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NACADA Emerging Leaders Program. http:// www.nacada.ksu.edu/Events-Programs/Emerging-Leaders-Program.aspx. The Importance of Goal Setting. Prevents stagnation Helps provide work with more purpose and meaning Holds goal setter accountable Provides measurable outcome for success
NACADA Emerging Leaders Program http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Events-Programs/Emerging-Leaders-Program.aspx
The Importance of Goal Setting • Prevents stagnation • Helps provide work with more purpose and meaning • Holds goal setter accountable • Provides measurable outcome for success • Strengthens personal values • Can improve performance and engagement
Diversity Broadly Defined • Ethnicity • Gender • Gender identity • Sexual orientation • Institutional type • Institutional size • Employment position • International
Program Objectives • Identify potential leaders from currently underrepresented NACADA member constituencies • Support development of skills necessary to successfully obtain leadership positions • Provide opportunities for connection and encourage involvement • Provide support network to foster leadership development
Leadership Broadly Defined • Elected and appointed positions at many levels, including in division units, at the division level, at the Council level, at the Board of Directors level • Elected and appointed positions within various work groups, committees, advisory boards, and task forces • As a NACADA consultant • Writing for NACADA publications • Presenting at NACADA conferences
Emerging Leaders’ Achievements • Emerging Leaders currently chair, or have chaired, Regions Melinda Anderson 2011-2013 Class Chair Region 2 Amy Korthank 2012-2014 Class Chair Region 6 Rodney Mondor 2008-2010 Class Chair Region 1
Emerging Leaders’ Achievements • Emerging Leaders have chaired Conferences Susan Anderson 2008-2010 Class Chair - 2012 Region 6 Conference José Rodriguez 2007-2009 Class Chair - 2010 Annual Conference
Academic Advising Today Authors • A number of ELPers have written articles for AAT • ELP-related articles are linked from the ELP homepage
Emerging Leaders Say… • Terri Baker Miller (2012-2014 Class), University of California-San Diego “Sometimes in life you need an extra push to become a better version of yourself. The ELP program helped to do that for me. My time within the program was well spent… the connections that I have made will inspire me to continue challenging myself and creating new goals… I am eternally grateful to the NACADA ELP program for jump starting the next steps in my career and involvement with a community of academic advisors who inspire and support me.”
Emerging Leaders Say… • Heather Doyle (2009–2011 Class), Dalhousie University "The Emerging Leader program has not only increased my involvement within NACADA, but it has also influenced how I do my job, and how advising is structured on my campus. The involvement that I have had, the opportunities that I have been exposed to and the life long connections I have made, make ELP one of the best experiences I have ever had; not only professionally, but also personally. Thank you NACADA for such an amazing program!”
Application Process for Leaders The basic requirements for eligibility: • Active member of NACADA for at least two years • Able to demonstrate active involvement in the association • Willing to make two-year commitment • Articulate goals for increasing involvement in NACADA leadership and how taking part in the program will support those goals • Articulate how their participation in the program will support the program goal of providing intentional leadership development to members of underrepresented populations within NACADA • Institutional support for attending at least two of the three Annual Conferences that will occur during the program period • Agree to participate in personal and program evaluation and assessment
Mentors Say… • JP Regalado (2011-2013 Class), Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi " I knew that I needed to apply to be an ELP Mentor but I hesitated for many years because I didn't know if I could commit the time that was necessary. Now that I am a mentor, I can't believe I waited so long! It has truly been one of the best professional experiences in my career. My mentee and I talk on a regular basis and have become great friends. I am grateful for having the opportunity to "mentor" her but I have gotten as much out of the experience as she has.”
Mentors Say… • Jennifer Bloom (2007-2009 and Class), University of South Carolina-Columbia " My experience as an Emerging Leader mentor has been one of the highlights of my career. I have learned as much from my mentee as I hope he has learned from me. We have a supportive relationship that allows us to challenge each other to fulfill our potentials as leaders in, and contributors to, the field of advising. Our relationship will not stop at the end of the two years in the ELP. Instead, we have built a trust and rapport that I treasure and am committed to continuing to nurture for life.”
Application Process for Mentors The basic requirements for eligibility: • Member of NACADA for at least two years and be a current member • Two-year obligation and secure institutional support • Current or past NACADA Leader • Provide guidance and support for assigned Emerging Leader • Provide feedback on Emerging Leader's monthly progress report • Attend annual conferences, at Mentor's expense, and meet with Emerging Leader • Willing to attend gatherings at regional or annual conferences to meet others in the program • Participate in mid-year and end of year evaluations with Emerging Leader
Why Mentoring Matters • To be successful in any field, aspiring leaders require role models and guidance. • A mentor affects the professional life of a mentee by fostering insight, identifying needed knowledge, and expanding growth opportunities. • Mentoring gives you the extraordinary opportunity to facilitate a mentee's personal and professional growth by sharing knowledge you learned through years of experience. • Mentoring is more than the transfer of advice, knowledge and insights.
Orientation • Orientation takes place at Annual Conference • Icebreaker and small group activities give class members opportunity to get acquainted
Mentees/Mentors Meet • Emerging Leaders and Mentors are given opportunities to get acquainted prior to pairing
Mentees/Mentors Matched • Emerging Leaders and Mentors turn in a list of their pairing preferences • By the end of the second day of conference, both mentees/mentors are informed of their respective matches • Mentees/mentors are expected to meet during the conference to begin developing desired goals/outcomes for the first year • This meeting may be the only time the mentor/mentee meet in person
Challenges for the Emerging Leaders Program • Financial • Distance • Time commitment • Work obligations • Institutional support
Benefits of the Emerging Leaders Program • Mentee • Support from Mentor/Cohort • Opportunities to get more involved in NACADA • Exposure to new perspectives • Guidance on professional development and advancement • Opportunities to develop new skills • Critical feedback • Mentor • Recognition as a leader • Opportunities to get more involved in NACADA • Create a legacy • Development of personal leadership skills • Exposure to fresh perspectives, ideas and approaches • Opportunity to reflect on personal goals and practices
Questions? Comments? History in the Making Emerging Leaders Program
References/Articles • http://www.keepinspiring.me/why-you-need-to-set-goals/ • http://www.michaelpage.com.cn/employer-centre/development-and-retention-advice/benefits-mentoring • http://www.ache.org/newclub/career/MentorArticles/Benefits.cfm • http://www.advance.cornell.edu/documents/The-Mentoring-Relationship.pdf