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EE4023 A EM/EM/ES Ripple Frequency Excited Gasous -Adsorption Zeolite Muffler. By Samer Arkhagha Supervisor Dr. Adel Sharaf . Objective:. Gaseous Adsorption using natural & Synthetic Zeolite. Device :. Based on Dr.Adel Sharaf Design of EM/EM/ES Ripple Field Excitation .
EE4023A EM/EM/ES Ripple Frequency Excited Gasous -Adsorption Zeolite Muffler. By Samer Arkhagha Supervisor Dr. Adel Sharaf
Objective: • Gaseous Adsorption using natural & Synthetic Zeolite
Device : • Based on Dr.Adel Sharaf Design of EM/EM/ES Ripple Field Excitation
Introduction to control Gaseous emission control: Atmospheric Emission Control Activities • Air toxic pollutants • Fine particulate matter • Flue gas conditioning for enhanced particulate control • Fine particulate control • Hot-gas cleaning • Acid–gas emission control • Fuel and sorbent characterization • Repowering • Advanced power systems • Waste utilization and disposal • Fuel conditioning • Sampling and analytical methods development
1.2 Zeolite Compounds: • Zeolite powder crystals both are used in the chemical process industry as filters, and chemical agents reactions and adsorbents. • Zeolite crystals are often used as chemical sieves to filter specific molecular compounds selectively • Zeolite are also used in dour in Compostrip and Land – Fill sites. • Zeolite are used in Petroleum Refinery & other chemical process. • Consumption • Zeolites are found in abundance throughout the world…. However, the value of the synthetic zeolites sold is far higher…. Many of the uses for natural zeolites are environmentally related. • Detergent Zeolite • Health and Safety • Far and away, the largest outlet for zeolite volume is the global laundry detergent market. By the end of 1992 [it was expected that the world would] be consuming detergent zeolite (zeolite A) at the rate of 1.44 million anhydrous metric tons per year. Unlike phosphates, zeolite A cannot contribute to the eutrophication of lakes, streams or bays.... • Other Applications: Refrigeration • The heat of water adsorption for zeolites is high. They also possess high adsorption capacity, undergo reversible adsorption/desorption, and are structurally stable. These properties enable zeolite to be used in solar-powered refrigerators and to store energy during off-peak periods and release it during peak periods. Zeolites can also be used in refrigeration and air cooling systems to reduce water in the air to very low concentrations, allowing very effective evaporative cooling to occur
Zeolite Molecular Sieve • GRACE Davison zeolite molecular sieves are characterized by the following properties: • 1. Selective adsorption due to the uniform pore size of the zeolite structure • 2.High adsorption capacity for polar substances at low concentrations • Industrial Products: • Absorbents for oil and spills • Gas separations • Radioactive Waste, Site remediation/decontamination • Treatment • Natural zeolites are being used to treat low and intermediate aqueous waste. Current users are British Nuclear Fuels in Great Britain, West Valley Nuclear and Date Ridge National Laboratory. Natural zeolite has been used in the clean-up at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
Zeolite Compounds Cont. • Zeolites can be manufactured as rather robust granules which can be placed on a metal mesh conveyer belt which would, at some predetermined interval, refresh itself with a new load of zeolite granules. • Zeolites tend to provide zero release for the entire period that they are adsorbing SO2. Breakthrough occurs rather rapidly and dramatically. Thus they are ideally suited for an intermittently refreshed filter bed operation
A chemical: Silicates with Al,Na Compounds of Ba Compounds Zeolites
What is adsorption? • involves nothing more than the preferential partitioning of substances from the gaseous or liquid phase onto the surface of a solid substrate. • Adsorption phenomena are operative in most natural physical, biological, and chemical systems • Physical adsorption is caused mainly by van der Waals forces and electrostatic type forces between adsorbate molecules and the atoms which compose the adsorbent surface • Van der Waals Term and the Electrostatic Term • These terms are by far the most important and the accuracy of our models depend largely on the parameterisation and description of these terms. The forces between atoms due to van der Waals and electrostatic interactions may be summarised as follows; no effect at very large distances, repulsive but attractive at very short and short distances respectively. This is shown by the equation below. • Zeolites adsorption can be increased using both Electrostatic design and Electro magnetic excitations(Dr.Sharaf).
