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AQ Constellation Activities in preparation for GEMS: GEO-CAPE, CEOS-ACC, and KORUS-AQ Status. Jay Al-Saadi, NASA GEO-CAPE Program Scientist TEMPO Deputy Project Scientist CEOS-ACC Co-chair KORUS-AQ Deputy Mission Scientist. 2015 GEMS Science Meeting Busan, Korea October 6-8, 2015.
AQ Constellation Activities in preparation for GEMS: GEO-CAPE, CEOS-ACC, and KORUS-AQ Status Jay Al-Saadi, NASA GEO-CAPE Program Scientist TEMPO Deputy Project Scientist CEOS-ACC Co-chair KORUS-AQ Deputy Mission Scientist 2015 GEMS Science Meeting Busan, Korea October 6-8, 2015
GEO-CAPE Mission and Evolution • GEO-CAPE mission concept described in the 2007 Decadal Survey • Provide first-ever high temporal, spatial, & spectral resolution observations from geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) to resolve the diurnal evolution of North American air quality and water quality • All instrumentation combined on one “dedicated” satellite • An updated mission study was conducted in 2010 • Included a planning payload that achieved all GEO-CAPE measurements • Estimated life-cycle cost ~$1.5B => not affordable this decade • GEO-CAPE stakeholders developed an alternative implementation concept (Fishman et al., BAMS, 2012) • Ocean color and atmosphere measurements can be independent • Implement mission as 2 or 3 commercially hosted payloads • Phased implementation flexibility is responsive to budget uncertainties • Reduce risk and cost compared to a single dedicated mission • TEMPO selected 11/2012 as NASA’s first Earth Venture Instrument • PI-led “Earth explorer” class mission, instrument delivery in 2017 • NASA to arrange launch and hosting services http://geo-cape.larc.nasa.gov
What does TEMPO mean (and not mean) for GEO-CAPE? • TEMPO will provide a significant part of the GEO-CAPE atmospheric measurement capability, sooner than otherwise possible • TEMPO measurements are a subset of the GEO-CAPE atmosphere suite • GEO-CAPE also requires concurrent measurements of additional species including the critical tracer CO and short-lived climate forcer CH4 • Remains to be seen whether TEMPO will be a GEO-CAPE precursor, or the initial component of GEO-CAPE • The answer partly depends on the specific host selected for TEMPO • Orbital location (longitude) • Mission life (TEMPO planned for 20 month operation but extension is possible) • TEMPO selection does not imply acceleration of full GEO-CAPE mission • TEMPO is a pathfinder that will demonstrate the use of commercially-hosted payloads to accomplish Earth science, hopefully enabling affordable earlier implementation of complete GEO-CAPE mission • Full suite of simultaneous atmospheric measurements • Coastal ocean ecosystem science mission
Funded tropospheric chemistry mission parameters(as of 4/2015)
Air Quality Constellation Targets: Harmonization to improve data product quality and usage • During 2013, the CEOS* ACC** AQ Constellation leads developed recommendations for harmonization to mutually improve data quality and facilitate widespread use of the data products • Includes LEO and GEO: LEO observations are a common transfer standard to link the GEO observations • Progress to date includes: • Sharing of instrument requirements influenced instrument specifications, which may facilitate harmonization of data products • Advocating open data policy (including L1B) with common formats to facilitate broad usage • Establishment of new GSICS UV-Vis subgroup • Agreed to use NetCDF format to easily exchange data (4/2015 ACC-11) • AQ Constellation “Geophysical Validation Needs” document now in preparation *CEOS = Committee on Earth Observation Satellites **ACC = Atmospheric Composition Constellation
Outcomes from 4/2015 CEOS ACC-11 Meeting • NIER invited/agreed to host CEOS ACC-12 meeting in Korea • Tentative location/date Seoul Aug-Sep 2016 • Consecutive with GEMS 2016 Science Meeting • Evaluate adoption of data file conventions as being implemented by S-5P team as an “Atmospheric Composition Missions” (AC) convention • P. Veefkind to provide current S5P format specs to CEOS-ACC • Formulate meta-data guidelines sufficiently open for AC missions • Goal to select/endorse convention at ACC-12 meeting • Explore feasibility of extending measurements from KORUS-AQ ground sites to overlap with S-5P initial operations (through MAPS Seoul 2017?) • Complete Geophysical Validation Needs document • First draft by end of 2015, goal for final document by end of 2016 (6 months prior to GEMS/TEMPO instrument deliveries) • Desire to conduct next OSSE workshop (preferably at ECMWF, TBC) • Begin advocacy for post-launch integrated validation campaign(s) • Collaborative around-the-world campaign after GEMS/TEMPO/S-4 all launch???
