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Style. The Components of Style. Style: The degree to which the writer controls language to engage the reader. Types of Language. Descriptive : details that appeal to the senses and enables the reader to see, hear, and/or feel what the writer recounts

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  1. Style

  2. The Components of Style Style: The degree to which the writer controls language to engage the reader. Style

  3. Types of Language • Descriptive: details that appeal to the senses and enables the reader to see, hear, and/or feel what the writer recounts • Figurative: figures of speech or phrases that suggest meanings different from their literal meanings (hyperbole, metaphor, simile, irony) • Technical: terms and phrases used to clarify or explain a particular subject matter or process • Carefully crafted phrases: the purposeful selection of vivid words and phrases aka: actions to create a sustained tone and engage the reader; groups of words that convey a clear meaning and serve a particular rhetorical purpose

  4. Let’s Practice It was a nice day in November. Kim and Juanita had on their nice, new dresses. It was a very nice walk to Niki’s house. They both carried packages nicely wrapped in nice paper. Niki’s house had nice flowers in front of it. The other girls were already there when Kim and Juanita arrived. They were playing a nice game in Niki’s nicely decorated family room. The gifts were nicely arranged on the table. Each one used nice manners as she sat down for cake and the nice drinks Niki’s mom offered. The girls sang “Happy Birthday” nicely. On the way home, Kim said to Juanita, “Didn’t we have a nice time?”

  5. Not so Nice Your Row = Your Group • It was a nice day in November. • Kim and Juanita had on their nice, new dresses. • It was a very nice walk to Niki’s house. • They both carried packages nicely wrapped in nice paper. • Niki’s house had nice flowers in front of it. * The other girls were already there when Kim and Juanita arrived. 6. They were playing a nice game in Niki’s nicely decorated family room. 7. The gifts were nicely arranged on the table. 8. Each one used nice manners as she sat down for cake and the nice drinks Niki’s mom offered. 9. The girls sang “Happy Birthday” nicely. 10. On the way home, Kim said to Juanita, “Didn’t we have a nice time?”

  6. What is Sentence Variety? • Sentence Variety means using assorted sentence patterns, lengths, and rhythms. • Sentence Variety is what gives your writing better rhythm and flow; it makes your writing more mature.

  7. How do I use sentence variety? • Combine sentences. • Don’t use all simple sentences. This makes your writing choppy. • Choppy: We went to the movies. We went out eat. We came home. We went to bed. • Combine independent and dependent clauses to create compound and complex sentences. Also, use transitions! • We went to the movies, and then we went out to eat. After that, we came home and went to bed.

  8. Let’s PracticeFind a Partner Big Ben is the world’s most famous clock. It is in the Clock Tower of the House of Parliament in London. It is a symbol of England. Big Ben is the bell behind the clock. Big Ben weighs over thirteen tons. It has been ringing the time since 1859 Big Ben had a difficult beginning. It failed its first tet at the factory. Because it had been equipped with too heavy a bell hammer, the bell shattered into many pieces. It had to be melted down. It was recast, and then it was given a lighter bell hammer. It has rung well ever since.

  9. Variety is the • Spice of Life

  10. Revising Using Movability and Sentence Combining: • Directions: Each of the sentences on the next slide begins with the subject of the sentence. Improve the SYTLE of the overall piece by using the revision techniques of move-ability and sentence combining. • If you move a word or group of words to the beginning of the sentence, do so without dropping, adding, or changing any of the words. If you combine two sentences to make a compound, a complex, or a compound-complex sentence, you may need to add a word or words for this. Either way, it is important that you do not change the meaning of the sentence. Remember the P4 rule.

  11. Combine each pair of sentences using the word in parenthesis. After you combine the two, use move-ability to rewrite the sentence, so the subject is not at the beginning. Example: The coach screamed in protest. The volley ball referee called Hilda for hitting the net. (when) 1st strategy - Combined: The coached screamed in protest when the volley ball referee called Hilda for hitting the net. 2nd strategy - Move-ability: When the volley ball referee called Hilda for hitting the net, the coach screamed in protest.

  12. You PracticeRemember – Write each set TWICE! • The lights went out. The fuse blew. (when) • His mother smiles in delight. Steve cleans his room. (whenever) • Sylvester ran down the ramp. The train was coming into the station. (as) • The National Guard patrolled the streets. The tornado struck the area. (because) • Vinnie will lose forty pounds. He stays on his diet for three months. (if) • Frankie was punished. He broke the window. (because)

  13. Speech JittersWe are going to write an essay. The first paragraph will consist of sentences 1-9 which you will rewriteusing the directions above. I was not nervous until the moment I began my speech. I felt confident even thought I had not practiced. Coughs, grumbles, and whispers echoed throughout the classroom as I walked slowly to the podium. Butterflies began to form in my stomach when I glanced at the audience. My once steady hear beat increased twofold as sweat moistened my hands. My mind went blank suddenly. Words wouldn’t come out as I tried to speak. I looked down at my notes to compose myself. My classmates became quiet because they sensed something was wrong. For homework, finish the story with a 2nd paragraph using your best style: action verbs, N2SSWTSW, and a variety of sentence types and structures.

  14. Playing Ms. Voss – Grading Speech Jitters • If the paper is indented, put +5 at the top. • Read the rewrite. If all of the sentence are there, changed, and make sense, put a  at the top and a +5. If any are missing or sound funny, put a  and a +3. If they didn’t change the sentence or it needs a lot of help, put a  and a +0 at the top. • Now, go back to the top and put a check beside the commas ending the introductory phrases, clauses, or adverbs. By P4 standards, every sentence should have a comma. Add +2 for each one they have. • If their name is on the paper, add +2 at the top. • Total the score and return the paper to its owner.

  15. The BiggieThe Compound-Complex Sentence Add a subordinate conjunction or relative pronoun to the following run-on sentences to create a compound-complex sentence. Example: Tubman never learned to read or write, but she was a powerful speaker, and she spoke at many anti-slavery meetings. AlthoughTubman never learned to read or write, she was a powerful speaker, and she spoke at many anti-slavery meetings.

  16. You try it. • The Civil War broke out, and Tubman volunteered to help the Union army, and she served as a cook and a nurse, and later she became a spy. • The war ended, and Tubman settled in Auburn, New York, and she started a home for the elderly black men and women.

  17. How did you do? • When the Civil War broke out, Tubman volunteered to help the Union army; she served as a cook and a nurse, and later became a spy. • After the war ended, Tubman settled in Auburn, New York, and she started a home for the elderly black men and women.

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