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Tsunamis. What is a tsunami ?. A tsunami is a very long ocean wave generated by sudden displacement of the sea floor or of the oceanic mass The displacement of an equivalent volume of water generates the tsunami. Terminology. The term “tsunami” is a Japanese word meaning “harbour wave”

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  1. Tsunamis

  2. What is a tsunami ? • A tsunami is a very long ocean wave generated by sudden displacement of the sea floor or of the oceanic mass • The displacement of an equivalent volume of water generates the tsunami

  3. Terminology • The term “tsunami” is a Japanese word meaning “harbour wave” • It was so named because the wave is harmless until it enters a harbour • It is frequently called a “tidal wave”, but it has nothing to do with tides

  4. Hazards and risks of tsunamis • Tsunamis can hit with little or no warning • 4,000 people have been killed between 1990 and 2000 • The most prone areas are those associated with earthquakes and volcanoes (mainly subduction zones)

  5. 1990-2000

  6. 26 December 2004:¼ million fatalities

  7. Locally-generated tsunamis • The subduction zone of Cascadia has potential for very large offshore quakes (M  8) • There is a great danger of locally-generated tsunamis here, since they travel so fast • Many large cities are found on the coast

  8. Structure of a wave • Wavelength, , can exceed 200 km • normal ocean waves have wavelengths of about 100 m • trough; peak; wave height, h; amplitude From Murck et al. (1996)

  9. Velocities and energies • Velocity = 3.132 x (water depth)½ • where water depth is in meters and velocity is in meters/second (1 m/s = 3.6 km/hr) • Wave energy  h2 (approximately)

  10. Velocities in deep water • Tsunamis travel very quickly relative to normal ocean waves • This is particularly the case in open water, where velocities increase with water depth • Velocities can reach 1,000 km/hr in open ocean (normal ocean wave: ~90 km/hr) • Thus, velocities are about 10 times higher for tsunamis

  11. Shallow water • In shallow water, the tsunami waves pile up • As a result, velocities and wavelengths decrease... • …but at the same time, amplitudes can increase enormously...

  12. Amplitudes • In deep water, wave amplitudes are generally less than 1 meter… • …but in shallow water, amplitudes can reach 40 meters or more above normal sea level

  13. Arrival of a tsunami on a coast • The wave will break when its height exceeds ~one seventh (1/7) of its wavelength… • …so some very long waves actually may not break • initially, there may be a rise or fall (drawdown) in sea level (which may attract people, to their great misfortune)

  14. Long wavelengths and the coast • Due to its long wavelength, it may take a long time for a tsunami wave to crest • The wave then may remain high for several minutes • And it may take a while (hours) for the crests of successive waves to reach the shore…so don’t go surfing !

  15. Wave runup - complicated An example of wave focussing at Krakatau, 1883 • This depends on several factors: • water depth • sea floor profile • shape of coastline (focussing of energy, tsunamis travelling up rivers

  16. Causes of tsunamis - all involve displacement of water • Earthquakes • Volcanic activity • Landslides • Meteorite impacts

  17. Earthquakes • Mainly vertical crustal movements… • …so strike-slip faults perhaps less hazardous… • ...although these too can trigger mass movements such as landslides

  18. Types of faults

  19. Earthquakes • In general, the larger the quake, the larger the tsunami…but not a perfect correlation • Some anomalously large tsunamis generated from small quakes… • ...energy released at longer periods than can be registered on normal seismometers ?

  20. Shallow quakes • Quake energy  seismic moment = slip x fault area x rigidity of rocks • For a given quake magnitude, if displacement is large, then rigidity may be low • This may indicate that the shallow parts of subduction zones are frictionally weak (unconsolidated sediments, fractures, fluids, etc.)

