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Respiratory System

Respiratory System. Biol 105 Lecture 18 Chapter 14. Outline - Respiratory System. Function of the respiratory system Parts of the respiratory system Mechanics of breathing Regulation of breathing Disorders of the respiratory system. Respiratory system Function.

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Respiratory System

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  1. Respiratory System Biol 105 Lecture 18 Chapter 14

  2. Outline - Respiratory System • Function of the respiratory system • Parts of the respiratory system • Mechanics of breathing • Regulation of breathing • Disorders of the respiratory system

  3. Respiratory system Function • The function of the respiratory system is to bring in oxygen to the body and remove carbon dioxide.

  4. The Respiratory System Breathing moves airin and out of the lungs. External respirationis the exchange ofoxygen and carbondioxide between thelungs and the blood. Gas transportmoves oxygen andcarbon dioxidebetween the lungsand the body tissues. Internal respiration isthe exchange of oxygenand carbon dioxidebetween blood and thebody tissues. Oxygentransport Carbondioxidetransport Lungs Tissue Gas diffusion Gas diffusion Figure 14.1

  5. This type of tissue covers and lines body parts • Connective • Epithelial • Muscle • Nervous

  6. Cells lining respiratory tract • Lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelial cells. The cilia sweeps mucus, germs and debris toward the throat. • Mucas produced by goblet cells. • Smoking damages the ciliated cells 8-4

  7. The Respiratory System Figure 14.4a

  8. Ciliated cells in respiratory tract

  9. The Respiratory System Figure 14.3

  10. The Respiratory System UPPER RESPIRATORYSYSTEM Sinuses • Cavities in skull • Lighten head • Warm and moistenair • Filters, warms, andmoistens air Nasal cavity • Produces mucus • Filters, warms, andmoistens air • Olfaction Pharynx • Passageway forair and food RESPIRATORYMUSCLES • Cause breathing Intercostalmuscles Diaphragm • Muscle sheet betweenchest and abdominalcavities with a role inbreathing • Move ribs during breathing Figure 14.2 (1 of 2)

  11. The Respiratory System LOWER RESPIRATORYSYSTEM• Exchanges gases Epiglottis • Covers larynx duringswallowing Larynx •Air passageway • Prevents food and drinkfrom entering lowerrespiratory system • Produces voice Lungs • Structures that containalveoli and airpassageways • Allow exchange ofoxygen and carbondioxide betweenatmosphere and blood Bronchi • Two branches oftrachea that conductair from trachea toeach lung Trachea • Connects larynx withbronchi leading toeach lung • Conducts air to andfrom bronchi Bronchioles • Narrow passagewaysto conduct air frombronchi to alveoli Alveoli • Microscopic chambersfor gas exchange Figure 14.2 (2 of 2)

  12. 1. Nasal cavity • Functions: • filter • warm • moisten the air entering the lungs • smell 8-3

  13. 1. Nasal cavity • Parts of the nasal cavity: • Mucus membranes - secrete sticky mucus to trap germs & debris. • Contains olfactory receptor cells for the sense of smell • Sinuses – air filled cavities, warm and moisten air 8-3

  14. 2. Pharynx • Functions - is a passageway for air, liquids, and food. (swallowing begins here). Connects the nasal cavity to the esophagus and the larynx • Tonsils are found here – lymphatic tissue that protects against infection 8-4

  15. 3. Larynx • Functions • Connects the pharynx to the trachea • Contains vocal cords used to generate sound • Prevents food from entering lower respiratory tract 8-4

  16. 3. Larynx • Structure made from cartilage • Epiglottis closes the trachea when swallowing 8-4

  17. 4. Trachea • Windpipe held open by concentric rings of cartilage • Function – Connects the larynx to the bronchi. 8-4

  18. Bronchial Tree • Trachea leads to the bronchial tree: • Bronchi (bronchus) • Bronchioles • Alveoli (alveolus). 8-4

  19. The Respiratory System Figure 14.7

  20. 7. Alveoli • Sacs at the end of the bronchioles, they are surrounded by blood capillaries . • Function: It is here that the oxygen diffuses across the membrane into the capillaries, and carbon dioxide goes from the capillaries to the inside of the lungs. 8-6

  21. Alveoli • Lungs - have about 300 million alveoli • The structure of the alveoli increases surface area of lung • For alveoli to function properly they are coated with phospholipid molecules called surfactant that keep them open

