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Communication. What is communication?. Sending and receiving of messages between people. Two forms of communication. Verbal – using words Non Verbal – conveying messages without words. “I” messages. You say how you feel and what you think, rather than criticizing someone else

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Communication

  2. What is communication? • Sending and receiving of messages between people

  3. Two forms of communication • Verbal – using words • Non Verbal – conveying messages without words

  4. “I” messages • You say how you feel and what you think, rather than criticizing someone else “I feel… (here you name an emotion- anger, fear, disappointment) When you…(here you say what behavior bothers you) Because….”(here you explain why it bothers you)” Ex: “I feel angry when you talk out loud because you are disturbing the other students.”

  5. “You” message • You criticize others by putting the blame on them • “You…(blaming the person for something)” Example: “You always think you can have things your way!”

  6. Passive Behavior • A person’s hands are fidgety is example of passive behavior • When a person tries not to hurt other’s feelings, but usually gets taken advantage of in the process. • Doesn’t always get what he/she wants b/c they are afraid to ask • Heads down, avoiding eye contact, speaking in a hushed tone • General appearance: giggling/silly, beating around the bush, body language and words don’t match

  7. Aggressive Behavior • When a person only want his or her own way and doesn’t care how they get it • Invading a person’s personal space, using threatening gestures, loud or mocking tone of voice • Language may include a lot of “you” message (accusations, threats, or insults) • General appearance: sarcastic, bully, smart –aleck attitude

  8. Assertive Behavior • When a person does not infringe on others’ desires, wants, or needs. • When a person acts assertively you don’t lose self respect and you get your point across without hurting other’s feelings. • Use direct, honest statements and showing respect for others. • Uses “ I” messages when possible • Avoids blaming, put –downs, demands, or threats • General Appearance: pays attention, strong, and caring

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