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Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. AdvancEd Continuous Improvement Centura Public School 2014. Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation.
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. AdvancEd Continuous Improvement Centura Public School 2014
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. The mission of Centura Public School, as an innovative educational system, is to provide for all students educational experiences that will prepare them for an ever-changing 21st Century society.
Blending the past with the present Value of the process We see ourselves improving Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. A Tale of Two Snapshots
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance... Centura is a rural consolidated district made up of approximately 530 students (PK-12), from small towns within 214 square miles of ranches and farms. Formed in 1967, our school is located five miles from Boelus, Cairo, and Dannebrog, Nebraska, thus the name Centura. Grand Island is a 17 mile drive from our school. The mission of Centura Public School, as an innovative educational system, is to provide for all students educational experiences that will prepare them for an ever-changing 21st century society. These educational experiences begin in Centura's Bright Beginnings Pre-school and continue through post-secondary opportunities provided on-site at the Centura campus. Centura's dedication to providing students with skills necessary for the 21st century is evident in its technologically rich environment. Students grades five through 12 enjoy the benefit of a 24/7, one-to-one, computer program, extending campus walls to home and beyond. This technology initiative supports the district’s vision statement, “A school community about students, excellence, and innovation.”
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance...
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance... Detailed achievement data can be found in our artifacts.
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Centura at a glance... Detailed achievement data can be found in our artifacts.
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Self Assessment • Students -- Excellence -- Innovation • Involved the whole faculty • Groups rated standards and collected artifacts • SLT completed Self Assessment
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Standard 1 - Purpose and Direction STRENGTHS CHALLENGES - Clearly defined expectations - Professional Development - Resources - Shared vision • - Formalized process for reviewing and • revising our mission statement • - Input from all stakeholders • - Continue providing adequate services • for diverse academic levels Score - 2.5
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Standard 2 - Governance and Leadership STRENGTHS CHALLENGES • Opportunities to understand each • others’roles • - Communication between stakeholder • groups • - Engagement of Stakeholders • (active involvement/participation) - School Board Retreat - Continuous Improvement Plans - Professional Development tied to improvement goals - Teacher Evaluation Tool Score - 2.67
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Standard 3 - Teaching and Assessing for Learning STRENGTHS CHALLENGES - Opportunities for students to develop learning, thinking, and life skills. - Everyone involved in the continuous improvement process - Differentiated instruction - School leaders consistently communicating expectations and providing feedback - More opportunities for staff collaboration - Fostering relationships between students and staff Score - 2.75
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Standard 4 - Resources and Support Systems STRENGTHS CHALLENGES • - Creating a cohesive, long-range • strategic planning • (Coordinated facility, technology, curriculum, fiscal resources) - Instructional Time and Materials - Quality staff to serve educational programs - Numerous Support Systems - Crisis Training & Facility Safety Updates - Technology Resources & Personnel Score - 2.75
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Standard 5 - Using Results for Continuous Improvement STRENGTHS CHALLENGES • - Training/Support • - RtI • - Data-driven decisions • - Communicate Results • Funding available for improvement • initiatives - Staff turnover - Engagement of stakeholders - Patience to see results Score - 2.6
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Climate Survey • - ASSIST Surveys were administered to students, • parents, and staff: • 95 Early Elementary Students • 96 Elementary Students • 191 Middle/High School Students • 58 Parents • 60 Staff • - 5-Point Scale (Elementary Surveys were 3 point scale)
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Survey Results Early Elementary Students STRENGTHS CHALLENGES - My family likes to come to school. - Other teachers know me. - I know what to do every day at school. • - My school has books for me to read. • - My teacher wants me to learn. • - My teachers wants me to do my best. • - My teacher tells me when I do • good work. • - I am safe at school. • - l learn new things at school. Overall Score = 2.83 (3 point scale)
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Survey Results Elementary Students STRENGTHS CHALLENGES - My principal and teachers ask me what I think about school. - My teachers ask my family to come to school activities. - In my school, I am treated fairly. - In my school, students treat adults with respect. - In my school, my teachers want me to do my best work. - My school has computers to help me learn. - My school has many places where I can learn such as the library. - My school wants children in our school to help each other, even if we are not friends. - My teachers care about students. - My teachers tell me how I should behave and do my work. - In my school, my principal and teachers want every student to learn. Overall Score = 2.77 (3 point scale)
