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Year 6 Welcome Evening. Year 6 Team Mr. Alexander Willis Mrs Gillian Turner Mrs. Kerri Walsh-Wells Mrs. Dorothy Scambler Mrs Karen Caine. Aims for Year 6. Prepare the children for the end of key stage assessments. Prepare them for a smooth transfer to secondary school.
Year 6 Welcome Evening Year 6 Team Mr. Alexander Willis Mrs Gillian Turner Mrs. Kerri Walsh-Wells Mrs. Dorothy Scambler Mrs Karen Caine
Aims for Year 6 • Prepare the children for the end of key stage assessments. • Prepare them for a smooth transfer to secondary school. • To help the children to gain more independence. • For a fun and enjoyable final year at Millbrook!
What more homework?! • All homework will be written in a homework diary. These homework diaries are to be checked and signed at home. • Signed by teacher on a Friday. • Please use the homework diaries as a way of communication if necessary. • This year, we shall be using homework diaries in place of reading records.
11+ Tests • 3 practice tests will be completed and sent home for most children by Friday 30th September. • 2 real test papers- 6th Oct and 12th Oct • Results will be sent to you around the 25th November.
Secondary School Transfer • Booklets will be sent home shortly. • Online registration must be completed by 31st October. • After registering on line, please send the reply slip from the letter into school. • You will receive a letter regarding your child’s secondary school around the 1st March.
End of Key Stage Assessments • Show what the children have learnt throughout Key Stage 2 in English and Maths. • They last 1 week. • Monday 14th- Friday 18th May. • Please ensure that you child is in school during this week.
Targets • All children have targets that they are working towards in Literacy, Numeracy and Science. Literacy will be a whole school focus this year. • Copies of Literacy and Numeracy targets will be given out at parents evening. • Targets will be Achievable. • Raise attainment and understanding.
Integrated Topic • All Art, DT, History and Geography will be taught through a main focus, which for this term is ‘Victorian Era’. Spring term is ‘Our Local Area’ and Summer term is ‘Lights Camera Action!’ • Although Science, ICT and PSHCE are taught separately, this will be integrated where appropriate. • We will be using a variety of learning approaches to support and enhance all children’s preferred learning styles.
Homework • All children- 15mins reading daily. • 60 mins weekly. • Homework will usually be given on a Friday for completion over the weekend, unless specified. • If no homework has been set, extra maths practice (basic tables and number facts) and reading can be completed.
Homework • Children may receive weekly science or topic homework. • Tables • Spelling strategies • Occasionally may be asked to bring in news articles for discussion in PSHCE. • Please use the homework diaries as a way of communication if necessary.
PE Kit • Swimming - Tuesdays • Indoor Gym-Thursdays (Bare foot or plimsolls) • Outdoor games- Mondays (Outdoor trainers + Tracksuit for colder weather, Shin guards required) • P.E. kit can be left at school.
Please make sure that everything is named. Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit: correct coloured T-shirt and shorts. Only stud ear rings allowed in school but these need to be removed for swimming, games and PE. No nail polish allowed in school. Hair to be tied up where possible and hard hairclips or hair bands to be removed. PE Requirements
Medical • Any prescription medication must come to school in the box with the printed label on. • Parents must ensure that all inhalers or epipens in school are in date. • Any antibiotics that can be given outside of school hours is recommended. • Staff will not be able to administer prescription medicines to a pupil. • Children are not permitted to have any creams, throat sweets or eye drops on themselves or in their bags. No non-prescribed medicines are allowed in school.
Healthy Lunches • Money for school lunches must be paid online at the “Parent Pay” website. • https://www.parentpay.com/PR1/Info/PP_Login.aspx • Please ensure to give your child a healthy lunchbox. • The Global Café is now up and running! A healthy lunchbox = better behaviour & learning!
Trips • Autumn Term -Wycombe Museum -Reading Museum -Hughenden Manor • Spring Term -Wycombe Museum -Walking Tour of Wycombe • Summer Term -Cressex Games Competition -Theatre Visit -End of year fun day!
End of year Fun Day! • Cadbury World • Longridge Outdoor Activity Centre • Chessington World of Adventures.
Other Dates to remember: • Individual photographs will be on Tuesday 18th October • Open Day will be Wednesday 19th October • Parent evenings are on: Tuesday 29th November (3.30-5.30) and Thursday 1st December (5.30-7.30) Tuesday 13th March (3.30-5.30) Thursday 15st March (5.30-7.30) • Induction Day Tuesday 3th July • Year 5/6 production will be during the week commencing Monday 9th July Wednesday 10thJuly Matinee Performance (2pm) Thursday 12thJuly Evening Performance (7pm)
Thank you • Any questions? Do not hesitate to contact the school if you wish to speak to Mr. Willis or Mrs Turner. We will always be able to make an appointment to see you. Please let us know if any contact numbers change.