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PACE Math Program: Enhancing Math Skills and Problem-Solving

Develop a deeper understanding of math concepts, practice problem-solving strategies, communicate ideas, and appreciate math in real-world contexts. Utilize Houghton Mifflin Math Expressions Series and supplementary activities. Implement Common Core Standards and emphasize mathematical practices. Parent-teacher communication, student expectations, and detailed grading scale included.

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PACE Math Program: Enhancing Math Skills and Problem-Solving

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  1. PACE Math 2013-2014 • Overview • Overall Goals • Components of Program • Federal Changes to Math • Parent Communication • Student Expectations • Grading Scale Tauber - PACE Math

  2. Overall Goals To develop a greater and deeper understanding of mathematical terms, concepts, processes, thinking, and problem solving. • To become active problem solvers (know how to approach a problem, identify effective strategies, accurately solve problems, and be able to interpret meaning of answers) • To communicate mathematical ideas with others • To appreciate mathematics in the real world • ….. Tauber - PACE Math

  3. Components of Program • Houghton Mifflin Math Expressions Series • Used in whole group, small group, and independent settings • Used to learn, apply, and practice new concepts/skills, review previously learned concepts/skills, communicate ideas with others and to demonstrate competency of skills learned • NOTE: New series used throughout district Tauber - PACE Math

  4. Components of Program (cont.) • Supplementary Activities/Materials • Used only if needed in whole group, small group, and independent settings • Used to apply and practice concepts/skills learned in class if math series insufficiently develops concept Tauber - PACE Math

  5. Components of Program (cont.) • Calculators • Used to develop and execute calculator skills (mainly in 5th grade) • Note: not used to compute on daily basis • Math Manipulatives/Games • Used to build and practice mathematical skills • and thinking Tauber - PACE Math

  6. Common Core Standards Changes • Federal govt. created common standards for all students in the area of math • Focus: greater depth for all (but we will accelerate, too); guidelines for content and math practices • Note: PACE will utilize Gr 3-6 materials • Gr 3: Grades 3-4 • Gr 4: Grades 4-5 • Gr 5: Grade 6 (incl. few Gr. 7 standards) Tauber - PACE Math

  7. 8 Mathematical Practices Tauber - PACE Math

  8. Parent/Teacher Communication • Expressions Family letter (and supplementary e-mails, as needed) • Returned Student Work (Fridays and end of units) • Contact by e-mail OR phone (see handout) Tauber - PACE Math

  9. Student Work Tauber - PACE Math

  10. Student Work Tauber - PACE Math

  11. Student Work Tauber - PACE Math

  12. Student Work Tauber - PACE Math

  13. Student Work Tauber - PACE Math

  14. Student Work Tauber - PACE Math

  15. Student Expectations • Come to class with all needed material • Have homework completed on time and with maximum effort • Be focused and engaged in classroom discussions and activities • Accept challenge of class • “Every child deserves an opportunity to struggle.” • Dr. Sylvia Rimm Tauber - PACE Math

  16. Student Expectations • Show respect for all classmates and Lincoln teachers (Character Counts!) • Ask for help, ask for clarification, ask questions! Tauber - PACE Math

  17. Grading Scale • New math report card inserts • Grade 3: achievement grade by standard only • Grade 4-5: letter overall grade and achievement grade by standard Tauber - PACE Math

  18. Grading Scale (cont.) • Grade 3 -5 individual achievement grade by standard: • I = independently • S = with support (exp. with extra time, opportunity to make corrections, additional manipulatives, &/or other accommodations majority of students are not receiving) • N = not yet evident NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes modified curriculum Tauber - PACE Math

  19. Grading Scale (cont.) • Grades 4-5 overall grades: • A* = only “I”s & fact fluency is okay • B* = some “I”s & “S”s & fact fluency is okay • C* = only “S”s (no “I”s, but no “N”s) & fact fluency is okay • D* = some “S”s & “N”s • F* = only “N”s Tauber - PACE Math

  20. Grading Scale (cont.) • NOTE: Grades will be calculated by standard now using only recent in-class summative assessment sample standards on report card for Gr 3: Tauber - PACE Math

  21. Thank you for coming. I look forward to working with you this year. Please stay afterwards if you have any other questions or want to explore the classroom. Otherwise, please join Mrs. DeMarzo for her presentation that will start promptly at 7:00 pm. Tauber - PACE Math

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