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Providing a caring atmosphere for children to develop academically and socially, preparing for secondary school transition. Includes daily tasks, homework info, class assemblies, and rewards system. English curriculum details and writing focus included.
Welcome to Year 6Curriculum Evening Miss Wiblin Mrs Limer
What a start!!!! ☺ • Fantastic attitude and effort from all! Our aim:- To provide a calm, caring learning atmosphere, where all children grow in confidence and develop a real desire to learn and improve. To develop the children’s social, emotional and academic abilities in preparation for their transition to secondary school. To produce some very happy and special memories from their final year in primary school.
What we expect… A first-class attitude towards their learning throughout the year. An understanding that they know to ask for help when needed. A real effort to develop their organisational skills- in terms of handing in homework, reading records and spellings. To develop a real ownership of their work and to be able to identify personal targets throughout the year to work on. 29 happy, confident children!!!
Water Bottles / Milk / Tuck shop • Children keep their water bottles on their desks. They can get a drink at playtime and when they come in from playtime. Children can also access their bottles for a drink during lessons. • They are encouraged to take them home each week to wash them (and please try and encourage this!) • If children receive milk at school they have this after morning break • Healthy tuck (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) – small charge for range of products- ran by Y6 pupils
Homework in Year 6 • Homework is generally linked to the activities your child has been working on in class, for consolidation of their skills. • Additional written homework is in the form of a topic related project over a few weeks (can be typed or handwritten) will be given out at certain times throughout the year. If children are unable to access internet for research purposes, then this can be made available during the school day.
Daily Tasks in Year 6 This happens 5 times during the week. This consists of 5 activities: • Guided Reading (led by Miss Wiblin); • SPAG.com • Reasoning (Maths – led by Mrs Limer) • Grammar and Punctuation • Spelling The children all have individual timetables, at the front of their reading records, which tell them when their guided reading day is.
Class Assemblies Achievement assemblies take place every Friday at the end of the day. Two children are chosen each week to receive ‘pupil of the week’. Every effort is made to ensure each child will receive this award throughout the year. End of term achievement assemblies are on the following dates;
Parents evenings • 7th- 8th November 2017 • 6th- 7th March 2018 Appointment slips will be sent out and appointments will be allocated to accommodate requestsand siblings in the school. If for any reason you are unable to make dates – please contact me at school and I am happy to arrange another time.
Year 6 Rewards • House points • Rainbow Ladder • Pupil of the week / Pupil of the term • Leaves • Top Dog!: Writer of the week; Presenter of the week; Mathematician of the week and Overall student of the week. Mathlete(Mathletics) Speller (Spellodrome) The Grammy
Year 6 Curriculum * Foundation Subjects - History - Geography - Art - Design & Technology - Music - French - PE * Core Subjects - English - Maths - Science - Computing - RE
Lessons in Year 6 Children are taught in structured lessons, which consists of 4 main parts: - Sharing of WALT (we are learning to…) - Whole class teaching (smartboards / powerpoints / practical and interactive) - Independent work (individual / paired / small group) - Plenary (summary of lesson) Assessment is continuous and tracked to ensure that each child’s unique needs are catered for. There will also be an assessment week in the Autumn, Spring and Summer term.
English Curriculum • Narrative- description, sentence types, character traits, stories, diaries, flashbacks. • Biographical (including auto-biographies) • Poetry – using personification • Journalistic • Non-chronological reports • Persuasive Writing • Formal and Informal Letters Phase 1 – reading about the genre Phase 2 – planning/editing drafting Phase 3 – write own text linked to genre
Writing Focus • Vocabulary – adjectives, similes, descriptive phrases, interesting and ambitious words, powerful, verbs and adverbs • Connectives – despite, although, consequently, on the one hand, on the other hand, nevertheless, even though, in addition, moreover, finally, subsequently. • Openings – using connectives, ly, ing and ed openers, using clauses and adjectives. • Varying sentence types –using a variety of sentence types to control the pace of their writing: simple, short, 2a, de:de, dialogue, long, compound, complex. • Punctuation - . , !, ? “ ” ‘ :; • Spelling & Grammar
Independent Writing Skilled writers across the curriculum.
SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar). Grammar: Word classes – nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives
Grammar cont… • Tenses • Connectives • Types of sentences- statements, commands, questions • Phrases and clauses- main and subordinate • Articles • Prepositions • Pronouns • Punctuation • Choosing words with similar meanings. • Prefixes/Suffixes • Using I or me.
Please feel free to take a SPAG map with all the definitions your child will need throughout the year.
Spelling Currently children are working in 2 groups for spelling. One group will receive three 25 minute sessions per week and will focus on developing their confidence in spelling. We trialled this last year and we found spending 3 weekly sessions focussing on one particular spelling focus really helped improve the spelling ability of some children.
Spelling Cont… The other group will spend an initial 25 minute session focussing on a weekly spelling focus and then a further independent 25 minute session during our daily task time. The structure of the 1st session is as follows: Spelling Test- using unseen words- where children have to look at words and determine the spelling focus for that week. Teacher led teaching of specific spelling rule with independent activity to follow. Children spend time during the following week, investigating the rule and completing some work. They are then retested on rule the following week. We feel that it is important that the children fully understand the rule, rather than simply learn a set number of spellings per week.
Year 6 Spelling: • Endings which sound like /ʃəs/ spelt –cious or –tious • Endings which sound like –tial, -cial • Words ending in –ant, –ance/–ancy, –ent, –ence/–ency • Words ending in –able and –ible Words ending in –ably and –ibly • Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in –fer • Use of the hyphen • Words with the /i:/ sound spelt ei after c • Words containing the letter-string ough • Words with ‘silent’ letters (i.e. letters whose presence cannot be predicted from the pronunciation of the word) • Homophones and other words that are often confused • Homophones and other words that are often confused (continued)
Guided Reading Guided reading sessions last half an hour and they are led by Miss Wiblin. Sessions will focus on different AF’s (assessment focus’) each week: Text retrieval; Deduce, refer, interpret information, events or ideas. Identify and comment on text structure and organisation. Look at the writer’s use of language. Look at the purpose of the text and the impact it has on the reader. Read out loud with confidence and fluidity.
Independent Reading Children choose a home reader each week, and are encouraged to pick a range of fiction and non-fiction texts.They should be aiming to be able to read this fluently but with some challenging words. EVERY NIGHT (10 minutes!!) Not necessary to hear every word but please encourage children to talk about what they have read. Comment in reading record is their responsibility!!! In addition to their reading record comment, the children will also be asked to complete a weekly comprehension, to help them develop the skills needed in the new SAT format.
Handwriting – Letter Formation Children will have regular 20-25 minute handwriting sessions Aim is for a neat, joined, consistent style of handwriting Pride in their presentation
Maths Throughout the year the children will cover the 7 strands of mathematics ; • Using and applying mathematics • Counting and understanding number • Knowing and using number facts • Calculating • Understanding shape • Measuring • Handling data These 7 strands are taught each term.
Maths New Curriculum • There will be a greater emphasis on arithmetic/mental skills – new paper during SATS. • The promotion of efficient written methods of long multiplication and division. • More demanding content in fractions, decimals and percentages.
Key Maths Skills for Year 6 • Tables facts and division facts to 12 x 12 • Knowledge of place value (numbers to 1,000,000) • Multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000 • Written methods of calculation for all four operations • Problem solving and application of skills
Addition Written Methods 164 +125 289 5486 +1225 6711 1 1
Subtraction 165 – 34 = 174 – 46 = 1 7 4 4 6 1 2 8 6 • 165 • 34 • 131 1 _ Check with inverse – 128 + 46 174 1
Short Multiplication 3 4 x 6 204 2
Division – Using multiplication facts 3 x 4 = 12 So 30 x 4 = 120 3 x 40 = 120 300 x 4 = 1200 0.4 x 3 = 1.2 0.004 x 0.003 =0.000012 12 ÷ 4 = 3 So 120 ÷ 4 = 3 120 ÷ 40 = 3 1200 ÷ 400 = 3 1.2 ÷ 4 = 0.3
Short Division 68 ÷ 4 = 17 68 4 2