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Inter-class History Project Presentation Contest: People in History

Engaging English and History activity in junior secondary school to explore World War history through drama, videos, and presentations. Students use English to research, write scripts, and express ideas. Enhances cross-curricular learning and vocabulary development.

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Inter-class History Project Presentation Contest: People in History

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  1. How to use English to conduct learning and teaching activities in junior secondary History classes (New) Inter-class History Project Presentation Contest: People in History 中三歷史英語專題研習比賽 : 歷史人物 Pooi To Middle School 香港培道中學 Mr. John Patrick Hone Mr. Tai Tze Lok, Osbert PTMS students CD102012003528.2.2012

  2. EAC (English Across the Curriculum)in History Subject • The project is part of the English Across the Curriculum Programme of Pooi To Middle School. • It is an idea created jointly by our English and History teachers • Participants: S3 students

  3. Objectives of this Programme • To see English in use in other subjects, like History • To broaden their horizons in language use and global perspectives • History comes before English. • Students present their interpretation of events between the two World Wars using drama, videos, music, slideshows etc.

  4. What do students learn ? • Use English to read and collect information • Write scripts and do their presentations

  5. Teachers’ role • John in S3 classes (Script writing development) • Osbert in S3 classes (WWI~WWII Contents :PPT & Mindmap)

  6. This is an activity that requires students to think about important people and events happened in world history, from World War 1 to World War 2. Students are also asked to present what they found in ways like drama, role play, interview, poetry, conducted or written in English. It helps them develop their vocabulary and use English to express ideas. English and History: Cross Curricular Activity

  7. Students will be able to present what they have learnt in History lessons in English Students will explore more about the causes of World War II in English Students will have a chance to use English in other content-based subjects. They can use English in an authentic context. Final Goals

  8. Between the two World Wars i.e background and causes of World War II Period to be studied in History lesson

  9. On the piece of paper provided write down a word - the name of a person, a country or an event (e.g. a war) that has some connection with what you are learning or going to learn in your History lesson. Task 1

  10. Can you say 3 or 4 sentences about the word you have just written? Task 2

  11. Test your knowledge of History .

  12. Hitler Bismarck Beethoven Walt Disney Who was the man that united Prussia with the rest of Germany?

  13. France Belgium Ireland Which small country caused the outbreak of war between Britain and Germany in 1914?

  14. The Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Moscow The Treaty of Berlin The Treaty of Versailles What treaty was signed in the Paris Peace Conference which marked the end World War One?

  15. Who became Chancellor (leader) of Germany in 1932? • Benito Mussolini • Adolf Hitler • John Hone • Winston Churchhill

  16. Can you say the word below? Totalitarianism

  17. What does “Totalitarianism” mean? Total control of a country by a person/party that does not let anyone speak against or oppose it.

  18. Who was the leader of Britain during WWII? • Adolf Hitler • Joseph Stalin • Winston Churchill • Mao Tse Tung

  19. Which year did ‘The Wall Street Crash’ take place? • 1922 • 1929 • 1931 • 1941

  20. Who was the President of the United States in the 1930s? • Adolf Hitler • Franklin D Roosevelt • Benito Mussolini

  21. What do we call the event which caused over 2 million Jewish killed during the Second World War? • The Great Death • The Holocaust • The Destruction

  22. Week 1 –Introduction Week 2 –Forming Groups/Brainstorming Ideas Week 3- Developing ideas in History and English Lessons Week 4 – Rehearsing during English /History lessons Week 5 – Class Competition Week 6 – Form Competition in Hall . Time Line

  23. Today :Introduction Developing idea in lesson Oral presentation of proposal in groups Final rehearsal in class Class Competition Form Activity in Auditorium (December) Schedule

  24. Watch the videos of the period that you are studying /going to study in your History Lesson Listening / Video

  25. The Great Depression started in the United States and then spread all over the world. The Great Depression meant that people were very poor and had no jobs and very little to eat, so strong and powerful leaders such as Hitler, Mussolini were able to take power. They became so powerful that they thought they could rule the world and this resulted in WWII The Great Depression and the rise of the Nazis /Fascists

  26. After The Treaty of Versailles, how do you think the German people felt ? (Germany lost and was forced to pay a lot of money to many countries) Try to brainstorm 5 things that will happen if there is a great depression in your country Imagine that you were a German during Hitler’s rule in Germany… Imagine that you were a Jewish during Hitler’s rule in Germany… Brainstorming Questions

  27. The rise of the Fascists (Nazis) in Germany and Italy between WWI and WWII

  28. The Holocaust : Over 2 million Jewish people were murdered by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Concentration camps

  29. Some of the major figures between the wars • Adolf Hitler • Dictator of Germany throughout the 1930’s. • He killed himself in 1945 as the Russians were going to capture him

  30. Winston Churchill • Leader of the UK during WWII . He helped defend western Europe from Nazi attacks and rule.

  31. Hideki Tojo • He was general of the Japanese air force that invaded Pearl Harbour and he led the Japanese in their invasion of Asia . • Japan was supported by Germany and Italy

  32. Joseph Stalin • Leader of the Communists in Russia • He helped to beat Hitler and the Nazis during WWII

  33. Benito Mussolini • He was the Fascist dictator of Italy during WWII • He supported Germany and Japan during WWII

  34. Franklin D Roosevelt • President of the USA during 1930s and WWII • He helped America recover from the depression

  35. The Rise of Totalitarianism in Germany and Italy The Holocaust The Great Depression Attack on Pearl Harbour Fighting the Nazis from Western Europe Fighting the Nazis from Eastern Europe Major Events and the People involved

  36. Great Depression Nazism Fascism Dictator The Holocaust Jews Jewish people Concentration camps The Allies (USA , UK, Russia, France ,China etc) The Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan ) Recap /Revision : Make sure you understand the following words

  37. 1.The Rise of Totalitarianism in Germany and Italy 2.The Holocaust 3.The Great Depression 4.Attack on Pearl Harbour 5.Fighting the Nazis from Western Europe 6.Fighting the Nazis from Eastern Europe A. Winston Churchill B.General Hideki Tojo C.Josef Stalin D.Hitler and Mussolini E. Franklin D Roosevelt F. Adolf Hitler Can you match the events with the leaders involved

  38. The Rise of Totalitarianism in Germany and Italy

  39. The Holocaust

  40. The Great Depression in the USA and all over the world“ When America sneezes the whole world catches a cold” • Franklin D Roosevelt

  41. Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour • General Tojo

  42. Fighting the Nazis (Fascists) from Western Europe • Winston Churchill

  43. Fighting the Nazis from Eastern Europe • Joseph Stalin

  44. E.g. If I had lived in Germany under Hitler, my life would have been very hard Try to imagine: If you were a German during Hitler’s rule in Germany…

  45. Neville Chamberlin

  46. The First World War History Lessons: Teaching Materials(1)

  47. Causes • 1. Extreme Nationalism ( ) • 2. Colonial Rivalry ( ) • 3. Alliance System ( ) • 4. Armament Race ( )

  48. Extreme Nationalism • It encouraged foreign expansion ( ) which in turn caused conflicts among European powers and led to war. We call it __________________.

  49. History Lessons:Teaching Materials

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