KORUS-AQ: An international cooperative air quality field study in Korea Jihyung Hong – NIER Director Climate and Air Quality Research Barry Lefer – NASA Tropospheric Composition Program Manager KORUS-AQ Steering Committee: Jay Al-Saadi (NASA), Greg Carmichael (U. Iowa), Lim Seok Chang (NIER), Jim Crawford (NASA), Louisa Emmons (NCAR), Jhoon Kim (Yonsei U.), Saewung Kim (UC-Irvine), Gangwoong Lee (Hankuk U.), Rokjin Park (Seoul National U.), and Chang-Keun Song (NIER)
2016 Korea-US Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) andOcean Color (KORUS-OC) Studies • What: • A cooperative intensive airborne, ground, ship and satellite field study May 1 - June 14 2016 • Korean peninsula and adjacent waters • Why: • Readiness/maturity for geostationary satellite observability of air quality and coastal ocean color (in GOCI FOV) • Compelling science including megacity pollution, anthropogenic/biogenic mixtures, and transboundary pollution • Components: • NASA DC-8 with in-situ and remote payload • 2 Korean B-200 aircraft with in-situ payloads • NASA B-200 aircraft with mapping UV-Vis satellite simulator (GEO-CAPE funding) • Ground sites including the Korean Air Quality network and research supersites • Research ships with ocean and atmosphere measurements (GEO-CAPE funding) Notional flight planning map illustrating the feasibility of conducting intensive airborne air quality surveys in Korea • Participants: • Korea MoE, NIER, KMA, KIOST, and Universities • US NASA, NCAR, Universities, and possible other government agencies
Overview of GeoTASO(TEMPO/GEMS Airborne Simulator)Geostationary Trace gas and Aerosol Sensor Optimization • NASA-funded airborne sensor and trace gas/aerosol retrieval project to advance mission readiness for GEO-CAPE/TEMPO missions • UV-Vis spectrometer with 2 2-D detector arrays covering 290-390 nm (O3, SO2, HCHO) and 415-695 nm (NO2, O3, aerosol) • Imaging spectrometer covers ~7 km swath with 50m x 80m ground patch resolution • Spectral passbands of ~ 0.4 nm in UV, ~0.8 nm in Vis with 3x oversampling spectrally • Signal to noise of ~ 50 for individual samples • Project status • Operated successfully >70 hours on NASA HU-25C Falcon aircraft during 2 DISCOVER-AQ deployments • Calibration at GSFC before and after deployments • Adapted for operation on NASA King Air • Retrievals of atmospheric pollutants from flight data • Trace gas retrievals typically use binned up samples at 0.5 to 1 km square cells • NO2, SO2 and total O3 retrievals demonstrated • Simultaneous AOD & surface reflectance retrievals in development • HCHO, profile O3, CHOCHO retrieval products in development
GeoTASO NO2 Slant Column, 02 August 2014Morning 125x50 km, ~ 2hrs From Caroline Nowlan, SAOPreliminary data Co-added to approx. 500m x 450m Morning vs. Afternoon
GeoTASO NO2 Slant Column, 02 August 2014Afternoon 125x50 km, ~ 2hrs From Caroline Nowlan, SAOPreliminary data Co-added to approx. 500m x 450m Morning vs. Afternoon
GeoTASO Columns with DC-8 Wall Pattern for Vertical Profiles GeoTASO NO2 slant column (flight in Houston, TX, 13 September 2013) 1. Transect at 20 kft (lidar survey) 2. In-progress descent 5. Transect at an intermediate altitude (~3-8 kft?) 4. Ascent 3. Transect at 1000 ft
KORUS-AQ Study Status • Individual Korean and US White Papers defining objectives and priorities are available:https://espo.nasa.gov/home/korus-aq/content/KORUS-AQ_Science_Overview_0 • NIER and NASA have approved funding for 2016 campaign • NASA has selected proposals for instrumentation and science teams with Element A.19 of ROSES 2015 Announcement of Opportunity • NIER also funded a May-June 2015 pre-campaign • Continuous deployment of AERONET and Pandora remote sensing instruments at 6 sites beginning May 2015 to provide additional context/continuity • Joint Working Group is now developing implementation plan • Operations will be conducted from Osan Airbase • Joint science team meeting at NASA Langley Oct 15-16 2015 • Deployment dates are firm: May 1 – June 14, 2016 • Sentinel-5P early validation activity (pending S5P launch date)
