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Guide for the WOP online Application. Instructions for Students. Guide for the WOP Application Your first screen. This is a previous step to have access to the online application of the WOP Master’s Programme.
Guide forthe WOP online Application InstructionsforStudents
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYourfirstscreen Thisis a previoussteptohaveaccesstothe online application of the WOP Master’sProgramme Readcarefullythe 3 ways of accessing. Ifyou are not a Spanishcitizen, mostprobablyyouwillhavetocreate a user and password. So, pleaseclickonthe 3rd option “OFFICE user”
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYoursecondscreen (whencreatingan OFFICE user) Clickon “Applyingforaccess” tocreateanaccount
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYourthirdscreen (whencreatingan OFFICE user) (1) Thisstep “Information” providesyouwithinformation. Readitcarefully. (2) Clickon "Next". Itwilltakeyoutothe “PrivacyPolicy”. Please, readitcarefully. (3) Afterreadingthe “PrivacyPolicy”, clickon “Next”
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYournextscreen: Personal Data (whencreatingan OFFICE user) Instructionsfor 1. DNI: Introduce anyidentificationnumber (passport, ...) 2. NAME: Introduce yourname 3. SURNAME: Introduce yoursurname(s) 4. PHONE: Introduce a phonenumberforcontactingyou (add country code and citycode) 5. COMMENTS: Introduce anycommentyouwouldliketomake. Thisisnotcompulsory. Afterfilling in thesefields, clickon “Next”
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYournextscreen: Access Data (whencreatingan OFFICE user) Thisstepisthemostimportantone. Makesurethatthe e-mail addressyou introduce willbeavailable at leastfor 6 monthsfromthe date of yourapplication. In this e-mail addressyouwillreceivetheconfirmation of accessfor WOP Application. Rememberboththe e-mail (your e-mail addresswillbeyouruser) and passwordorkeepthem in a safe place. Youmightneedthem in ordertoaccessseveral times toyourapplicationform. Notificationsaboutyourselectionprocess (missingdocuments and data, results of selection, etc) willbeavailable in your personal sitecreatedafterthisprocess. Afterintroducingyour e-mail address, youmightget a message in greencolourlikethis: “The e-mail statedisnotregistered in thesystem”. Thismeansthat YOU CAN USE this e-mail address. Ifyouget a messagesayingthatthesystem has alreadythat e-mail address, eitheryouhave done thisprocessorsomeone has yoursame e-mail address and has alreadyregisteredwithit. Clickon “Next”
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYournextscreen: End (whencreatingan OFFICE user)
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYourlastscreen: End (whencreatingan OFFICE user) Clickon “Obtaindocument”. Thisdocumentprovidesyou “youruser” whichisthesame as your e-mail address. 2. Clickon “List of availableprocedures”
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYou are nowaccessingtoallapplications in theUniversity of Valencia
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationYouhaveto look for WOP ApplicationforStudents
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationClickon WOP-P EM ApplicationFormforStudents
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationConfirmyouraccountbycheckingyour e-mail Thisisthe e-mail messageyouwillreceivefromtheCoordinatingUniversity (entreu@uv.es)
Guide forthe WOP ApplicationAfterclickingthe link provided in your e-mail inbox (whencreatingan OFFICE user) Do NOT clickon “Next” !!!! Go back tothescreenshownonslidenumber 11 and clickon “Access!
Guide forthe WOP Application Afterclickingon “Access” fromsteponslidenumber 11, youwillfindagainthisscreenonyourcomputer Now, clickon “OFFICE user”. A new imagewillappearonyourcomputer (gotoslidenumber 15 toseeit)
Guide forthe WOP Application Firststep: Introduce your e-mail address in “Username” and the “Password” youintroducedwhencreatingan OFFICE user Secondstep: Clickon “Access”
Guide forthe WOP Application You are now in the WOP Erasmus MundusApplicationForm!!! Please, readalltheinformationprovided and filloutallfields. Makesurethatyouprovideusright and accurate data and informationaboutyourself. Clickon “Next” togotothefollowingstep!
Guide forthe WOP Application At theend of theapplicationprocess, youhavetheoptiontomark “yes” or “no” in ordertoreceivefeedbackonyourapplication. Westronglyrecommendyoutoclickon “yes”, so youwillreceiveinformation in your e-mail. Clickon “Send”. Youwillobtainanimageliketheoneonthenextslide (number 18)
Guide forthe WOP Application Thismessageisjustinformingyouthatyourapplicationisbeingsent. Our server needssome time. So please, bepatiente and waitfor a while. Afterour server processesyourapplication, youwillfindanimageliketheonedisplayed in nextslide (number 19)
Guide forthe WOP Application Thisscreenletsyouobtain a copy of yourapplicationbyclickingon “Obtenirdocument”. Youwillget a pdfwithallyour data introduced in the online applicationform. Thisbutton “Finalitzar i anar al MeuLloc Personal” letsyougotoyour Personal Site in theUniversity of Valencia. There, you can manageyourapplication and readnotifications as shown in thenextslide (number 20)
Guide forthe WOP Application Thisisyour Personal Site in theUniversity of Valencia (CoordinatingUniversity of WOP-P Master’s) As default, thisscreenappears in a languageotherthaninEnglish. From “Idioma” you can changeintoEnglishlanguage. These are differentbuttonswhichletyoudifferentactions. Thelast figure (Folder with a house) logsyououtfromhere. Ifyouwanttoenteragainafterbeingloggedout, pleasefollowinstructionsonthefollowingslides.
Guide forenteringagain in your Personal Account of yourApplicationfor WOP Master’s. Clickonthefollowing link: http://entreu.uv.es/uvEntreuWeb/ (youwillfindanimageonyourscreenliketheonedisplayedonnextslide (number 22)
Guide forenteringagain in your Personal Account of yourApplicationfor WOP Master’s. Clickon “Entreu” whichwilltakeyoutothefollowingimagedisplayed in nextslide (number 23)
Guide forenteringagain in your Personal Account of yourApplicationfor WOP Master’s. First: ChangethelanguageintoEnglishfromtheright top corner. Second: enter in your “Personal site”. Followthesamesteps as in slide 14 and 15.
Guide forenteringagain in your Personal Account of yourApplicationfor WOP Master’s. Youhaveenteredagain in your Personal Site. Ifyou log outbyclicking in the folder with a house and youwanttoenter in anothermoment, pleasestartfromslidenumber 21.