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Governors’ meeting 9 th June 2014. P.E. Faculty. Roles SDIP Pupil voice data Sport Premium funding and impact Projects in school Future . Agenda. S Bartlam Communication with outside agencies Management of clubs Creating new links Communication with stake holders J Barlow
Governors’ meeting 9th June 2014 P.E. Faculty
Roles • SDIP • Pupil voice data • Sport Premium funding and impact • Projects in school • Future Agenda
S Bartlam Communication with outside agencies Management of clubs Creating new links Communication with stake holders • J Barlow Curriculum Resources Management of staff Policy and Risk assessment Lunchtime clubs Roles
1. Maintain resources and order as necessary. Collect Sainsbury’s active Kids vouchers to purchase equipment. Orders have been made as necessary. Staff and children have had input into the orders made. Safety checks carried out as necessary. P.E. equipment reorganised and labelled for easy access. Kids vouchers order has been sent. SDIP
2. Continue to train staff in insets. All teaching staff received inset training from gymnastic specialist for confidence and knowledge purposes. Team teaching across entire school. Differentiation and progression focused on. SDIP
3. G Ram to train next set of year 5 pupils to become Young Leaders. Currently being trained during lunchtimes once a week. SDIP
4.Update Risk assessments. Risk assessments have been updated but will need to be looked at further next year. Risk assessments for all trips and competitions have been created and checked by A Shelton. SDIP
5. Continued regular updates in briefing and continue to put PE achievements and reports on the newsletter weekly. Staff regularly updated about events and training. Match reports regularly written by children. Trips and events highlighted in newsletter. SDIP
6. Continue links with Villa Drew coached children in a range of year groups which will continue next year. Years 4 and 5 visited Aston Villa for coaching. SDIP
7. Continue and expand on clubs, before, during and after school. A range of after school clubs offered, all slots filled. R Jones coaching Harborne Primary team. Links with Sports Mad, Archery tennis club and Birmingham University. G Ram running lunchtime clubs for all KS2 Year 6 students running clubs for Years 3 and 4- multi-sports. SDIP
8. Continue links with secondary schools Shenley Academy Harborne Academy Hillcrest Girls School SDIP
9. Annual Dad’s match. Currently organising the dates for the football. Cricket match played, good turn out. SDIP
10. More training and support needed for year 3 and 4 staff in terms of training, courses and support for swimming. All Year 3 and 4 staff had training from colleagues and swimming teacher. New resources to support teaching. SDIP
11. Staff to begin to use core skills (shown in inset training) at the beginning of blocks of lessons for gymnastics and games to assess ability and skills before planning whole series of lessons to ensure progression. All staff using core skills to assess children’s initial level and progression. Core tasks accessible to all in P.E. cupboard. SDIP
100% Pupils said they enjoy PE as a subject. • What do you enjoy about PE? • ‘I like being active and getting lots of exercise’ • ‘I like playing games and being part of a team’ • ‘They are really fun and you learn new skills’ • ‘The range of sport we do’ • ‘Trying new sports that I haven’t done before’ • ‘I can feel my heart beating really fast’ • ‘Using the apparatus in gymnastics’ • ‘Playing matches and having competitions’ Pupil Voice Data
All pupils said that they felt there were enough resources for lessons, but would like more for play time activities. • Most popular lunch time clubs are basketball and football. Pupil Voice Data
If there was an opportunity for a new sport club to start, what sport would you be interested in joining? Pupil Voice Data
If there was an opportunity for a new sport club to start, what sport would you be interested in joining? Pupil Voice Data
What is your favourite sport that you are taught in school? • KS1 – Football, dance and gymnastics • KS2 – Football, tennis, gymnastics, swimming and basketball Pupil Voice Data
Do you enjoy being taught by skilled professionals? • 100% said yes they do. • 100% also said that they would like to be taught by more professionals in their PE lessons. Pupil Voice Data
Do you have any ideas about how we can make your PE lessons better? • ‘Less obstacles – Hall is too crowded’ • ‘Make them longer!’ • ‘More competitive games’ • ‘Use outside space more often’ • ‘Learn a wider range of sports’ • ‘More coaching from professionals’ • ‘More dance’ • ‘Vary the equipment we use’ Pupil Voice Data
See evidencing impact sheet. Sport Premium funding
Sport Relief • Road to Rio – classes have a country • Interschool competition • Tennis, golf, athletics, netball, football competitions • Policy updated • Training on new curriculum • OAA – orienteering scheme of work • Gathered information about what is being taught in each year group to use for next year. Projects in school
SDP 14 - 15 1. To provide a range of sports before and after school. 2. To use the Sports Premium Funding in a variety of ways. 3. To create statements for assessment to allow teachers to track progression in P.E. 4. To view PE in light of the new curriculum. Future