiction Persuasive writing Non-fiction Newspaper reports Poetry – saving the Earth Assertive mentoring systems Shadow drama ‘Attraction’ * Developing their own recycled park. ( Launch learning groups) Languages – Scheme of work Sc1 Scientific enquiry /Woodfield Wanderers Outdoor Learning Sc2 Life processes and living things Sc3 Materials and their properties Sc4 Physical processes Science Y5: Space / Earth Pupils should be taught to: • Describe the movement of Earth & other planets, relative to the sun in the solar system. • Describe movement of moon relative to Earth. • Describe sun, earth moon as approximately spherical bodies • Day & night – rotation. • Constilation tube Science Y6: Electricity / Light Pupils should be taught to: • Travels in straight lines • Objects are seen as they are reflected into the eye. • How we see • Shadows • Voltage in relation to brightness of bulb/ volume of buzzer • Compare & give reasons for variation. • Use and recognise scientific symbols. • Photogram Religious Education Autumn 1 Christianity –Harvest Festival Y5 Hinduiam – Belief in 1 God Y6 Buddhiam - Siddattha Gotama Autumn 2 Christianity –Jesus’ birth Y5 Hinduiam – Diwali , symbols associated with festival foods Y6 Buddhism – The Bodhi tree. Key Text Stig of the Dump The Iron man – Ted Hughes Zoo in the Sky Muddle Earth – Stewart & Riddle. Geography Map focus – tracing food from source to table. UK Climate – types of food that grow and why. Eco houses Music Environmental Song Writing & performing. Michael Jackson’s Earth Song Numeracy Big Maths Numeracy Curriculum Assertive Mentoring Systems. Computing Programming A and B Y5 Unit 5.5 Decisions on inputs Unit 5.6 Conditional repeats Y6 Unit 6.5 Variables and Decisions Unit 6.6 Variables. Art/DT Outdoor Activities Make a musical intrument Woodland collage Tree bark collage Shadow boxes constellations P.E Dance insipred by ‘Stomp’ Dance group using environmental sound.

  2.  KS2 Year 5 & 6 Invasion Discover Focus T2 Year 1 Learning Challenge  What do you need to develop a working settlement? Can you plot invasions on the timeline? Would I like to live in a castle? Who has invaded Britain? Why invade Great Britain? What did they leave behind? Drivers Enterprise – Make and sell artefacts Diversity – Cultures which have amalgamated Emotional awareness – being a warrior –Aspiration – The Anglosaxon Builder SMSC The Learning Team The 4 Rs Assertive mentoring – Keen to be green SEAL - 1.Going for goals 2.Say no to bullying Discovery Educational Visit – Jorvik / Conisbrough Castle/Shakespeare company Wider opportunities Religious Education Spring 1 Christianity – The bible Y5 Hinduism, stories about Rama and Krishna Y6 Buddhism, Stories of Budda as a wise teacher Spring 2 Christianity Changing face of Christianity. Y5 Hinduaism, Observance of Puja, Holi festival Y6 Buddhism, Community as layers of people Languages – Scheme of work Literacy Model Mapping Non-fiction Persuasive writing Non-fiction Newspaper reports Poetry –Assertive Mentoring systems Languages – spanish Viking Sagas Castles – Information text Sc1 Scientific enquiry /Woodfield Wanderers Outdoor Learning Sc2 Life processes and living things Sc3 Materials and their properties Sc4 Physical processes Science Y5:Animals & humans/Forces Pupils should be taught to: Describe the changes as humans develop to old age. Timeline growth Animal gestation in comparison to humans Explain that unsupported objects fall towards earth. Identify effects of air, water resistance - friction. Recognise some mechanisms including levers, pulleys & gears. Science Y6: Evolution/ AT1 revision Pupils should be taught to: Recognise that living things changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things inhabiting the earth millions of years ago. Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution. AT1 – investigation focus Key Text Horrible Histories – Vicious Vikings. The Sword in the stone Shakespeare – Twelfth Night (fool Jester) Earth in danger series. History Stone age to Iron age. Changes Viking & Anglosaxons Late Neolithic Settlements Hunter gatherers Tools & agriculture Bronze age Viking invasions Skara Brae. Anglosaxons – Invasions/ settlements/kingdoms – Village life. Anglosaxons – laws & Justice. Castles Invasions on map – landing spread. Numeracy Big Maths Numeracy Curriculum Assertive Mentoring Systems. Music Jesters – court music Lute / harps Greensleeves Scarborough fayre Compose own song that tells a story. Art/DT Outdoor Activities Cross-sectional and exploded diagrams of castles/ settlements 3d settlement developed Gears / pulleys drawbridge Longboat Art Castle design Challenge Design a castle based on Motte & Bailey quick construction techniques (3d model) Computing Y5 -5.1 Photo narrative and Graphical modelling. Y6 -6.1 Working collaboratively Online. Calculate Eco footprints on web. Consider how such a calculation is reached P.E Small sided games and their development over the ages. Attacking & defending principles Specialist Teacher Swimming (Y5)

  3.  KS2 Year 5 & 6 Natural Disasters Explore Focus T3 Year 1 Languages – Scheme of work Learning Challenge  What is a natural disaster? Where do volcanos, earthquakes and tsunamis happen? Why would you live near a volcano or earthquake zone? How are victims of natural disasters supported? Drivers Enterprise – Newspaper to sell Diversity – Aid , Red cross, Army. Emotional awareness –Aspiration – Travel and tourism. Discovery Educational Visit –Scarborough Barracks Wider opportunities Religious Education Summer 1 Christianity - Pilgrimages Y5 Hinduism Knowledge of origins. Summer 2 Christianity – prayers said in church Y5 Hinduism, Comparing beliefs in practice Year 6 Mayan Gods Taoism / Jainism SMSC The Learning Team The 4 Rs SEAL 1 Good to be me 2 Changes – Literacy Model Mapping Non-fiction Persuasive writing Non-fiction Newspaper reports Poetry –Assertive Mentoring systems Languages – Spanish News reports Explanations. Instructions evacuation Sc1 Scientific enquiry /Woodfield Wanderers Outdoor Learning Sc2 Life processes and living things Sc3 Materials and their properties Sc4 Physical processes Science Y5: Living Things/Properties of Materials Pupils should be taught to: Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird. Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants & animals. Compare & group materials on the basis of their properties giving reasons for their particular use. Knowledge that some materials will dissolve. Separating solids, liquids & gases. Reversible / non reversible changes. Science Y6: Animals including Humans/living things Pupils should be taught to: Describe how animals are classified into broad groups according to characteristics. Give reasons for classification. Identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system ( function of heart, blood vessels & blood). Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs & lifestyle. Describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported. Volcano chemical reactions. Geography Pompeii Tectonic plates Significant physical features. Locating volcanos & earthquake areas Ordinance survey maps and compass . Plans and graphs of earthquakes. Data collection on eruption. San Francisco Tsunami Aid Agencies Ash Cloud Key Text Running Wild MichealMorpurgo You wouldn’t want to live in Pompeii. Epic Escape the Volcano – Stephanie Dagg The Twenty-one Balloons Numeracy Big Maths Numeracy Curriculum Assertive Mentoring Systems. P.E Creative dance – eruptions Swimming Y5 Control & balance Orienteering Army assault course. Computing Y5 -5.4 Networks. Y6 -6.4 Data and Information. Video & Jingle for news report. Data – plotting information Art/DT Outdoor Activities Design Make evaluate -your own volcano Pompeii volcano art Orienteering our local environment. Music Music that builds to crusendo

