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Overview of Math COE 2013-2014

Overview of Math COE 2013-2014. Kim Andersen, OSPI Science & Mathematics Specialist September 17, 2013. Topics for Today’s Webinar. 2. Eligibility Calendar Augmentation Policy & Guidelines Classroom Instruction Test Administration & Security Teacher Assistance

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Overview of Math COE 2013-2014

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  1. Overview of Math COE 2013-2014 Kim Andersen, OSPI Science & Mathematics Specialist September 17, 2013

  2. Topics for Today’s Webinar 2 Eligibility Calendar Augmentation Policy & Guidelines Classroom Instruction Test Administration & Security Teacher Assistance Content Year 1 & Year 2 (On Demand/Extended Time) New Inclusion Bank Tasks Resources & Contact Information

  3. Math COE Eligibility A student must have attempted and not met standard on a mathematics EOC two times (either a Year 1 and a Year 2 EOC or the same EOC twice) before being eligible to submit a COE. Students are eligible to work on a mathematics year 1 COE if they have taken or are currently enrolled in a high school algebra 1 or integrated mathematics course. Students are eligible to work on a mathematics year 2 COE if they have taken or are currently enrolled in a high school geometry or integrated 2 mathematics course.

  4. Calendar for the Math COE January 22, 2014: First submission deadline 2013-2014, 12th graders only March 28, 2014: Results back to districts on WAMS April 30, 2014: Augmentation deadline for those who qualify May 30,2014: Results back to districts on WAMS June 11, 2014: Next full submission deadline August 8, 2014: Results back to districts on WAMS

  5. Augmenting a math coe The Year 1“Cut Score” is 24 points out of 32. A student must earn 24 out of 32 points on a Year 1 Math COE to meet standard or demonstrate proficiency. Students may augment if their score is 22-23. The Year 2“Cut Score” is 14 points out of 24. A student must earn 14 out of 24 points on the Year 2 Math COE to meet standard or demonstrate proficiency. Students may augment if their score is 12-13.

  6. Augmentation process Students not meeting standard, but within the 2 point augmentation band, may submit 4 new tasks for scoring. There is no requirement for “on-demand” tasks but these tasks may be included. The 4 new tasks, combined with the original COE, are used to determine whether the student meets standard. Qualifying students get a single opportunity to augment. Augmentations may be submitted in any subsequent scoring window.

  7. Policy & Guidelines Guidelines & Policy for the Mathematics COE can be referenced on the OSPI sponsored COE Webpage: www.coe.k12.wa.us Topics covered in the Guidelines include: components; eligibility; strands; tasks; inclusion bank; teacher assistance; scoring; augmentation; and more!

  8. Preparing students for the math coe – Instruction is key! One of the benefits to students accessing the collection of evidence is thattasks may be administered in parts. Teachers may elect to teach a standard and then when students are ready administer part of a task (one or more questions) that align to that standard. Before administering the COE in the classroom: Teachers should thoughtfully review the task and performance expectations using the content (PE’s) to guide instructional decisions. Teach & reteach the performance expectations included in the tasks in various contexts in the classroom until the students demonstrate proficiency.

  9. Preparing students for the math COE – Instruction is Key!! In addition to teaching to the standards, teachers will want to prepare students by: Teaching & re-teaching the related academic vocabulary. Increasing student understanding of the context by teaching and re-teaching the general vocabulary.

  10. When students are ready to assess Provide a secure testing environment that includes: Working independently No books, notes, or other materials Proctoring by professional educator Calculators used according to OSPI policy http://www.k12.wa.us/Mathematics/CalculatorPolicy.aspx Please check COE Math Webpage for more details at http://www.coe.k12.wa.us/Page/271

  11. Teacher’s role during assessments Maintain an appropriate testing atmosphere by proctoring. Support students to do their best work in a secure and quiet classroom setting.

  12. Teacher assistance Teacher feedback on COE tasks Teachers may not provide any specific feedback on a COE task. All completed work samples must represent the student’s independent work. Editing done on extended time tasks must be solely based on the student’s independent review and evaluation of their own work.

  13. Test Security Keep tasks in a secure location. Between assessments, work with your building administrator to have a locked location to store tests safely, accessible only to district staff. Extended response tasks may be taken out later for student edits; however, on-demand tasks may not. Both need to be stored securely. More information available at COE Website http://www.coe.k12.wa.us/Page/271

  14. Math COESufficiency The Collection Must Include • At least six and no more than eight separate, unique work samples (tasks) • Each collection must have each strand represented at least twice (represented in 2 different tasks) with two different PE’s represented • There must be at least two on-demand tasks

  15. On-Demand Tasks Two tasks or work samples must be on demand These tasks are designed to be completed in a single class period under the supervision of an educator Any inclusion task may be selected by the teacher or student as on-demand Students & teachers may opt to complete more than two samples as on- demand

  16. Extended Time Tasks An extended time task: Is completed over more than one class period or session Is supervised by a teacher or education professional May not leave the classroom Allows the students multiple opportunities for editing and revision. The editing is self-directed over the semester or school year as student learning deepens.

  17. Let’s look at a possible student collection matrix

  18. Scoring the Math COE Professional scorers Train using an exemplar paper, student responses, and a task-specific rubric Scorers must qualify to score Ongoing validity and reliability checks Calibration training as needed Score each question within a task independently “Burst” scoring – score a single task at a time No scorer ever views a complete COE

  19. Year 1 & Year 2Mathematics COE This October we are excited to introduce many new tasks to the Year 1 Inclusion Bank These tasks will be available for use in the January 22 submission for 12th graders

  20. Resources for Educators The COE Website is the resource for up-to-date Mathematics Year 1 & Year 2 information http://wwwcoe.k12.wa.us The COE Mathematics Moodle is the resource for information around instructional practice and networking http://moodle2.ospi.k12.wa.us/course/view.php?id=56

  21. Technical support Questions about the submission process can be directed to the COE office at ESD 113 #360-464-6708or coe@esd113.org Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

  22. Contact Information OSPI If you have a mathematical content related question, do not hesitate to contact me at OSPI: Kim.andersen@k12.wa.us or call 360-725-6237 If you have an operation (logistical) question, please contact: Amanda.mount@k12.wa.us or call 360-725-6037

  23. Thank you!

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