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Learn how the EXPLICS project harnesses internet case studies and simulation templates to enhance language teaching and learning. Discover the benefits of this methodology, including increased motivation and learner autonomy.
10th International CercleS Conference 19th September 2008, Sevilla The EXPLICS Project – Exploiting Internet Case Studies and Simulation Templates for Language Teaching and Learning Johann Fischer CercleS / Universität Göttingen Miguel Monreal Acarate Universidad de Navarra
The EXPLICS Project: • “Exploiting Internet Case Studies and Simulation Templates for Language Teaching and Learning” • LINGUA 2 project, 2005-2008 • 16 partners in 12 countries • co-ordinating institution: Universität Tübingen Universität Würzburg Universität Göttingen / DE • web-based case studies and simulations in 11 languages • www.zess.uni-goettingen.de/explics EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
EXPLICS products: • Case studies and simulations in 11 languages: • English, French, German, Italian, Spanish (CEFR levels B and C) • Portuguese and Swedish (CEFR levels A and B) • Czech, Finnish, Polish, Slovak (CEFR level A) EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Definition of case study: analysis of an (authentic) problem / dilemma in a given situation to which no single or correct solution exists EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Definition of case study: „Darstellung einer konkreten Situation aus der betrieblichen Praxis oder dem Alltagsleben, die anhand bestimmter Tatsachen, Ansichten und Meinungen dargestellt wird, auf deren Grundlagen eine Entscheidung getroffen werden muss.“ Kaiser (1983: 20) EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Kaiser’s (1983: 20)definition of case study – English translation: “Presentation of a concrete situation taken from professional or everyday life, which is displayed through specific facts, attitudes and opinions, on the basis of which a decision has to be taken.” EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Definition of global simulation: « Une simulation globale est un protocole ou un scénario cadre qui permet à un groupe d’apprenants pouvant aller jusqu’à une classe entière d’une trentaine d’élèves, de créer un univers de référence – un immeuble, un village, une île, un cirque, un hôtel – de l’animer de personnages en interaction et d’y simuler toutes les fonctions du langage que ce cadre, qui est à la fois un lieu-thème et un univers du discours, est susceptible de requérir. » Debyser (1996: IV) EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Debyser’s (1996: IV) definition of global simulation – English translation: “ A global simulation is a script or a scenario framework which allows a group of learners, up to a whole class of about 30 students, to create a universe of reference – an apartment block, a village, an island, a circus, a hotel –, to animate it with characters interacting with each other and to simulate all language functions which are probably needed within this framework, which is at the same time a thematic place and a universe of communication.” EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Methodology / underlying principles: • based on: • task-oriented language teaching & learning • problem-based teaching & learning • authenticity of text material and situations EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
EXPLICS products: • general language teaching • LSP teaching • web-based • some: audio / video files EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Advantages: • higher degree of readability of material (photos, charts) • text material is well structured • more text material can be used than with paper-based material • can be linked to other websites; internet search activities can be integrated • “more attractive”, “looks more up-to-date” • corresponds to activities the learners will • encounter in their future (professional) life • higher motivation of students EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Advantages: • stimulates learner autonomy • less time pressure for the learner • can be used in ODL situations • can be used in a VLE • can easily be updated • complementary (vocabulary, grammar) activities can be uploaded EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Examplesof EXPLICS global simulationprojects EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
A Pressure Group Alison Standring, LSE EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
The Slovak University of Nitra Johanna Jakabovicová, Slovak University of Nitra EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Au Château Dorothée Geneviève Henrot, University of Padua EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Silja Line – En båtresa från Stockholm till Helsingfors Paola Kucera, Universität Tübingen EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Loupignac – un village à vivre Marie Blanchy, Universidad de Navarra EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Examplesof EXPLICS casestudies EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
¿Un nuevo Corte Inglés? Miguel Monreal Acarate, Iranzu Peña, Universidad de Navarra EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
¿Un nuevo Corte Inglés? Miguel Monreal Acarate, Iranzu Peña, Universidad de Navarra EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Sicilia: terre liberate Flavia D’Angelantonio,Anna Maria Giuffria, LSE EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Disability Rights – the Ryanair Lawsuit Carol TaylorUniversity of Padua EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Energetic Solutions Anthony Stenton, Université Toulouse 1 EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Simulations can be seen as: Virtual laboratories for the study of behaviour and the evolution of systems, ranging from flight simulators to simulation of surgery Constructivist laboratories to learn about roles in organisations, i.e. business games Laboratories to study concepts and models where students take on the roles of researchers EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Advantages: Experiment with real problem-solving Use one’s skills and test one’s intuitions in risk-free environments Make and test hypotheses, identify models and behaviours, make decisions and observe their consequences Study the impact of changes and hence adjust behaviour Make mistakes and correct them thanks to feedback Participants are actors in the simulation EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Case studies: Decisions or dilemma cases Appraisalcases or issuecases Case histories will combine piloting website Case studywithautomated feedback: Analysisofdocumentation Analysisofproblem(s) Studyofpossiblesolutions and decision Discussionofdifferentpointsofview Comparison/contrastwith expert’s opinion Case studyconductedwithtutors or co-operatingwithpeers: Analysisofdocumentation Analysisofproblem(s) Evaluationofpossiblesolutions Proposedsolution Evaluationofconsequencesofdecision EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Project website: www.zess.uni-goettingen.de/explics EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Features of the EXPLICS website EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
Evaluation • Detailed questions about course and courseware • Evaluation of aims • Open registry with email later resumption • Email reminder • Status of completion Detail of EXPLICS Piloting Questionnaire EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
¿Un nuevo Corte Inglés? Miguel Monreal Acarate, Iranzu Peña, Universidad de Navarra EXPLICS - Johann Fischer, CercleS, Universität Göttingen / Miguel Monreal Acarate, Universidad de Navarra
This case has been used… …in May 2007 With a group of students from USA (28%), CANADA (17%), UK (17%), JAPAN (11%), FRANCE (11%), BELGIUM (5.5%), GERMANY (5.5%) and TAIWAN (5%) …in May 2008 With a group of students from USA (50%), France (25%), Poland (12,5%) and Australia (12.5%) …in September 2008 With a group of students from the USA only
Comments about ECI case: • It is an interesting topic. I could see the real changes that are taking place in shopping habits in Spain. • I have learned some useful techniques for the debate. • It is a current issue, and I like it. • It is interesting: most people have opinions on this subject.
Comments about ECI case: • It was interesting to have a live debate on this subject: all of us had different opinions! • I like shopping, and it was interesting to compare shopping in my country and shopping in Spain. • It is a controversial issue, and I like it. • Debating is essential for improving our language skills.