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Style. Monica Gallo Melissa Gonzalez Jackie Lloyd. What is Style?. An individuals way of writing . Style Usage. to characterize the overall impression of a piece of writing Ex) Plain style- being brief and simple words Pompous style - words that are too fancy Official style.

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  1. Style Monica Gallo Melissa Gonzalez Jackie Lloyd

  2. What is Style? • An individuals way of writing.

  3. Style Usage • to characterize the overall impression of a piece of writing • Ex) • Plain style- being brief and simple words • Pompous style - words that are too fancy • Official style • in connection with variations in sentence structure, with the structural and punctuation choices that you as writer can use to your advantage. • Ex) • No commas- Talking and yelling and picking your nose. • Only commas- Talking, yelling, picking your nose

  4. Word Order Variation This is the variation from the standard subject-verb-subject word order which is fairly common in poetry and prose. An example would be: Car, Sou has; gas money, Sou has not. Another example [that is common] is rearrangement that occurs when a clause as a direct object opens the sentence: Which of those girls is pretty, it is not possible to say. Each example puts an emphasis on the verb; has and is.

  5. Ellipsis This is where part of the sentence is simply left out, or “understood,” usually for the purpose of avoiding repetition. An example: His character was stern, his manner [was] reserved and usually forbidding, his temper [was] Calvinistic, his mode of life [was] strict, frugal, austere. -Churchill

  6. The Coordinate Series This deals with the pairs and series of sentences and sentence parts. To change the emphasis, we can entail a small variation from the usual way of using conjunctions. In a series of three or more structures, we generally use commas between the parts of the series, and use a conjunction before the final member. For example: At the wedding, I ate food, danced, and flirted with the cute guys. - This emphasizes each verb equally. Two variations are: At the wedding I ate food and danced and flirted with the cute guys. - This has an open-ended quality, like an incomplete list. At the wedding I ate food, danced, flirted with the cute guys. -This omits the conjunction and is strict in the style of writing.

  7. The Introductory Appositive Series • This can be the sentence that opens with a series of noun phrases that act as appositives to the subject. • An example: • Constant nagging over small issues, superior thoughts, self-absorbed --younger siblings can be very annoying. • Note, the series does not include a conjunction before the last member.

  8. The Deliberate Sentence Fragment This is when a sentence is written as a fragment deliberately rather than by error. It is used for noun and verb phrases that invariably call attention to themselves. For example: Dramatic effects. The lights dimmed, the music slowly started to play, and the curtain began to rise. -The emphasis is on the fragmented sentence.

  9. Repetition The repeating of a word, words, or idea to add emphasis. It can be used in both a positive and negative sense. In a positive light, it gives sentences cohesion. In a negative manner, it has no purpose and when it gets in the reader’s way (redundancy). An example of negative repetition would be: The boy gets hurt, the boy starts to bleed, then the boy goes to the nurse. An example of positive repetition would be: “Fourscore and seven years ago,… government of the people, by the people, for the people.” -Abraham Lincoln -Without the repetition, it would no have the same effect. (Of, by, and for the people.)

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