  22. Alveoli Figure 14.8

  23. The Respiratory System Table 14.1 (1 of 2)

  24. The Respiratory System Table 14.1 (2 of 2)

  25. What cells secrete mucus • Cilliated columnar epi • goblet • Squamous epi • osteocytes

  26. The tube connecting the larynx to the primary bronchi is • pharynx • trachea • bronchioles • alveoli

  27. Common passageway for air, food and drink • pharynx • trachea • bronchioles • alveoli

  28. Conduct air from the trachea to the bronchioles • pharynx • trachea • bronchi • alveoli

  29. Gas exchange takes place here • pharynx • trachea • bronchioles • alveoli

  30. Which cavity is the lung located in? • Abdominal • Pericardial • Pleural • Dorsal

  31. Inhalation Inhalation Air flow Rib cagemoves upand out Intercostalmusclescontract Diaphragmcontractsand flattens Diaphragmcontracts The chest cavity increasesin size, and pressure withinthe lungs decreases. The lungs expand, andair moves in. (a) Figure 14.9a

  32. Inhalation • When the diaphragm and intercostalmuscles contract, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases, causing the pressure in the lungs to decrease • Inhalation is also called inspiration

  33. Exhalation Exhalation Air flow Rib cagemoves downand inward Intercostalmuscles relax Diaphragmrelaxes andmoves upward Diaphragmrelaxes The chest cavity decreasesin size, and pressurewithin the lungs increases. The lungs recoil,and air moves out. (b) Figure 14.9b

  34. Exhalation • Exhalation = Expiration • When the same muscles relax, volume of the thoracic cavity decreases, pressure in the lungs increase

  35. Air Volumes • The volume of air inhaled or exhaled during a normal breath is called the tidal volume • Tidal volume is usually around 500 ml • The volume of air moved into and out of the lungs is an indication of health

  36. Air Volumes • Inspiratory reserve volume = forced inhalation volume • Expiratory reserve volume = forced exhalation volume • Residual volume is the amount of air left in the lungs after forced exhalation • Vital capacity is the amount of air brought in and out of the lungs during forced breathing

  37. Air Volumes 6000 Inspiratoryreserve(forcedinhalation)volume Totallungcapacity 5000 Vitalcapacity 4000 Tidal volume Lung Volume (ml) 3000 Expiratory reserve(forced exhalation)volume 2000 1000 Residualvolume 0 Figure 14.10 (1 of 2)

  38. Gas Exchanges in the Body • Remember that O2 enters and CO2 leaves the lungs = External respiration • Then O2 and CO2 is exchanged between the blood vessels and tissues = Internal Respiration • This gas exchange is due to diffusion 8-14

  39. Oxygen Transport • Oxygen is transported on Hemoglobin. • When Oxygen is bound to hemoglobin, then it is called Oxyhemoglobin 8-15

  40. Carbon Dioxide Transport • CO2 is transported dissolved in the plasma (10%) • CO2 is bound to hemoglobin (20%) • CO2 is converted to bicarbonate ions (70%) 8-14

  41. Bicarbonate ions CO2 + H2OH2CO3 H+ + HCO3- Carbonic anhydrase 8-14

  42. Diffusion of Gasses: Alveoli and Capillaries Figure 14.11 (2 of 2)

  43. Diffusion of Gasses: Capillaries and Tissues Figure 14.11 (1 of 2)

  44. Regulation of Breathing • Normally we breath 12 - 15 ventilations per minute. • This rate is controlled by the medulla oblongata region of the brain. Nerves transmit signal to the diaphragm and muscles. • Chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata and arteries detect levels of CO2 andO2 in the blood, controlling the rate and depth of breathing. 8-12

  45. Respiratory Disorders • Common cold • Flu • Pneumonia • Strep Throat • Tuberculosis • Bronchitis • Asthma • Emphysema • Lung Cancer 8-16

  46. Respiratory Disorders – Common Cold • The common cold - Caused by several types of viruses. • Symptoms: runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, nasal discharge • Treatment: rest and plenty of fluids • Prevention: wash your hands

  47. Respiratory Disorders - Flu • The flu is caused by the Influenza viruses but there are many variants of these viruses • Symptoms: Similar to colds but appear suddenly and more severe. Usually have fever and chills, may have muscle aches, headache, and weakness. • Treatment and prevention – same as cold • Can take drugs to ease symptoms and antiviral medications may ease symptoms

  48. Respiratory Disorders - Pneumonia • Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that causes fluid to accumulate in the alveoli, reducing gas exchange • Usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection • Symptoms: fever, chills, chest pain, cough, shortness of breath. • Treatment depends on cause – bacteria can be treated with antibiotics.

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