  4.  KS2 Year 5 & 6 Thrills and Spills Science Focus T1 Year 2 2017-2018 Discovery Educational Visit – Hatfield water park Skate park BMX track SMSC The Learning Team The 4 Rs Assertive mentoring – Keen to be green SEAL – 1.New Beginnings 2.Getting on and falling out / relationships Learning Challenge What makes fairground rides fun? What would my parents jobs be if we lived by the sea? Should I build a house by the sea? How can I depict movement in art? Can I make a moving model? Which words best describe my feeling when on a ride? Drivers Enterprise –ChristmadFayre Diversity – Romany Emotional awareness – independence Aspiration – Sporting hero Languages – Scheme of work Literacy Model Mapping Persuasive writing –Non-fiction Newspaper reports Poetry – Fairground shape poems and Moaps Assertive mentoring systems Visitor information leaflet ‘Theme park design Script writing Sc1 Scientific enquiry /Woodfield Wanderers Outdoor Learning Sc2 Life processes and living things Sc3 Materials and their properties Sc4 Physical processes Science Y5: Space / Earth Pupils should be taught to: • Describe the movement of Earth & other planets, relative to the sun in the solar system. • Describe movement of moon relative to Earth. • Describe sun, earth moon as approximately spherical bodies • Day & night – rotation. • Constilation tube Science Y6: Electricity / Light Pupils should be taught to: • Travels in straight lines • Objects are seen as they are reflected into the eye. • How we see • Shadows • Voltage in relation to brightness of bulb/ volume of buzzer • Compare & give reasons for variation. • Use and recognise scientific symbols. • Photogram Religious Education Autumn 1 Christianity –Harvest Festival Y5 Hinduiam – Belief in 1 God Y6 Buddhiam - Siddattha Gotama Autumn 2 Christianity –Jesus’ birth Y5 Hinduiam – Diwali, symbols and festival foods Y6 Buddhism – The Bodhi tree. Key Text Cirque du Freak Circus mania – Douglas McPherson Non – fiction extreme sports Phoenix – Jeff Stone. Geography Human geography – types of settlements Economic activity. Geographical skills and fieldwork History History of fairgrounds Freak shows Historical sketches Numeracy Big Maths Numeracy Curriculum Assertive Mentoring Systems. Money P.E Mr Dan – circus skills Balance, Julggling. Developing flexibility and control. Specialist PE teacher Swimming (Y5) Computing Y5 5.2 Working with Audio Y6 6.2 Film Making. Control – rides and light systems Speeds - Starting and stopping Ariel plans for a fairground Art/DT Outdoor Activities Design own extreme obstacle course. Design own Big Top Fairground rides – cog, levers, pulleys – mechanical systems. Drip and Splash art – movement Art sculptures. Music Sounds of the circus Trumpet fanfare Seaside music

  5.  KS2 Year 5 & 6 Spirit of Doncaster Discover Focus T2 Year 2 Drivers Enterprise – Bake Off Doncaster. Style fashion show Diversity – Arthur Warton – First professional black footballer Emotional awareness – Independence Aspiration – Doncaster Advocates SMSC The Learning Team The 4 Rs Assertive mentoring – Keen to be green SEAL - 1.Going for goals 2.Say no to bullying Learning Challenge  Where is Doncaster on a British Isles Map? Do you know how many mines there were in Doncaster? Who do you know who is famous and from Doncaster? What is The Mallard? Discovery Educational Visit – Doncaster Races and Keepmoat -As the crow flies route planning to partner school (Woodfield/ RHPS) Sc1 Scientific enquiry /Woodfield Wanderers Outdoor Learning Sc2 Life processes and living things Sc3 Materials and their properties Sc4 Physical processes Science Y5:Animals & humans/Forces Pupils should be taught to: Describe the changes as humans develop to old age. Timeline growth Animal gestation in comparison to humans Explain that unsupported objects fall towards earth. Identify effects of air, water resistance - friction. Recognise some mechanisms including levers, pulleys & gears. Science Y6: Evolution/ AT1 revision Pupils should be taught to: Recognise that living things changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things inhabiting the earth millions of years ago. Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution. AT1 – investigation focus Religious Education Spring 1 Christianity – Doncaster Minster Y5 Hinduism, stories about Rama and Krishna Y6 Buddhism, Stories of Budda as a wise teacher Spring 2 Christianity –Local Christian denominations Y5 Hinduaism, Observance of Puja, Holi festival Y6 Buddhism, Community as layers of people Literacy Model Mapping Fiction – Narratives / descriptions Persuasive writing – Come to Doncaster Non-fiction - Comparisons Newspaper reports Information texts Key Text Doncaster then and now Doncaster Railways The Railway Children History Doncaster then and now – Fashion, transport , occupations, Horse racing through time. Clarkson – famous people – then move back in time. Mining 1984-85’6 Keegan 1970’s Mallard Doncaster Rovers River Don Geography Transport networks Compare maps and photos Doncaster Tool Kit Robin Hood Airport Numeracy Big Maths Numeracy Curriculum Assertive Mentoring Systems. Race cards Timetables Odds – fractions Art/DT Outdoor Activities Hat / fascinator design and make for the races Kit for Doncaster Rovers and rugby teams. Lowry stick men Music Sounds of the circus Trumpet fanfare Famour musicians / music from Doncaster (One Diretcion) Computing Y5 -5.3 Search Engines and the Web Y6 -6.3 Spreadsheet modelling Controlling – light systems Aerial plans Ordnance Survey Maps P.E Competitive games Specialist Teacher Swimming (Y5) Languages – Scheme of work

  6.  KS2 Year 5 & 6 Mysterious Mayans Explore Focus T3 Year 2 Learning Challenge Who were the Mayans? Where were the Mayans from? Did they worship any Gods? What is fair trade? What goes into chocolate? Learning Challenge Who were the Mayans? Where were the Mayans from? Did they worship any Gods? What is fair trade? What goes into chocolate? Discovery Educational Visit – York Nestle, Cadbury’s world Coop fair trade Drivers Enterprise – Make and sell chocolate Diversity – Mayan culture Emotional awareness –Aspiration – Travel and tourism SMSC The Learning Team The 4 Rs Assertive mentoring SEAL 1 Good to be me 2 Changes – – Sc1 Scientific enquiry /Woodfield Wanderers Outdoor Learning Sc2 Life processes and living things Sc3 Materials and their properties Sc4 Physical processes Science Y5: Living Things/Properties of Materials Pupils should be taught to: Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird. Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants & animals. Compare & group materials on the basis of their properties giving reasons for their particular use. Knowledge that some materials will dissolve. Separating solids, liquids & gases. Reversible / non reversible changes. Science Y6: Animals including Humans/living things Pupils should be taught to: Describe how animals are classified into broad groups according to characteristics. Give reasons for classification. Identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system ( function of heart, blood vessels & blood). Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs & lifestyle. Describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported. Volcano chemical reactions. Literacy Non Chronological (report Diary (life of a Mayan) Poetry Persuasive Writing (Fair Trade) Instructional Text – recipes and Mayan board game Religious Education Y5 Hinduism Summer 1 Knowledge of origings of Hinduism. Summer 2 Comparing beliefs in practice Year 6 Mayan Gods Taoism / Jainism Languages – Scheme of work Geography/ Fair trade – trade links and charting maps Distribution of natural resources Location – Indus Valley Empire History Civilisation formed Fall of the empire Worshiping the Gods Development of astronomy/ calendar systems and writing Manufacturing chocolate Archaic period , Pre-classic period, Classic period Key Text Mayan Incan and Aztec civilisation – Carson Dellosa Ancient Maya – Jackie Maloy You wouldn’t want to be a Mayan Soothsayer – Rupert Matthews The Chocolate Tree – Linda Lowery Numeracy Big Maths Numeracy Curriculum Assertive Mentoring Systems. Art/DT Outdoor Activities Mayan pottery and weavings Mayan masks (priests) Food – chocolate (HE) Observational drawings of ancient structures Computing Programming A and B Y5 Unit 5.5 Decisions on inputs Unit 5.6 Conditional repeats Y6 Unit 6.5 Variables and Decisions Unit 6.6 Variables Research – understand computer networks including the internet Creating presentations (from coco to shop) P.E Mayan Games (Key Text – Rupert Matthews). Swimming (Y5) Music Create own instruments to play (clay flutes, panpipes, scrapers, rattling cup)

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