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Roosevelt and Progressivism

Roosevelt and Progressivism . Rough Riding President . Born into a wealthy family. Asthma made him stronger! – Active lifestyle. NY Police commissioner. Colonel of the “Rough Riders” regiment during Spanish American War - 1898.

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Roosevelt and Progressivism

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  1. Roosevelt and Progressivism

  2. Rough Riding President • Born into a wealthy family. • Asthma made him stronger! – Active lifestyle. • NY Police commissioner. • Colonel of the “Rough Riders” regiment during Spanish American War - 1898 http://www.history.com/shows/the-presidents/videos/theodore-roosevelts-acts-and-legacy#theodore-roosevelts-acts-and-legacy

  3. Roosevelt • Not supposed to be president. • McKinley assassinated so it was Teddy’s time. • Took office at 42 years old – Republican • He was different – dynamic personality, strong willed, unlike any president before him. • Model for future presidents. • Used personality and popularity to advance his programs. • Led American toward progressive reforms and a strong foreign policy.

  4. Roosevelt • Saw presidency as a way to influence the news media and shape legislation. • Wanted to take action for the public good. • “Speak softly and carry a big stick”

  5. Square Deal • Fair opportunities for all! • The 3 C’s • Conservationof natural resources • Control of Corporations • Consumer protection • Keeps an eye on big business

  6. 1902 Coal Strike

  7. 1902 Coal Strike • Roosevelt calls both sides to White House to talk (instead of calling in the troops). • Finds operators stupid/bad tempered. • Arbitration commission • Mediator for both sides Miners won a 10% pay hike and 9 hour day Roosevelt's Steps Legislation that helped

  8. TrustBusting • Roosevelt had good mediation skills so he used them! • Sought to stop trusts that were harmful to the public but maintain those that were good. “The Trust Buster”

  9. Trustbusting • Filed suits under Sherman Antitrust Act. • Sued Northern Securities Company (they had a monopoly) • Also sued – beef trust, oil trust and tobacco trust. • Filed 44 antitrust suits • Sherman Antitrust Act Roosevelt’s Steps Legislation that helped

  10. Unregulated Big Business • Urged congress to strengthen the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) • Fought for the Elkins Act • Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) • Elkins Act Roosevelt’s Steps Legislation that helped

  11. Dangerous Foods/Medicine • Appointed a commission to study the meat packing industry • Pushed for passage of Meat Inspection Act • Meat Inspection Act • Pure Food and Drug Act Roosevelts’ Steps Legislation that helped

  12. Shrinking Wilderness/Natural Resources • Promoted conservation of natural resources • Set aside thousands of acres of forest reserves, water power sites, wild life sanctuaries and national parks • National Reclamation Act (Newlands Act) Roosevelt's ’ Steps Legislation that helped

  13. Conservation vs. Preservation • John Muir • Naturalist • Believed parks should be preserved and that we should “connect with nature” • Parks are sacred space – Keep them as they are!

  14. Conservation vs. Preservation • Gifford Pinchot • Believed nature can be managed and controlled • Friends with Roosevelt • Head of U.S. Forest Service • Friends with Muir…for a second

  15. Racial Discrimination • Not much… • Invited Booker T. Washing to Dinner (symbolic gesture) • None Roosevelt’s Steps Legislation that helped

  16. NAACP • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People • 6,000 members by 1914 • Aimed for equality among races • This goal didn’t have much support from progressive reformers

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