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Georgetown REU Site in Materials Physics Jeffrey S. Urbach, Georgetown University, DMR 1004268

Georgetown REU Site in Materials Physics Jeffrey S. Urbach, Georgetown University, DMR 1004268. Georgetown University. Georgetown University.

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Georgetown REU Site in Materials Physics Jeffrey S. Urbach, Georgetown University, DMR 1004268

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  1. Georgetown REU Site in Materials Physics Jeffrey S. Urbach, Georgetown University, DMR 1004268 Georgetown University Georgetown University Ten undergraduate students from other institutions spent the summer of 2011 working in research labs in the Georgetown physics department. For many of the participants, this was their first exposure to materials research. Andrew McVicker (Elon) studied emulsions, which are mixtures of immiscible liquids, like oil and water. He determined how the amount of stress required to induce flow depends on the size and volume fraction of the droplets. Developing a better understanding of the mechanical properties of emulsions is important for applications in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Mentor: Daniel Blair Marian Ackun-Farmmer (GWU) synthesized magnetic nanoparticles and investigated how their size and shape affected their signal in magnetic resonance images (MRI). The aim of this work is to optimize nanomaterials used as MRI contrast agents. Mentor: Ed Van Keuren

  2. Georgetown REU Site in Materials Physics Jeffrey S. Urbach, Georgetown University, DMR 1004268 Top: At the end of the summer, participants presented their research findings at a lively poster session that was jointly sponsored by the Georgetown chemistry and physics REU programs. Bottom: One focus of the enrichment program was an exploration of how science and scientists help shape public policy. During a trip to the U.S. Capitol, students met in the Senate Energy Committee Hearing Room with several Ph.D. scientists who serve on the Congressional Staff. Discussion topics included legislation related to energy, climate, and natural resources, as well as career paths that incorporate both science and policy.

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