1.3 Thesis objectives: • The project is about prototyping and building of an EM/EM/ES Excited Gasous -Adsorption Zeolite of an Dr. Sharaf basic design for SOX, NOX, CO and CO2 gaseous adsorption. • This project required research in the field of electrical Energy, physics, and chemistry . • Understand the different Zeolite compounds that are used. • Select Suitable Natural synthetic Zeolites • Build a low cost Zeolite Based Muffler for Autos based on Dr.A.M.Sharaf Basic EM/EM/ES Design.
1.3 Thesis objectives cont. • (1)The most important point in this project is to find the best distribution magnetic in X,Y ,Z directions.Using software and design formulas for sizing excitation coils. • (2) Design an electrostatic uniform Field distribution within Zeolite core using High voltage multiplier circuit .
Thesis objectives Cont. • Need to know the effects of EM/EM/ES Zeolites. • The Basic principle is to try to polarize the electrons orbits for SOX, NOX, CO and CO2 gas atoms. • To enhance Zeolite absorbability by Electrostatic / Electromagnetic field.
2.Zeolite Muffler Design : D = 2 - 3 “ 0.1 L 0.1 L Gas out Gas in D = 5 – 8 “ L = 2D – 3D = 10 – 25 ‘
Design • (1) Electromagnetic Coil #1 , Coil #2 Excitation (variable f) circuit using C d 4046 ,VIF(555),pulsar circuits 0 < f < 25 KHz (adjustable). • (2) High voltage pulsed/Multiplier Circuit • H.V =(2Kv-10KV)up to 20kv/m • F=(2 - 10)Hz • Use Aluminum or lower μ r (non – magnetic).
3.Electromagnetic Component Design Low Frequency & High Frequency Pulsing Circuits
5.Triggening electronic circuits and interface devices . To D1
Circuit for adjustable Magnetic fieldFrom Car Battery/ V Regulator
6.Testing Procedures; • Will be conducted at RPC/chemical Engineering Laboratory . • (1) The Device will be tested for adsorption efficiency • NOx • SOx • CO,CO2 • (2) Effect of field strength B1,B2 • BR = Squr(B1^2 + B2^2) • E = K v / Diameter D • (3) Cursory Exhaust testing on car
The prototype Muffler will be Mounted on a car • Preliminary ideal testing will be conduct using Gaseous Monitoring Device to asses the effectiveness of the EM/EM/ES polarizing field Zeolite compounds
Future work • The prototype device built based on Dr.A.M.Sharaf Invention Zeolite & The EM/EM/ES Zeolite polarization Design principle will be Tested for • (1) Automotive gaseous emission Control. • (2)Odour Control in sick Building & land fill sites
Work cont.. • Results: • The coils resistance are 3.5 Ohm each . • Magnetic Field strength • High voltage measurement • Frequency measurement
Project Design • Picture of my design
Testing methods • Using
The Polytron 2 XP Ex is an explosion proof gas detector for continuous monitoring of combustible gases and vapors in amb
SO2 NO2 NO CO NH3 H2S HCN HCl H2 O2 O3 EtO Cl2 • Toxic gas sensors for measuring SO2, NO2, NO, CO, NH3, H2S, HCN, HCl, H2, O2, O3, EtO, Cl2, and more. Up to 5 gas sensors (in addition to a temperature sensor) can be configured into a single TG-501 probe. Combine the best available electrochemical gas sensor technology with mobile computing for on-site application info access and to efficiently log/document your surveys.
Reference: • TITLE: THE REMOVAL OF SULFUR DIOXIDE (SO2) DATE: April 1998 FROM FLUE GAS USING UTILITY SYNTHESIZED ZEOLITES • http://www.netl.doe.gov/publications/proceedings/98/98ucr/GRUTZECK.PDF Text adapted from:Slejko, F.L., Adsorption Technology, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1985M. Suzuki, Adsorption Engineering, Elsevier,Amsterdam, 1990 • Gray Wolf : http://www.wolfsense.com/demos.html • Dragar Safety http://www.draeger.com/ST/internet/US/en/Industries/GDS/gds_engineering.jsp