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BEA683 Economics for Managers. Lecture 1 by Vitali Alexeev CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B Tasmanian School of Business and Economics University of Tasmania. Prescribed Text. J . Gans . Core Economics for Managers. South Melbourne: Cengage Learning, 2005.
BEA683 Economics for Managers Lecture 1 by Vitali Alexeev CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B Tasmanian School of Business and Economics University of Tasmania
Prescribed Text • J. Gans. Core Economics for Managers. South Melbourne: Cengage Learning, 2005. • B. Bernanke, N. Olekalns and R. Frank. Principles of Macroeconomics, 3rd ed McGraw‐Hill, Sydney, 2011.
Meeting times • two two‐hour lecture per week according to the schedule set out at the end of the unit outline. • Mondays from 9:00am to 11am followed by a break then resume at 12pm to 2pmin Commerce 107 Lecture Theatre 1 (SB.AX33.L01.107) • It is recommended that you complete the required reading prior to attending the lecture. • one‐hour tutorials held each week after the lectures according to the schedule set out at the end of the unit outline. Mondays from 2pm to 3pm in Commerce 107 Lecture Theatre 1 (SB.AX33.L01.107).
Assessment • In‐class quizzes (x3) held in: Weeks 2, 3 and 5 10%x3=30% (10%x2=20%) • Assignment due: January 31, 2pm 10% 10% • Final ExamExamperiod 60% 70% • Onemissedquiz(ifnotifiedbeforethequizby e-mail) weightswillshift to the final exam. • Secondorthirdmissedquiz – weightsforthesequizzeswillnot be shifted.