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Pengurusan: Ringkasan Sejarah. Ancient: Masyarakat Sumaria mengamalkan sistem perniagaan dan postal; Sistem kerajaan di Mesir dan pembangunan piramid; Babylonians (Mesopotamians) mengamalkan kerajaan berpusat, penyatuan budaya dan kod perundangan mengenai kontrak, pemilikan harta dan perundangan
2. Pengurusan: Ringkasan Sejarah Ancient:
Masyarakat Sumaria mengamalkan sistem perniagaan dan postal;
Sistem kerajaan di Mesir dan pembangunan piramid;
Babylonians (Mesopotamians) mengamalkan kerajaan berpusat, penyatuan budaya dan kod perundangan mengenai kontrak, pemilikan harta dan perundangan mencegah penipuan perniagaan.
Ancient Greek & China
3. Pengurusan: Ringkasan Sejarah Pengurusan Saintifik (F.W. Taylor; 1856-1915):-
Pengurus perlu menyediakan kaedah yang standard bagi melaksanakan sesuatu kerja;
Pemilihan pekerja hendaklah berdasarkan kepakaran dan keupayaan untuk melaksanakan sesuatu kerja khusus;
Pekerja hendaklah dilatih mengenai cara untuk melaksanakan sesuatu pekerjaan;
Pengurus perlu merancang dan mengadakan pengagihan kerja;
4. Pengurusan: Ringkasan Sejarah Prinsip-prinsip Pentadbiran (Henry Fayol; 1841-1925);
Division of work : To produce more and better work the same amount of effort.Managerial and technical work are amenable to specialization.
Authority and responsibility : Authority is needed to carry out managerial responsibilities. This includes the formal authority to command and personal authority deriving from intelligence and experience. Responsibility always goes with authority.
Discipline :Discipline is absolutely essential for the smooth running of business.
Unity of command:Each subordinate receives orders from one – and only one – superior.
5. Unity of direction : Similar activities in an organization should be grouped together under one manager.
Subordination of individual interest to general interest : Individuals’ interests should not be placed before the goals of the overall orginazation.
Remuneration of personnel : Compensation should be fair to both employees and the organization.
Centrallization : Power and authority tend to be concentered at upper levels of the organization. Degree of centralization must vary according to the situation ; the object is the optimal utilization of all personnel faculities.
Scalar chain : A chain of authority extends from the top to the bottom of the organization. However, horizontal communication is necessary for swift action.
6. Order : A place for everything and everything in its place; a place for everyone and everyone in his or her place.
Equity : Managers should be kind and fair when dealing with subordinates.
Stability of personnel tenure : High employee turnover should be prevented.
Initiative : Subordinates should have the freedom to take initiative.
Esprit de corps : Harmony, team spirit, and a sense or unity and togetherness should be fostered and maintained.
7. Definisi Pengurusan Attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational
8. The Organization The social entity (two or more people) and system (set of interrelated that transform input to output) –goal directed & deliberately structured (divided task & responsibility for performance to organization’s members) to achieves common objectives.
9. The organization’s environment
10. The Internal Environments Of The Organization: Directional Strategies-Vision, mission and objectives;
Planning & implementation policies, strategy & system (4M+ information)
Behaviors & Culture of the organization;
Style of the management & leadership.
11. Task (external) environment The government & stakeholders- policies & the expectation;
The clients-socio-economy, geography, demography, expectation, need & demand;
The labors market-policy & capabilities;
The suppliers/ providers
The agencies/ organizations & competitors
Technology & information.
12. The General (External) Environment Politics
Geography & demography
Industrialization & marketing
13. Organization’s processes To produce output (Objectives) Internal/task/ general environment
14. Input-resources to produce output/ product. Men/women power;
Money/ fund/allocation of budget,
15. Process-transformations of input to output:- Structure-allocation of task, resources, chains of command, hierarchy, authority.
Work process/flow, system, procedures, Manuals, standard & regulations.
Implementations, control & preventive.
16. Output- Goods or Services Fulfill the objective/ requirement/ expectation/ need & demand;
Efficient & effective.
Non conformance cost.
17. The hierarchy of the managers Top managers- The highest in the structure & hierarchy, responsible for entire organization.
Middle managers- middle in hierarchy & chains of command, responsible for the major department
First line managers-directly responsible & accountable for the production/ delivery of products/ services (output).
