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Overview . Introductions The appointment of the new CouncilThe structure of the presentationThe focus areas for the year under reviewImproving performance of the core functions(Regulatory frameworks)Dealing with issues raised by the AGIntegrated planningFocus areas for the currentTransformat
2. Overview Introductions
The appointment of the new Council
The structure of the presentation
The focus areas for the year under review
Improving performance of the core functions(Regulatory frameworks)
Dealing with issues raised by the AG
Integrated planning
Focus areas for the current
Performance information
3. Presentation structure Overview
Performance Review/Report
Governance Review
Financial and Audit report
Report on Activities of Council
Chairperson’s concluding remarks
4. Overview of Annual Report Structure – 2009/10 Minister’s Foreword, Chairperson’s Foreword, Council for the Built Environment (CBE) Council members
Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO) Foreword
Chapter 1
Performance Review
Performance Report
Chapter 2
Accounting Authority’s Responsibility for Financial Statement
Chapter 3: Financial statements and reports
Report of the Audit Committee
Report of the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA)
Annual Financial Statements
Chapter 4: Report on the activities of the councils for the professions
CBE Overview: Report on the activities of the councils for the professions
CBE overall report on the six professional council’s activities
5. Performance Review
6. Performance Review/Report (Policy and Research Programme) The CBE and professional councils have 13 concurrent mandates for which the CBE must develop policy guidelines/frameworks to ensure consistent application across the built environment professions.
The CBE has so far developed the following five (5) policy frameworks for implementation by professional councils with a complement of three (3) completed in the year under review:
IDoW policy-2009/10
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Recognition of Prior Learning [RPL] (awaiting Council approval) -2009/10
Code of Conduct for professions (revised and awaiting Council approval) -2009/10
7. Performance Review/Report cont....(Policy and Research Programme) Determination of professional fees.
The following six (6) policy guidelines/frameworks were in draft format by the 31st of March 2010:
Competency standards for registration;
Registration of built environment professionals;
Recognition of voluntary associations;
Appeals and tribunals; and,
International agreements.
Accreditation of built environment programmes
8. Performance Review/Report cont....(Policy and Research Programme) The net output effect is that during 2009/10, nine (9) policy frameworks were commissioned. Three(3) were completed (awaiting council approval) and six (6) were in draft format for completion in 2010/11 leaving a balance of two (2) outstanding policy frameworks. This has to be read against a context in which 3 policy frameworks had been developed between 2001/02 to 2008/09 financial year (8 years). These policy frameworks respond to mandate number nine (9) in the CBE Act.
Three (3) research products were commissioned and practically completed awaiting Council resolutions, dealing with Safety and Health, Green House Gas Mitigation responses and the State of the Built Environment Professions Industry to present empirical evidence that will enable the CBE to effectively respond to mandate one (1) to eight (8) in the Act. This represented a significant step up positive change in research product output from one (1) in the 2008/09 period to three (3) in the 2009/10 period.
9. Performance Review/Report cont....( Skills development and Knowledge & Information Management Programme) The Bursary Scheme administration established in the last quarter of 2008/09 recorded 24 out of 28 beneficiaries that were found academically eligible to continue with their studies, and the number grew from 28 to 45 beneficiaries in the 2010 academic year.
A Skills Pipeline Intervention Proposal has been developed in response to the Skills Audit Report of 2008/09, which is under consideration by the Minister and also under discussion between the 6 professional councils and the CBE.
The resourcing of the Knowledge and Information Department during 2009/10 has seen the successful activation of agreements for online information sources, successful installation of the Information Management System, accessing of print journals and creation of platforms for databases to be managed by the CBE in 2009/10.
10. Performance Review/Report cont....(Legal and Regulations programme) As part of our regulatory work, the CBE has to monitor the implementation of policy, administration of the thirteen (13) public functions and compliance with regulations. The monitoring work assists the organisation in determining policy implementation challenges within the professions. To gather this type of information, the CBE uses reporting templates as instruments to collate the information, which were successfully introduced in the 2009/10 financial year.
In the management of appeals processes, significant milestones have been reached to being compliant with the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA), 2000 (Act 3 of 2000).
Significant insights have been gained within the field of facilitation and alignment of the international accords and agreements. These agreements will be used to crystallize a firm process in reinforcing national interests onwards and congruence with the Republic’s Foreign Policy doctrine.
11. Governance Review
12. Governance Review The CBE Council is the Accounting Authority and reports to the Minister of Public Works, being the Executive Authority.