  21. Submarine landslides • Another contributing factor to large tsunamis may be submarine landslides: • -generated by shaking associated with the earthquake • -cause additional displacement of water, thus a larger and more complicated tsunami event

  22. Subduction association • Tsunamis typically are associated with earthquakes generated at subduction zones • Rupture of sea floor surface • Sediment slumps into subduction trench

  23. Volcanic activity • Displacement of rock • Submarine caldera collapse (e.g., along faults) (Krakatau 1883) • Entrance of pyroclastic flows into water (Krakatau 1883) • Subaerial lateral collapse, generating debris avalanches which enter water (Unzen 1792)

  24. Landslides • Landslides often are generated by quakes or volcanoes • also occur on subduction trench slopes (steep) • also can occur in enclosed bodies of water (lakes, bays, reservoirs, etc.) (rockfalls, slumps of unconsolidated material, etc.)

  25. Landslides • Enormous submarine landslides can occur on the flanks of ocean islands (e.g., Hawaii, Canaries) • The wave washup can approach 400 meters in some cases

  26. Canary Islands

  27. Meteorite impacts • Too terrible to contemplate !!! • Hundreds to thousands of meters in height ? • Terminal Cretaceous event • Read and find out !

  28. 4 case histories • Alaska 1964 (earthquake-generated) • Krakatau 1883 (caldera-generated) • Unzen 1792 (landslide-generated) • Grand Banks 1929 (submarine landslide-generated

  29. 1964 Alaska quake and tsunami Prince William Sound

  30. epicenter Old Valdez

  31. 1964 events • 27 March 1964, 5:36 PM local time (early evening, people in their homes) • Magnitude 9.2 quake…largest ever recorded in North America…second largest ever • Shaking lasted 4-5 minutes (to compare, the 1906 San Francisco event lasted 45-60 seconds

  32. Tectonic setting • Subduction in the Aleutian region results in very large quakes • Between 1899-1965: • 7 quakes with M  8 • 60 quakes with M  7

  33. Tsunami generation • In this region, tsunamis are generated by two mechanisms: • 1) large vertical movements of the sea floor along faults (local and distant tsunamis) • 2) slumping of material, both underwater and from land to water, by ground shaking

  34. Nature of the 1964 tsunami • 106 people were killed by the wave, 114 people total (consider the small coastal population of the area) • The extensive ground deformation caused by the quake triggered tsunamis

  35. Destructive force of the wave • Avalanches and landslides were generated • Some of these generated locally damaging tsunamis • The force of such a wave can be seen in this picture

  36. Boat runups • Carried inland by tsunami waves, boats acted as battering rams, efficiently destroying buildings • Here is a beached boat at Seward after the events

  37. Submarine sliding at Valdez, Seward, and Whittier • These towns were built on unconsolidated sediments • Seismic shaking ruptured petroleum storage tanks in these towns, causing fires • The shaking also initiated submarine landslides, causing tsunami waves

  38. Effects at Valdez • The landslides carried burning oil out into the bays… • …while the tsunamis returned the burning oil to the harbours and townsites, exacerbating the fires Unconsolidated sediments Old and new Valdez

  39. Wave runup • This is Valdez Inlet after the main tsunami hit • Here the wave runup was the highest, reaching 67 meters • At Kodiak, tsunami effects were made worse by tectonic subsidence (faulting) Wave runup

  40. Valdez • It took 2-3 minutes to generate the tsunami from the landslide • 30 people died • $ 15 million US in damage

  41. Distant effects Each colour band represents a 1-hour tsunami travel time increment • As you can see, the wave affected the entire Pacific basin • The tsunami was hugely destructive along the west coast of Canada and the US (but only 16 dead)

  42. The eruption of Krakatau 1883 • Krakatau is a volcano located between Java and Sumatra • It is mainly a submarine volcano, with its top sticking out of the water

  43. Krakatau

  44. Caldera collapse • The cataclysmic eruption occurred on 26-27 August 1883 • A submarine caldera was formed • Displacement of material during collapse generated a series of devastating tsunamis

  45. Two views of the caldera margin on Rakata, one soon after the eruption and the other in 1979

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