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Survey Results Secondary Students STRENGTHS CHALLENGES - In my school, a variety of resources are available to help me succeed (e.g. teaching staff, media and technology). - In my school, I can participate in activities that interest me. - In my school, the principal and teachers have high expectations of me. - In my school, computers are up to date and used by teachers to help me learn. - Teachers work together to improve student learning. - Purpose and expectations are clearly explained to me and my family. - In my school, students respect the property of others. - All students are treated with respect. - All of my teachers change their teaching to meet my learning needs. - My school considers students’ opinions when planning ways to improve the school. Overall Score = 3.73 (5 point scale)
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Survey Results Parents STRENGTHS CHALLENGES - My child has up-to-date computers and other technology to learn. - Our school provides opportunities for students to participate in activities that interest them. - Our school provides a safe learning environment. - My child knows the expectations for learning in all classes. - Our school’s purpose statement is clearly focused on student success. -Our school provides students with access to a variety of information resources to support their learning. - Our school’s purpose statement is formally reviewed and revised with involvement from parents. - Our school provides opportunities for stakeholders to be involved in the school. - All of my child’s teachers meet his or her learning needs by individualizing instruction. Overall Score = 3.82 (5 point scale)
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Survey Results Staff STRENGTHS CHALLENGES - Our school's governing body or school board maintains a distinction between its roles and responsibilities and those of school leadership. - In our school, all staff members use student data to address the unique learning needs of all students. - In our school, all school personnel regularly engage families in their children's learning progress. - Our school has a continuous improvement process based on data, goals, actions and measures for growth. - Our school purpose statement is clearly focused on student success. - Our school provides qualified staff members to support student learning. -Our school’s leaders monitor data related to student achievement. - Our school's leaders support an innovative and collaborative culture. Overall Score = 4.25 (5 point scale)
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. School Improvement Goals • Goal 1: All students at Centura Public School will become proficient writers. • Measurable Objective: 80% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency in ideas/content, • organization, word choice/voice, and sentence fluency/conventions in writing by 05/16/2014 as • measured by the district writing assessment for 1st-3rd, 5th-7th, 9th-10th, and the NESA-W for • 4th, 8th, and 11th grades. • Strategy 1 - Training in Write Tools and state writing rubric • Strategy 2 - Extended Writing Instruction • Strategy 3 - District Writing Curriculum
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. School Improvement Goals • Goal 2: All students at Centura Public School will become proficient readers. • Measurable Objective: 80% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency in comprehension • and vocabulary in Reading by 05/16/2014 as measured by NWEA, NESA-R, STAR, and DIBELS. • Strategy 1 - Consistent materials and instructional time • Strategy 2 - Professional development
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Accreditation Progress Report • Required Action 1:Develop and implement systematic and systemic school/district • improvement processes that include • (1) a commitment to act on a common PK-12 mission, • (2) a defined PK-12 curriculum in all content areas, • (3) specific PK-12 goals to address school improvement needs, • (4) specific strategies and interventions to address identified student needs • (i.e., building/grade specific but tied to improvement goals), and • (5) specific professional development tied to school improvement plans. • Response: • #1 - School Leadership Team reviews and revises the school mission and vision statements at the • beginning of each year. • #2 - During the summers of 2011, 2012, and 2013, teachers in grades PK-12 have worked to rewrite • the reading, math, science, and writing curricula along with formative assessments in math and science. • #3 - The District has identified two school improvement goals; these goals have been a part of the • continuous improvement process since 2009. The math goal was stopped in 2012 because of • the progress that was made and we continue to make. • #4 - Many strategies have been put in place to identify student needs. Over the last three years the • district has utilized LtoJ formative assessments, APL instructional strategies, and ALP reading • strategies. RtI has been in place for seven year. • #5 - The professional develop provided in the district has been directly tied to the two school • improvement goals and to the strategies and interventions that have been adopted.
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Accreditation Progress Report Required Action 2: Develop and implement strategies that increase stakeholder communication and involvement in the school improvement process. • Response: • State of the schools address shared in public forums and written form • Involvement of student council and character council in the school. • Parent MAPS and NeSA Reports • Centura alert system • Powerschool • District and Teacher websites • Google Docs • District newsletters and building newsletters • 30 minutes of public input at school board meetings • Curriculum Nights • Title I meetings • Parent Academic Support Symposium
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Accreditation Progress Report Required Action 3: Develop and implement a balanced assessment system that collects, analyzes, reports, and directly informs classroom instruction for learning. • Response: • MAPS testing • Analyzing of MAPS data throughout the year and as a staff in the spring • NeSA testing • Analyzing NeSA reading, math, and science scores in the fall • C4L - Practice assessments of Nebraska standards • DIBELS • Hiring of a curriculum developer to support the collection of data • LtoJ formative assessments • Weekly analysis of student progress monitoring data during RtI meetings
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation.
Centura... A school community about students, excellence, and innovation. Thank you for helping us in our quest to make Centura a school community about students, excellence, and innovation!