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Kingdoms & States in Africa

Kingdoms & States in Africa. Kush. Time Period: 750 BCE – 150 AD Location: East Africa (Upper Nile Valley). Kush. Capital: Meroë Economy (Major Exports): iron ore, ivory, gold, slaves. Kush. Achievements/Contributions: made iron weapons and tools, major trading center. Kush.

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Kingdoms & States in Africa

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  1. Kingdoms & States in Africa

  2. Kush • Time Period: 750 BCE – 150 AD • Location: East Africa (Upper Nile Valley)

  3. Kush • Capital: Meroë • Economy (Major Exports): iron ore, ivory, gold, slaves

  4. Kush • Achievements/Contributions: made iron weapons and tools, major trading center

  5. Kush • Key Information: • conquered Egypt in 750 BC • conquered BY Axum in 300s AD

  6. Axum m • Time Period: 150 AD – 600 AD • Location: East Africa: Arabian Peninsula

  7. Axum • Capital: Adulis • Economy (Major Exports): ivory, frankincense, myrrh, slaves

  8. Axum • Achievements/Contributions: major trading center on Red Sea (great location!)

  9. Axum • Key Information: • was a Christian empire • was a blend of Arab & African culture • King Ezana captured Kush

  10. Ghana • Time Period: • 400 AD – 1200 AD • Location: West Africa: Upper Niger River

  11. Ghana • Capital: Saleh • Economy/Major Exports: iron products, gold, ivory, slaves, ostrich feathers,

  12. Ghana • Achievements/Contributions: made iron tools & weapons, major trading center

  13. Ghana • Key information: • often traded gold for salt! • controlled gold trade routes across West Africa

  14. Mali • Time Period: 1200 AD – 1450 AD • Location: West Africa: Atlantic to Timbuktu • Capital: Timbuktu

  15. Mali • Economy/Major Exports: gold & salt • Achievements/Contributions: built mosques, encouraged learning

  16. Mali • Key Information: • Muslim kingdom • Mansa Musa: king who doubled size of kingdom • spread islamic culture

  17. Songhai • Time period: 1000 AD – 1600 AD • Location: West Africa on Niger River • Capital: Gao • Exports: gold & salt

  18. Songhai • Achievements & Contributions – Major trading empire • Key Information – • Sunni Ali – expanded the empire • Empire reached its height under Muhammad Ture • Muslim Empire

  19. Zimbabwe • Time Period: 1300 AD – 1450 AD • Location: South Africa • Capital: Great Zimbabwe Exports: Gold

  20. Zimbabwe • Achievements and Contributions – • Walls built around city were 17 feet thick • Major trading center • Key Information – • City abandoned in the 15th Century

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