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Welcome to Elko Middle School (Home of the Eagles). 6 th Graders are: more self-assertive and curious restless and talkative moody and easily frustrated (have a range and intensity of emotions) more socially aware. Middle School Transitions.
6th Graders are: • more self-assertive and curious • restless and talkative • moody and easily frustrated (have a range and intensity of emotions) • more socially aware Middle School Transitions
6th Graders are making a transition into adolescence. Encourage your child as he/she begins to: • cope with changes • work on interpersonal skills • handle peer groups and pressure • develop personal interests and abilities • take on increased responsibility for behavior and decisions Middle School Transitions
Sixth grade classes are located mostly on one hallway, on the first floor • Teacher teams work together to ensure student success • Teachers/counselor/administrator help students work out the kinks as they learn to adapt to a new environment and new challenges • 6th grade teachers promote a sense of family and safety among the students. 6th Grade Teacher Team
Students have 8 different classes (different teachers) • We have a modified block schedule – All classes meet on Mondays; every Tuesday/Thursday will be the same, and every Wednesday/Friday will be the same. First period meets every day. • Some classes meet for 45 minutes, while other classes meet for 90 minutes. • No more daily recess What’s different in Middle School?
Students need to develop organizational skills! • Help your child by purchasing one large binder, with dividers, and several 5-subject spiral notebooks • Encourage your child to use one homework folder (papers to sign/complete on the left; papers to turn in/completed work on the right) • Elective classes require hard work, projects, practice, and tests (different from elementary school) What’s different in Middle School?
The Elko School Counselors visited each feeder elementary school during the first few weeks of January. • We discussed the Planning Guide, course options for 6th grade, and gave 5th graders an introduction to the middle school experience. • Students received “Course Information Sheets” during our visits. The Scheduling Process
Teachers will recommend academic course levels for each student, through an online program we call PowerSchool • We will not use paper forms this year, for course selection. Instead, parents will be given access to PowerSchool. You will create an account, and log on to see your child’s course recommendations. At that point, you will accept the teacher’s recommendations and select your child’s elective course. Please consult with your child’s teacher regarding their recommendations. • Directions will be coming out in early February, along with a link to a helpful video. The Scheduling Process
Help your child select an appropriate elective. • Please be sure to complete course selections inPowerSchool by February 17th. • Elementary counselors will print off the courses that each child is signed up for and will send this home for parents to sign (after February 17th). • You will receive a print-out of all courses requested later in the spring (mid-May). • Schedules will not be complete until August. The Scheduling Process
English – English 6 or Advanced English 6 (required summer reading and written assignment) • Math - Course I or Accelerated Math 6/7 (selected students) • Science – Introduction to Earth & Environmental Science or Advanced Life Science • Social Studies – Social Studies 6 or Accelerated SS6/Civics • Teens Read 6, Strategies For Comprehension Success, or Gifted Enrichment • Health and PE 6 • SOAR, SOAR-Math Improvement, or Learning Strategies • One elective course Course descriptions are provided in the Planning Guide. 6th Grade Courses
We offer a variety of courses for students with IEP’s, including collaborative and self-contained classes for English and Math, collaborative classes for Social Studies and Science, and self-contained classes for Reading, Learning Strategies, and Social Skills. • Students will be recommended for courses according to their current IEP’s. Course requests may change later in the spring as adjustments are made to students’ IEP’s. • Transition meetings will be held at Elko Middle School in the spring. Case managers from the elementary school will inform you of dates/times. 6th Grade Courses(Exceptional Education)
Year-long courses include: • Art 6 • Beginning Band (Brass/Percussion) • Beginning Band (Woodwinds) • Beginning Chorus • Beginning Strings Elective Options . . .
Exploratory: If students chose exploratory as their elective option, they must select one of the two possible rotations: Elective Options . . .
