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Researchers Find Cancer Remedies to kill Cancer Cells

Researchers Find Cancer Remedies to kill Cancer Cells

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Researchers Find Cancer Remedies to kill Cancer Cells

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  1. Researchers Find Cancer Remedies to kill CancerCells As it turns out, scorpion venom can indeed be beneficial for the medical world so valued that expensive. Although known to be very dangerous, scorpion venom it has protein chain facilities ( chlorotoxin ). Site askabiologist.asu.edu call this protein is able to stop and turn off the cell. The special ability is developed the scientists to kill cancer cells and can be one optional for natural cancer remedies. Meanwhile,Dr.JimOlsonofSeattleChildren'sHospitalandFredHutchinsonCancerResearch Center, Seattle, Usa, called protein in scorpion venom can paralyze cancer cells that attack the brain. Content in in scorpion venom called could be the solution to penetrate the membrane around blood vessels of the brain safely. That is, these proteins not only bind to and knock out cancer cells, but also cancer cells that radiant so as to facilitate the surgeon to lift itcompletely. Of about 2,000 species of scorpions worldwide, only 30's that has a poison strong enough to kill a human. However, scorpions are very dangerous such as Chinese golden scorpion, blue scorpion, Israeli scorpion, the deathstalker scorpion is precisely that used as the objectof

  2. medical research. Special to the blue scorpion, a scorpion is a most malignant is considered as the most potential to be adrug. Figure of medical find the fact that scorpion venom can be used as a cancer drug is Demetrio Rodriguez Fajardo. Men of Mexican origin, this even finding this amazing fact when she was 17 years old. Now, at just 21 years of age, Demetrio still be a doctoral student atthe Universidad de Guadalajara and his findings even already getting recognition from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of the United States (FDA) to be used as a breast cancer remedies. Now, more and more researchers who developed scorpion venom to be used as cancer remediesother diseases such as heart failure and various types of cancer otherdeadly. Seehowlargethebenefitsfromscorpionvenom,canbeunderstoodrightwhythepricecanbe veryexpensive?

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