The Accounting Authority assumes responsibilities as mandated by the Public Finance Management Act, PFMA (Act no. 1 0f 1999) and the CBE Act (Act 43 of 2000)
In line with good governance (as per the then King II) and in ensuring the Accounting Authority fulfils its roles as mandated, the following statutory and governance committees were established:
13. Governance Review cont....
Executive Committee
The committee tasked with the approval and monitoring of internal policies and procedures. Also known as the Councils working group as it ensures that resolution undertaken by Council are executed accordingly.
Management Committee
Responsible for the human resources issues and accordingly plays the role of Human Resource Committee
Audit Committee
The audit committee was constituted in line with above prescripts as set out in the PFMA and Treasury Regulation, with 3 of the 5 members being external members. The key focus areas of the committee were internal control and Risk Management. Performed the function of the audit committee as set out in the PFMA and the Treasury Regulations.
14. Governance Review cont.... Finance Committee
Ensures that adequate financial management processes and procedures are appropriate and upheld accordingly.
Appeals committee
The Committee is mandated to attend to appeals emanating from processes governed by the professional Councils Act. Based on the work performed by this committee, A provision was also raised for legal fees in respect of an appeal. There is still uncertainty about financial implication and the costs are estimated at R180 000 as disclosed in note 17 of the annual financial statements.
15. Governance Review cont.... The following functional committee was also established:
Identification of Work (IDOW)
Identification of Work Committee was established to assess and evaluate IDOW documents from 6 built environment professions and to guide the BECs in the development of their identification of work, in essence ensuring that is implemented in line with prescripts
Education and Research(EduRes)
Committee was tasked with the facilitation of the research and education related project processes through to implementation stage. The committee ensures that all projects are aligned to the Mandate of CBE and strategy and provide quality assurance on these projects.
Following is a breakdown of the Councils (Directors) remuneration for the year under review
16. Governance Review cont....
17. Financial and Audit Report
18. Audit report Unqualified report, with emphasis however on the following matters:
Irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure
The other expenditure relates to services made by suppliers, who’s tax clearances had expired during the year. R670 000
(Irregular Expenditure).
Irregular expenditure incurred due to contract amount being exceed, without duly authorisation. R181 000
(Irregular Expenditure).
The expenditure was incurred due to reduction of number of copies of the prior years annual report printed, which resulted in cost increases (Fruitless Expenditure) R211 000
The CBE has reported accumulated surplus of R7,9m for the year, a contingent liability is disclosed in note 23 of the annual financial statements
R7,1m relates to the 2008/2009 financial year which approval from National Treasury was still pending by year end, but subsequently approved.
R0.8m relates to the 2009/2010 financial year surplus.
19. Audit Report cont.... Report on Performance Information: Pre-determined objectives
Non compliance with regulatory and reporting requirements ,
Reported information not consistent with planned objectives,
Planned targets not being specific, measurable and time bound,
Planned and reported indicators not defined
Planned indicators not verifiable.
The current year’s Audit Report is seen as a major step in the area of governance and compliance from the prior year’s qualified opinion.
20. Analysis of Financial statements
21. Report on Activities of Professional Councils
22. Report on Activities of Professional Council The CBE has structured its assessment of the professional councils performance according to two (2) of the four (4) thematic themes identified covering public protection, HRD, Sustainable and Integrated Development, and Governance of Professional Councils. This was a function of the agreed reporting instrument for 2009/10, which in the 2010/11 period will enable assessment in all four (4) thematic areas.
Under Public Protection we monitored the following Public Function as covered by the 2009/10 reporting instrument; Disciplinary and Appeals cases
Under HRD we monitored the following Public Functions; International Recognition, Registration, RPL, CPD and Accreditation
23. Report on Activities of Prof Council cont...(Public Protection)
24. Report on Activities of Professional Council cont...(HRD)
25. Report on Activities of Professional Council cont...(HRD)
27. Report on Activities of Professional Council cont...(HRD) International recognition (qualification and professions) public function
CBE has noted and responding to the misalignment of existing built environment international agreements against the Republic’s foreign policy doctrine/outlook
The Republic’s Foreign policy outlook is multi-polar vs uni-polar (informed by our past eco-political orientation pre 1994) ie: BRIC, South-South and African orientation vs. traditional West and Commonwealth orientation
The value proposition towards mutual recognition of linking our professions and the country to emerging growth economies, that will facilitate meaningful economic mobility of our professions, enable mutual trade and investment must not be lost due to non-alignment
A process of re-alignment and regularisation of existing agreements with section 33 of the Constitution is underway in the current financial year and will be reporting back to the Portfolio Committee in our 2010/11 Annual Report on progress
28. Thank you