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CHAPTER 12. RECOVERY AND REBIRTH: THE AGE OF THE RENAISSANCE. MEANING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE. Renaissance = “rebirth” Marks an end to the middle ages Northern Italy 1. urban 2. increasing wealth 3. enjoyment of secular/material pleasures

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  2. MEANING AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE • Renaissance = “rebirth” • Marks an end to the middle ages • Northern Italy 1. urban 2. increasing wealth 3. enjoyment of secular/material pleasures • Italy in 14th and 15th century -> the birthplace of the modern world 1. Revival of antiquity 2. “perfecting of the individual” 3. Secularism

  3. Leon Battista Alberti “MEN CAN DO ALL THINGS IF THEY WILL.” • emphasis on individual ability • regard for human dignity and worth • human potentiality • a new social ideal = l’uomouniversale

  4. ECONOMIC RECOVERY • Recovery of trade and manufacturing • Key centers of trade 1. Northern Italy 2. Hanseatic League/the Hansa -> dominated north European trade • Italy and Venice were vital commercial centers until the 16th century • Woolen industry in Florence • Italy -> silk, glassware, metal work, precious stones • New industries in the 15th century -> printing, mining, metallurgy

  5. THE MEDICI AND BANKING • Family made fortune in textiles -> expand into banking • In the 15th century they dominated European banking • Bank branches throughout Europe • Papal bankers • Medici banking empire collapses at the end of the 15th century LORENZO DE MEDICI

  6. SOCIAL CHANGES IN THE RENAISSANCE • Renaissance society was divided into 1. the 1st estate = clergy 2. the 2nd estate = nobility 3. the 3rd estate = peasants/townspeople

  7. THE NOBILITY • 2-3% of the pop • Dominated military and government positions • THE BOOK OF THE COURTIER – written by Castiglione 1528 • handbook for aristocrats • noble should combine natural gifts, rounded education, and good conduct • the goal of the perfect noble -> serve his prince

  8. PEASANTS AND TOWNSPEOPLE • Peasants = 85-90% of pop • Decline of the manorial system and decline of serfdom • Money economy replaces labor with rent • Townspeople • Patricians • burghers • Propertyless workers • unemployed

  9. SLAVERY IN THE RENAISSANCE • Slavery disappeared by the 11th cent. • Labor shortages of 14th -> reintroduction of slavery • Slaves came from the eastern Med, Black Sea, and Africa • By the 16th cent slavery had declined and was disappearing in W. Europe

  10. THE FAMILY IN RENAISSANCE ITALY • The family and family bond = security • Marriages = arranged, business deal, increase status and wealth, dowry • Father-husband = finances, total authority over children • Wife = managed the household, make babies • Childbirth – 10% mortality rate for mothers • Infant and children mortality -> high, have lots of babies

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