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Second Life: Avatars and Virtual Worlds in Education

Second Life: Avatars and Virtual Worlds in Education. Text. Visual. Introductory clip of my avatar on Orientation Island in SL.

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Second Life: Avatars and Virtual Worlds in Education

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  1. Second Life: Avatars and Virtual Worlds in Education Text Visual Introductory clip of my avatar on Orientation Island in SL • My selected innovation is the virtual reality program, specifically Second Life (SL). SL is a virtual world that is available for education and entertainment purposes. With over 13 million residents and a concurrent login in the region of 85,000 users, SL has been noted as one of the more popular virtual worlds. In 2008, there were eighty virtual worlds available with another one hundred planned for launch in 2009. (Freitas, 2008, p. 47) I am currently developing a public history of the Native Americans in the Southeast prior to European contact that I plan to host in SL. Images(general or specific, location if known): Design(background color, font style, special effects): Audio(music, sound effects): Narration (the actual text that you would record to accompany this slide):

  2. What Is Second Life Text Visual Clip of arrival on new island • Simple definition

  3. Benefits of SL Text Visual Clip of virtual classroom scene • Virtual realities such as SL allow for the free exchange of information without the limitations of distance and time that travel normally involves. By using virtual realities, such as galleries and e-portfolios, students from across the world can meet on common ground. Digital media can be shared with relative ease. By using avatars, the usual considerations of appearance can be eliminated from most situations. There are already virtual schools springing up across the world. By eliminating the physical infrastructure required for most schools, costs are minimalized.

  4. What Can It Do? Text Visual Clip of selected informational sites in SL Clip of mathematics visual Clip of aircraft and/or nuclear power plant simulator Dance clip • Information/Awareness • Visualization • Simulations • Collaborative spaces and tools • Social interaction • Discussions/conferences • Virtual schools

  5. ARC Research Center Text Visual

  6. Genome Center Text Visual

  7. International Spaceflight Museum Text Visual

  8. Nanotech Island Text Visual

  9. Science Center Text Visual

  10. Second Life Library 2.0 Text Visual

  11. Barriers and Facilitators Text Visual Static financial graphs for selected school system • In the article “Barriers and Facilitators to the Adoption of Tools for Online Pedagogy,” the authors looked at the various factors affecting the adaptation of SL. These factors included cost effectiveness, staff perceptions, strategic initiatives, and the types of support provided by the information technology systems management of a range of educational institutions that have committed to education delivery or pilot projects in SL.

  12. References Text Visual Simple list of references scroll down screen References • Barriers and Facilitators to the Adoption of Tools for Online Pedagogy. NiruBhati, Sarah Mercer, Kenneth Rankin, Brendon Thomas. International Journal of Pedagogies & Learning. Maleny: Mar 2010. Vol. 5, Iss. 3; pg. 5, 15 pgs. Retrieved from: http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb?index=7&did=2122167221&SrchMode=2&sid=2&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1284606963&clientId=70192 • Freitas, S. (2008). Serious virtual worlds. Retrieved December 23, 2008, from http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/publications/seriousvirtualworldsv1.pdf. • Second Life: Test-Driving Real-World Innovations. Laura Bruck. Hospitals & Health Networks. Chicago: Oct 2008. Vol. 82, Iss. 10; pg. 50, 3 pgs. Retrieved from: http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb?index=0&did=1592693261&SrchMode=2&sid=1&Fmt=4&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1284606290&clientId=70192

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