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CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL. Polar bears discussing Global W arming. The Green Team. These students are some of the members of the Green Team in our school . The Green Team was born a few months ago, when our school became part of the multilateral COMENIUS partnership.
Polarbearsdiscussing Global Warming
The Green Team Thesestudents are some of the membersof the Green Team in ourschool. The Green Team wasborn a fewmonths ago, whenourschoolbecame part of the multilateral COMENIUS partnership. WithourItalian, Science, English and Artsteacherswehavedonelotsofactivities. Wehavewrittenstories, createdposters, videos and wehavealsohad a meeting withprofessionalsabout air and acousticpollution. Theyhaveallbeengreatlearningexperiences. Pleasehave a look at some ofouractivities. Wehopeyou’llenjoythem.
A city tell Our story is not unique and we are just the storytellers. Our lives are impacted NOW by the climate crisis and we are standing up for our right to a livable planet. • So why tell stories? • Just because we think that: • People don't actually change their lives just because they know the facts. • People don't changeunless an issue personally affects them. • Storiescan change worldviews,win hearts,break through to minds andmove past built-in resistance to change. • Change will come when enough of us are awakenedto the reality that our stories and our actions MATTER andwe canmakethe climate crisis a personal, real issue for those who love us.
Ourschool Ourschoolislocated in a quiet area ofourtown. Fortunatlytherearen’t anyindustriesnearby; there are onlybuildings, a fewshops and schools. Thereisgenerally a littletraffic.
Whathappenswhenparentscollecttheirchildren? Youcan seecarseverywhere, and asanyoneknowsoneof the maincausesof Global WarmingisCarbondioxideemissionsfromburninggasolinefortransportation. Motor vehicle emissions are the main source of air pollution in major cities and make a substantial contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. By driving your car an average of 50 kilometres a day, you contribute around 4 tonnes of greenhouse gases, particulates and smog–causing pollutants to the atmosphere every year. This pollutes the air we breathe and contributes to environmental degradation.
We took these photos with two engineers to control the noise levels outside our school in three different moments of the day.
The monitors showed how noise pollution too is a disruption of the normal, homeostatic quality of the environment outside our school. Traffic noise is the second biggest environmental problem affecting health after air pollution
Investigation at school: An easy experiment to realize how global warming works
Wehaveproducedcarbondioxide and oxigen. Wemeasured the temperature in both the glasses and wefoundthatitwashigherwhereitwasproducedcarbondioxide.
Drawingposters students express theirfeelings and thoughts…….
…….”Change will come when enough of us are awakenedto the reality that our stories and our actions MATTER andwe canmakethe climate crisis a personal, real issue for those who love us”.