Abstract Having run a self-consistent three-dimensional simulation of the Martian bow shock we subsequently investigate the reflection of solar wind protons on the planetary bow shock by means of test particles moving in the stationary electromagnetic field generated during the self-consistent simulation. This two-step approach allows to identify reflected particles without impeding the main stream of computation during the self-consistent run. Since the first unambiguous identification by Asbridge et al. [1] of solar wind ions reflected and accelerated by the Terrestrial bow shock numerous case and statistical studies have been conducted on different planetary shocks. The Terrestrial shock is the best documented one, see for example the recent review by Eastwood et al. [5]. The first observation of reflected ions, both native and newborn, at the Martian bow shock has been presented by Dubinin et al. [3]. Simulation studies of ion reflection at collisionless shocks started with Burgess [2] using a one-dimensional hybrid code. Numerous simulations followed but only very few addressed processes at curved bow shocks and to our knowledge none was three-dimensional. Thomas and Winske [7] conclude from their two-dimensional study, made possible by an astute trick to avoid the piling up of the magnetic flux in front of the planetary obstacle, that "the vast majority of foreshock ions originate on the quasi-parallel side of the shock". We present here the first genuinely 3-dimensional simulation study of the Martian Bow shock. 2. Results 1keV Reflection Of Solar Wind Protons On The Martian Bow Shock : Investigation By Means Of 3-Dimensional SimulationsE. Richer (1), R. Modolo (2), G.M. Chanteur (1) and E. Dubinin (3)(1) Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (2) LATMOS, UVSQ & IPSL, Guyancourt,France (3) MPS, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany (Emilie.Richer@lpp.polytechnique.fr) The final energy spectrum of reflected protons (solid line) is concentrated around 3keV whereas the initial energy spectrum: the Solar Wind energy spectrum (dashed line) is concentrated around 1keV There is a gain of energy due to reflections on the Martian Bow Shock 3kev When a Solar Wind proton encounters the fixed Bow Shock relative to the Planet, it sees an electric field induced by its motion : ε = - V×B, V is the Solar Wind bulk velocity vector and B the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) vector. Because of the induced electric field, the energy of a proton oscillates between ~100eV and ~4keV, with the phase ωc×t, ωc is the cyclotron pulse and t is the time. The ΔE explains the spectral width of the final energy above. ΔE~4keV 1. Detection of reflected protons A two-step approach… When a proton encounters the Martian Bow Shock, it sees an enhancement of the magnetic field intensity. On the left side figure, the magnetic field of a given proton along its way in the simulation domain is plotted versus time with the assumed entry (blue line) and exit (green line) of the proton in the shock region. Entry means the first entry and exit the last exit. To obtain the two figures below, we used the magnetic field of each reflected proton to determine the entry (blue color) and exit (green color) points. The left panel below represents Simulated 3d Martian bow shock with overlaid entry and exit points of the reflected solar wind protons. On the right panel below, the normalized distribution of the angle between the IMF direction and the normal to the shock:θBn, is plotted . Entry Exit Solar Wind parameters of the self-consistent 3d hybrid simulation …Test-particles are moving in the stationary electromagnetic field generated during the self-consistent hybrid simulation. The protons enter the shock in a region located between the perpendicular and the parallel shock, with θBn~3π/4, originate from a cylinder of the incoming bulk flow having a rather limited transversal extent. After interacting with the shock, most of them exit on the quasi-parallel shock, with θBn~9π/10. The gain of energy during reflections of protons on the Martian Bow Shock is due to an acceleration of protons by drifting along the shock in the convection electric field direction. • A proton is marked as reflected by the Bow Shock if: • E(t) ≥ 3×E(t =0) (1) • [xfinal < xmax] or • [(xfinal ≥ xmax) and (particle is out of the Bow Shock)] (2) • E: energy of the proton, • t: time, • xfinal: last x-coordinate of the proton, • xmax: upper limit of x in the simulation box. Conclusion The adopted two-step approach allows a detailed analysis of the reflection of solar wind protons on the Martian bow shock according to energy and spatial criteria. The energy spectrum of the reflected protons extends from a few 102eV to 104eV. The former enter the shock in a region located between the perpendicular and the parallel shock, and they exit the acceleration region in the parallel shock. A similar study will soon be made for pickup ions generated upstream of the bow shock in order to extend the analysis of Dubinin et al. [4] and for alphas. References: [1] Asbridge, J.R., Bame, S.J., and Strong, I.B.: Outward flow of protons from the Earth’s Bow Shock, J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 73, no 17, pp. 5777-5782, 1968. [2] Burgess, D., Shock drift acceleration at low energies, J.Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, no A2, pp. 1119-1130, 1987. [3] Dubinin, E., Lundin, R., Koskinen, H., and Norberg, O.: Cold ions at the Martian bow shock: Phobos observations, J.Geophys. 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If xfinal ≥ xmax, the proton is out of the Bow Shock if it is out of the surface delimited by the red curve (and if its energy has exceeded 3E0. Alfven V Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 4-8 Octobre 2010