Summary • TEMPO measurements fulfill GEO-CAPE’s requirements for O3, NO2, HCHO, and probably AOD and SO2 observations • Coordination through CEOS ACC is leading to progress in accomplishing a satellite Air Quality Constellation with harmonized data products from GEMS, TEMPO, Sentinel-4, and Sentinel-5P • KORUS-AQ 2016 is a template for international collaboration to advance air quality science, support ongoing development of GEMS and TEMPO retrieval algorithms, and demonstrate validation strategies • An Air Quality Constellation session will occur during 2015 Fall AGU Meeting, including satellites, models, and field campaigns in 3 oral + 1 poster sessions (probable session dates Tue-Wed Dec 15-16)
Level 2 Products: Potential Constellation Products(as of 4/2015) Challenges for common constellation products • Differing instrument specifications • Differing fields of regard and viewing geometries => direct inter-calibration and inter-validation of L1b is not possible • Differing radiometric performance • Differing native horizontal resolutions (spatial representativeness) • Differing retrieval algorithms • Different approaches in standard algorithms • Probably different methods for total/troposphere separation • Differences in standard cloud/aerosol screening (e.g., S-4 & S-5P will make use of NIR) • TEMPO Trop O3 will make use of visible band • Etc. Etc. What products, to what accuracies (precisions?), validated how?
“Geophysical Validation Needs” document outline • Thanks to Ben Veihelmann & Jean-Christopher Lambert for initial draft • Identification of Common Parameters in L1b and L2 Products • Lessons Learned from LEO heritage missions • Common Geophysical Validation Needs (by mission phase) • Inter-Mission Geophysical Validation Needs (by mission phase) • Development Needs for New Validation Infrastructure or Approaches • Draft 1 in 6 Months, Finalisation 6 months prior to GEMS and TEMPO instrument deliveries, May 2017
Overview of KORUS-AQ • Satellite observability of air quality – trace gases and aerosols • Including integration with models and ground monitoring networks • Supports ongoing development of retrieval algorithms for GEO missions • Validation strategy testbed for GEO (TEMPO, GEMS, Sentinel-4) missions • Possible early validation of low Earth orbit TROPOMI (Sentinel-5 precursor) mission • Readiness for air quality community to use geostationary AQ observations at launch • Compelling science • Megacity pollution – Model evaluation of Emissions, Chemistry, Transport • Impacts of Anthropogenic/Biogenic Mixtures on secondary pollution formation (ozone and aerosols) • Transboundary pollution – Local sources versus upwind along the Pacific Rim • Confirm Asian emission trends • On schedule for 6-week campaign during May-June 2016 Collaborative KORUS-AQ airborne field campaign offers excellent opportunity for ongoing GEO AQ mission preparation and S-5P (TROPOMI) early validation
KORUS-AQ Science Questions Question 1. What are the challenges and opportunities for satellite observations of air quality? 1a. How do synoptic conditions (outflow, convection, stagnation, etc.) affect the vertical distribution of trace gases and aerosols? 1b. How do pollutant distributions relate to cloud cover? 1c. How does aerosol abundance and vertical distribution influence trace gas retrievals? 1d. How does the land/water boundary influence aerosol retrievals?
KORUS-AQ Science Questions Question 2. What are the most important factors governing ozone photochemistry and aerosol evolution? 2a. How does ozone photochemistry respond to the various mixtures of upwind versus local pollutant emissions, biogenic emissions, and marine emissions? 2b. What do aerosol physical, optical, and chemical properties reveal about the interaction between ozone photochemistry and secondary aerosol formation?
KORUS-AQ Science Questions Question 3. How do models perform and what improvements are needed to better represent atmospheric composition over Korea and its connection to the larger global atmosphere? 3a. Are modeled gradients across the Korean peninsula consistent with local/upwind sources, transport, and chemistry? 3b. Are air quality and atmospheric chemistry forecasting systems prepared to utilize GEO observations?