18. The Management Function
19. Planning
20. Planning: direction of the organization VISION: general statement long-term direction to archive.
Mission: The organization’s reason for existence.
Goals: What the org. want to be in the future, pertain to the org. as a whole rather than to specific department.
Objective: A specific short-term target for which measurable result/ output can be obtain.
Strategy: how to responding to the ever changing & dynamic environment to fulfill mission & objectives.
21. Strategic Planning/ Management Is focused on the future within a context of a changing, but relatively predictable environment. It consists 3 activities:-
Formulation of the future mission
Developing the competitive strategy
Creation of organization structure- deploy resources.
22. The Strategic Planning/ Management The comprehensive & Long period plan/ blueprint (2-5 years)
overall organization
The set of decision & actions used to formulate and implement strategies that will provide competitively superior fit between the organization and its environment (Internal & external) so as
to achieve organizational future goals/objectives.
23. Strategic Planning/ Management
24. Operational plans Short period Plans developed at the organization’s lower levels (departments, branches, unit) that specify action steps toward achieving operational (daily, weekly, monthly or yearly) goals and support strategic plans.
25. Strategies: The plan of action that prescribes activities and resources for dealing with the environment to attain the organization’s goal.
Situation Analysis:
Search for characteristics SWOT from internal & external environment which directly/ indirectly may prevent/ can be exploit to achieve organization goal.
26. Function Of Management 2 ORGANISING The creation of framework in which organization defines how task are divided, resources are deployed and departments are coordinated and communicated.
27. Organizing Process Created the organization structure/ chart based on the interrelated elements as bellow;
departmentalization-nature of work/ function/specialization task, geographical location, product.
set of formal task assigned to individual/ departmental/ unit;
28. Allocate the reasonable resources to implement task;
Formal reporting relationship & communication- centralization/ decentralization, line of authority, decision responsibility, number of hierarchical level & span of managers control/ command
Formalization-written documentation use to direct/ guide & control employees.
The ability to
influence other people toward the attainment of organizational goal.
30. Leaders The task to influence
(self-apparent, intelligent & styles,
communicate, motivation, educate, guidance, supervise, control, punishment)
subordinate and others to do the thing right, to enhance the
excellence and to achieve the goals/ objectives of the organization.
31. Sources of leader influence-power(potential ability to influence others) Legitimate power: formal management position & authority granted to it.
Reward power: authority to bestow reward
Coercive power: authority to punish or recommend punishment
Expert power: special knowledge & skill
Referent power: characteristics to respect, admiration & desire to emulate.
32. …potential ability to influence-situation leadership style (personal characteristics & work environment) Leader-member relation (humanisms) – highly respect, confident & trust to subordinate knowledge & skill, commitments & responsibilities.
Task structure- emphasis to achieve goals, output, specifics system & procedures, commitments & how subordinate carried-out the task;
Position power- shown the formal power/ authority to direct, evaluate, reward & punish.
33. MOTIVATION The arousal, direction and persistence of behavior.
Factors that influence job satisfaction based on fulfillment of higher-level needs such as achievement, recognition, responsibility and opportunity for growth.
34. A Simple Model Of Motivation
35. Mallow's Hierarchy Of Need
36. Management function 4- controlling. The systematic process through which managers regulate organizational activities to make them consistent with the expectations established in plans, target, and performance standard.
37. What to control Subordinate behavior and performance
Allocation, utilization, functional, maintenance & performance of funding, facilities, infrastructures, equipments & technologies.
Processes & procedures
Task/ units, departmental, organization performance/ output
38. The control process
39. Managing Change The adoption of new idea or behavior by an organization, that is designed and implemented in an orderly and timely manner to meet current and anticipated future need
40. Forces for change External forces: customers, competitors, technology, economics & international.
Internal forces:
Performance gap: disparity between existing and desired performance level.
41. Initiating Change Search-learning about current developments inside/outside. used to meet a perceived need for change.
Creativity- development of novel solutions to perceived organizational problems
Entrepreneurs-individual who anticipate the need for productive change & champion within the organization.
Venture team-a group separate from organization.
Skunk works- a small & informal and some time unauthorized group who create innovation
43. Resistance to change Self interest - loss of power, authority, prestige, pay & other benefits.
Uncertainty - lack of information about change and future events.
Different assessments and goals-