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Swaziland 2007 population & housing census

Swaziland 2007 population & housing census. Presentation 3 rd africa Symposium on statistical development in africa 3-7 December 2007, Accra Ghana. Structure of Presentation. Introduction Objectives of the 2007 PHC Organizational Structure Census Preparatory Activities

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Swaziland 2007 population & housing census

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  1. Swaziland 2007 population & housing census Presentation 3rd africa Symposium on statistical development in africa 3-7 December 2007, Accra Ghana

  2. Structure of Presentation • Introduction • Objectives of the 2007 PHC • Organizational Structure • Census Preparatory Activities • Publicity Strategy/Plan • Enumeration • Census Data Processing • 2007 Census Outputs • Dissemination • Technical Assistance • Challenges

  3. Introduction • Statistics Act of 1967 empowers CSO to conduct the census • Census taking dates back to 1898 • Ten yearly interval period has been maintained since 1936 • Questionnaires have been improving over the years • Use canvasser method of enumeration since 1966 to date • Recent census conducted in April/May, 2007 • Publication and Dissemination of census results to be completed mid 2009

  4. Objectives of the 2007 PHC • To count everyone in the country • To contribute to the maintenance of decennial censuses. • To provide sampling frame • To provide time series of demographic and socio-economic benchmark data at national and sub-national levels • To provide information for formulation/design, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes • To provide detailed information on sectoral plans and policies for development frameworks, eg. NPRSP,

  5. Census Organizational Structure • Census office established in 2005 • In-House Census Technical Planning Committee • CSO professionals 4- prepared census plans • Regional Census Officers (RCO,8), two per region • Trainers -32 • Supervisors -500 • Enumerators -2076 • Publicity office with full time Information, Education and Communications Officer

  6. Census Preparatory Activities • Inventory of maps • Household listing (2 phases) • Automated mapping • Development of census documents • Recruitment & Trainings • Regional Census Officers (graduates with Demography) • Trainers (graduates, related specialization) • Enumerators and Supervisors -School leavers with credits in SiSwati, English and Mathematics

  7. Publicity Strategy/Plan • Full time IEC officer • Assistance in Developing a Publicity Strategy Plan (UNFPA) • Funding for Publicity Material (UNICEF) • Publicity material (with printed slogan in SiSwati & English) • T-shirts • Posters • Stickers • Pamphlets • Identification cards • Slogan : “Counting on you to be Counted)

  8. Enumeration • Enumeration dates 28th April – 14th May 2007 • De-jure approach • 2076 Enumeration Areas • One EA per enumerator • Four enumerators per supervisor • Two Regional Census officers per region

  9. Census Data Processing • Activities running simultaneously • Manual editing and coding • Data entry • Data verification • Validation • Tabulation programme • Data editing and coding programme

  10. 2007 PHC Outputs • Provisional figures • Priority statistical tables • Other statistical tables • Thematic analysis reports • Regional monographs • Demographic and Socio-economic Atlas

  11. Dissemination • Publication • Workshops • Reports (hard and electronic format) • Printed documents : hard copy and electronic format • Indicators will be in SwaziInfo (using DevInfo) • All tables shall be disaggregated by sex and produced for administrative regions up to lowest level (EA) • Preliminary results • Census priority tables • Listing of localities

  12. Technical and Financial Assistance 1/2 • Technical assistance from UNFPA • Development of an Advocacy document • Development of a Publicity Strategy document • Questionnaire design • Project document • Procurement of office equipment and 5 cars • Data processing software • Data entry application • Edit specification • Trainings • CTA for Census Project : 12 months

  13. Technical and Financial Assistance 2/2 • Support through GDDS • GIS needs assessment • Setting up a GIS Unit • Training

  14. Challenges 1/2 • Inadequate technical capacity • High turnover of professional staff • Limited positions in CSO cadre • All section have limited staff • Acute shortage of vehicles • Insufficient cars at initial stages • Late release of cars from other government departments

  15. Challenges 2/2 • Financial constraints • Inadequate funding at preparation stages • Lack of accommodation for field staff • Recruitment of field staff • Difficulty in finding qualified enumerators/supervisors • Hence, qualified recruited from adjacent areas • Field officers not turning up or getting employment somewhere • Long process of replacements and transportation problems • These delayed payments • Problems encountered in communities boundaries under disputes

  16. Thank you

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