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aeronautical survey

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aeronautical survey

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    1. Aeronautical Survey Training Workshop Alaska Society of Professional Land Surveyors (ASPLS) AC-5300-16 Geodetic Control Anchorage, Alaska March 30 and 31, 2010

    3. Where to start Statement of Work (SOW) Geodetic Control Options NEW PACS/SACS (AC-16 2.2.1) Verify Existing PACS/SACS (AC-18 Temporary Survey Marks (TSM’s) (AC 2.2.2) AC-16 FAA AGIS Web Page

    4. Where to start - AC 16 (continued) What are PACS/SACS? Permanent Survey Marks tied to NSRS (AC 8.4.1-8.6.1) Horizontal and Vertical Datums (AC 3.1+3.2) NAD 1983 NAVD 1988 (Priority on BM’s)

    5. Where to start (cont.) Introducing the NGS Web Page: FAA AC150 5300-16 Deliverables (Examples) Sample Geodetic Control Plan (New PACS/SACS) Minimum Requirements (Big Picture) Airport Summary Report Station Table Airport Control Plot

    6. Minimum Requirements Big Picture (cont.) Station Location Sketch and Visibility Diagrams GPS Observing Scheme Project Vector Diagram Proposed Instrumentation List Listing of Data Processing Software Quality Control Plan

    7. Where to Start (cont.) NGS Example Geodetic Control Plan The above is a link to the NGS example of a Geodetic Control Plan

    8. Where to Start (cont.) Sample AC-16 Data Submission (New PACS/SACS) Minimum Requirements (Big Picture) Data (Raw Receiver and Rinex) Field Logs Photographs Vector Processing Output Project Vector Diagram

    9. Where to Start (cont.) Minimum Requirements Data Big Picture (cont.) Adjustment and Checking Program Output Descriptions Final Report NGS Example AC 16 Data

    10. Where to Start (cont.) What is required regarding AC-16 Plans and associated Data for the Verify Existing PACS/SACS or Temporary Survey Marks (TSM’s) Geodetic Control options? AC-16 Geodetic Control Plans are not required Do describe Geodetic Control within AC-18 Survey & QC Plan Submit any Data with the AC-18 Data (Survey Data) submission

    11. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) Survey Preparation and RECON NGS Database search Existing Stations (stability code A, B, or C) Need to Occupy by GPS NSRS (HARN & BM Tie Candidates) Definition of HARN Stations BM Priority Table

    12. Bench Mark Priority Table

    13. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Survey Preparation and RECON NGS Database search NGS Data Sheets DSWORLD Software

    14. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) RECON Importance of Airport Manager Interview Clearance to work on Airport Any Existing NGS Marks on Airport? Candidate sites for New Marks Clear of future construction Underground Utilities Airport Security and Safety

    15. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Required Equipment for Vehicle Unescorted access to AOA Control Tower or Unicom Taxiway Designations/Map FAA Terminal Procedures Publication FAA Airport Facility Directory Call Sign FAA Guide Airport Ground Vehicle Operations Get a familiarization Tour of Airport

    16. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Survey Requirements/New PACS/SACS Survey Monuments Mark Settings/Stability Code A, B, or C Site Conditions Greater than 60 meters from runway edge PACS/SACS should be 400 meters apart Clear of ILS critical areas

    17. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Intervisibility PACS and both SACS are all intervisible with each other PACS is intervisible with both SACS but the SACS are not intervisible with each other. PACS is intervisible with one SACS and both SACS intervisible with each other

    18. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Station Location Sketch and Visibility Diagram Required for all marks (Proposed and Existing) Show survey marks relation to Runway ends Taxiways Airport Lights, fence lines, buildings Reference measurements

    19. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Observations (minimum) and data collections Observation Logs CORS to PACS (2 – 4 hour sessions) HARN Tie (1-4 hour session) BM Ties(2 BM’s- 1-4 hour session) SACS – (2 – 1.5 hour sessions) See AC 8.7.4- See AC 8.7.5-8.7.6

    20. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Special Consideration for Alaska Survey Marks Need to consider permafrost NOAA Manual NOS/NGS 1(Appendix E) National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) BM and HARN Ties AC- 16 places priority on ties to survey marks

    21. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Survey marks are not always available Process vectors from 3 CORS when no BM and HARN marks are available

    22. Example 3 CORS - when no BM and HARN

    23. Overview (AC-16 Plans - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Required deliverables Geodetic Control Plan NGS Sample Submission FAA AGIS Web Portal

    24. Overview (AC-16 Data - New PACS/SACS) Survey Requirements – New PACS/SACS Data Processing PAGE NT Software (See AC 8.8.1) -Be sure to update the files on your computer from this site on a regular basis Adjust Utilities Software

    25. Overview (AC-16 Data - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Vector Processing (AC 8.8) Pay attention to sequential order of vector processing Solution type based on vector distance PACS processed first SACS processed relative to PACS Process BM Ties from PACS See Readme.txt file for PAGE NT sample data set

    26. Overview (AC-16 Data - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) NGS example (Process and Compare with posted G file) Bluebook Adjustments (AC 8.9.2) Pay attention to sequence of adjustments PACS adjusted first SACS adjusted relative to PACS Criteria for NSRS HARN Tie 5cm hor, 10cm ellipsoid

    27. Overview (AC-16 Data - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Criteria for NSRS BM Tie 15cm orthometric Criteria for PACS to SACS 3cm hor, 4cm ellipsoid, 5cm ortho Special Consideration for Alaska Vector Processing (See page NT manual Pg 28 & 29) HTDP software Use PC version software

    28. Overview (AC-16 Data - New PACS/SACS) (cont.) Required Deliverables NGS Sample Submission FAA AGIS Web Portal

    29. Help and Training NGS Web Page: FAA AC150 5300-16 Deliverables Training Corbin Training Center

    30. Questions ?

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