Students will learn valuable tips aboutstudy skills, organizational skills, note-taking, and other important concepts to help them succeed in middle school. • Students are given some time during this class to get extra help if needed, to check out books in the library, and for directed study. • Students who need additional help in math will be placed with a math teacher for this class. • Students review SOL’s from all content areas, for reinforcement SOAR
The following course is available in 7th grade: • Foundations of Spanish Part A (part one of a two-year sequence before one credit is awarded) The following courses are available in 8th grade: • Algebra I/Geometry • Earth Science I • World History & Geography I • Foundations of Spanish B/Spanish I • Independent Living • Art I • Technology Foundations • Computer Applications & Digital Input Technologies High School Credit Courses
Teachers base their recommendations on each student’s: • Current performance • Standardized test scores/SOL scores • Grades • Maturity level • Organizational skills • Participation in class • Sense of responsibility • Critical thinking skills Teacher Recommendations
The student has strong performance in 5th grade classes • The student scored in the high average to above average range on a recent standardized test • The student exhibits good organizational skills, commitment to tasks, advanced critical thinking, and self-directed learning • Please discuss questions about recommendations with your child’s teacher. Advanced/Accelerated Courses are recommended when:
Algebra I- Math Course 1 prepares students to take Math Course 2 in 7th grade, and Algebra I in 8th grade, based on performance in class and on SOL’s, and with the teacher’s recommendation. If students are not ready to take Algebra I in 8th grade, they will be recommended for Math Course 3 • 6th Graders enrolled in Accelerated Math 6/7 (new course will be offeredfor next school year) - Prepares students to take Algebra I in 7th grade, and Geometry in 8th grade; students must be enrolled in an Accelerated Math 5/6 class in order for teachers to recommend them for Accelerated Math 6/7 in 6th grade (students cannot skip content). • Most students will be recommended for Math Course I in 6th grade. Accelerated Pathways
Advanced Life Science 7 - Students who take Life Science in 6th grade will prepare to take Physical Science in 7th grade and Earth Science in 8th grade. • Accelerated Social Studies - Students who take Accelerated Social Studies in 6th grade will also take part of the 8th grade Civics/Economics course during the 6th and 7th grade years ... in order to prepare for World History in 8th grade • Algebra I, Geometry, Earth Science, and World History are all High School Credit Courses and require an End-of-Course SOL Accelerated Pathways
The Planning Guide contains useful information to help you look to the future for opportunities down the road (graduation requirements and specialty center programs). • Many of Henrico County’s Specialty Centers require that students are enrolled in certain high school credit courses in 8th grade in order to be competitive candidates for their programs. • For example, The Center for Engineering (HSHS) requires students to be enrolled in Algebra I in 8th grade, while the Center for Communications (VHS) strongly recommends that students take World History in 8th grade. • Some decisions made for course placement in 6th grade will affect placement in 8th grade and opportunities for high school programs. Explore Future Opportunities
Middleof January: Teachers will begin to make course recommendations for students in PowerSchool • February 12th: Parents will begin to gain access to PowerSchool to select courses for students • February 17th: Deadline for course selections to be made in PowerSchool • April 25th: At the end of the third marking period (early April), teachers may reconsider their recommendations and send any changes to the School Counseling Department @ Elko (after discussing these changes with parents). The deadline for making changes to core classes is April 25th. Important Dates . . .
Mid-May: Students will receive a confirmation of course requests • June 13th: Deadline to request course changes (last day of school); changes will only be honored if space remains in the course being requested. • We will invite all rising 6th graders to attend a transition program (Eagle Camp) in mid-August (details TBA). • August: Final schedules will be distributed during Fee Day Important Dates . . .
Please visit our classrooms on the first floor, where you will be able to learn more about our academic and elective course offerings. Band/Strings are located in the Commons Area. All other classes are in the 1500 and 1600 halls. • Please visit our PTA table (in the bookstore), where you can find out about opportunities for next year. You can purchase some Eagle Spirit Wear as well! The bookstore is located in the commons area just outside of the auditorium. • Visit the counselors’ table (in between 1500 and 1600 halls) to pick up some helpful brochures and information. • Visit the Health/PE table located in between the 1500 and 1600 halls to learn more about our Health and Physical Education program as well as athletics. • We look forward to working with you! • Classrooms and tables will be available until 7:30 PM. Curriculum Fair