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Year 6 Welcome Evening

Year 6 Welcome Evening. Year 6 Team Mr Kann Mrs Jane Jeans & Mrs Jacqui Lillie Mrs Natasha Chester & Mrs Janice Godden Mrs Baker & Mrs Childress. Aims for Year 6. Prepare the children for the end of key stage assessments. Prepare them for a smooth transfer to secondary school.

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Year 6 Welcome Evening

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Year 6 Welcome Evening Year 6 Team Mr Kann Mrs Jane Jeans & Mrs Jacqui Lillie Mrs Natasha Chester & Mrs Janice Godden Mrs Baker & Mrs Childress

  2. Aims for Year 6 • Prepare the children for the end of key stage assessments. • Prepare them for a smooth transfer to secondary school. • To help the children to gain more independence. • For a fun and enjoyable final year at Chepping View!

  3. 11+ Tests • All children have been receiving 1 hour a week teaching. • 3 practice tests will be sat before the real tests. • Practice papers will be sent home on Friday 28th September. • 2 real test papers - 4th Oct and 10th Oct • Results will be sent to you around the 30th November.

  4. Free 11+ Practice FREE test papers FREE practice questions www.chuckra.co.uk User name: cheppingviewschool Password: cheppingview

  5. Secondary School Transfer • Application forms to be filled in and returned to school by 9am on 17th October or completed online by midnight 19th October. • For allocations done on line - please send a letter into school. • You will receive a letter informing you of your child’s secondary school placement around the 1st March.

  6. End of Key Stage Assessments • Show what the children have learnt throughout Key Stage 2. • They last 1 week. • Monday 12th - Friday 16th May. • Please ensure that you child is in school during this week.

  7. Sets • Children are set for Numeracy, Literacy and Science. • Ensures correct level of support and teaching. • Children are covering the same topics but at a different pace. • Children are regularly assessed and could therefore change sets.

  8. Booster Groups • 3 days a week. • Split 2 sets into 3 smaller groups of 20 children. • Less children per group. • Even greater level of support and is more tailored to children’s needs. • Children are covering the same topics but at a different pace.

  9. Targets • All children have targets that they are working towards in Literacy, Numeracy and Science. • Copies of targets will be given out at parents evening. • Achievable. • Raise attainment and understanding. • Mental Maths - whole school target

  10. Integrated Topic • All art, music, DT, History and Geography will be taught through a main focus, which for this term is The Ancient Egyptians. • We will be using a variety of learning approaches to support and enhance all children’s preferred learning styles.

  11. Modern Foreign Languages • We are extending our MFL teaching in Year 6 to offer the children more experience, prior to starting secondary school. • Each class will continue to extend their French from Year 4 & 5. • Half a term of French, Half a term of German.

  12. Homework • All children- 15minutes reading daily. • 40 minutes twice weekly. • Numeracy- given on a Tuesday to be handed in on a Thursday. • Literacy- given on Friday to be handed in on a Tuesday.

  13. Homework • Children may receive weekly science or topic homework. • Tables • Spelling strategies • Occasionally may be asked to bring in news articles for discussion in PSHCE.

  14. What more homework?! • Homework diaries to be checked and signed at home. • Signed by teacher on a Friday. • Please use the homework diaries as a way of communication if necessary. • ICT is school target. Some homework may be internet based.

  15. PE Kit / Uniform • Indoor PE - Tuesdays • Outdoor games - Mondays • All head scarves must be removed for PE. • Girls can wear ‘hats’ to cover their hair but must have nothing across the front of the neck. • Stud earrings only, no necklaces.

  16. Trips • Autumn Term- Ancient Egyptians History off the page Workshop- Egyptian Day • Spring Term Hazard Alley • Summer Term – Victorians Katesgrove Schoolroom/Black Country Living Museum France

  17. Residential Trip • Normandy, France. • Educational history based visit. • 5 days. • Fantastic opportunity to extend skills and learning beyond the classroom. • Still places available.

  18. Summer term Activities • Cadbury World- Project week • Leaver’s BBQ • Chessington World of Adventures.

  19. Cadbury World • Learning at Cadbury World

  20. Mrs Pitwell-cooking at the BBQ

  21. Chessington World Of Adventures

  22. Parent Evening Dates • 19th and 21st November

  23. Healthy, Healthy, Healthy! Healthy lunches • Your child’s physical health • Behaviour • Concentration & attention Small changes make big differences!

  24. Medicines in School • Provide information about illness/conditions • Original containers only • With prescribers dosage instructions. • Check expiration dates. • Non prescription medicines only with prior agreement. • All medicines to be given to staff.

  25. Thank you • Any questions?

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