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Trusted Design In FPGAs

Trusted Design In FPGAs. Steve Trimberger Xilinx Research Labs. Security Challenges. How to securely authenticate devices? Keycards, RFIDs, mobile phones Genuine electronics vs. counterfeits How to protect sensitive IP on devices? Digital content, personal information

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Trusted Design In FPGAs

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  1. Trusted Design In FPGAs Steve Trimberger Xilinx Research Labs

  2. Security Challenges • How to securely authenticate devices? • Keycards, RFIDs, mobile phones • Genuine electronics vs. counterfeits • How to protect sensitive IP on devices? • Digital content, personal information • Software on mobile/embedded systems • How to securely communicate with devices? • Private and authentic communication channels

  3. Traditional Solution: Authentication Example • Each IC needs to be unique • Embed a unique secret key SK in on-chip non-volatile memory • Use cryptography to authenticate an IC • A verifier sends a randomly chosen number • An IC signs the number using its secret key so that the verifier can ensure that the IC possesses the secret key • Cryptographic operations can address other problems such as protecting IP or secure communication IC with a secret key Sends a random number Sign the number with a secret key • Only the IC’s key can generate a valid signature IC’s Public Key

  4. BUT… • How to generate and store secret keys on ICs in a secure and inexpensive way? • Adversaries may physically extract secret keysfrom non-volatile memory • Trusted party must embed and test secret keysin a secure location • EEPROM adds additional complexity to manufacturing • What if cryptography is NOT available? • Extremely resource (power) constrained systemssuch as passive RFIDs • Commodity ICs such as FPGAs

  5. Challenge c-bits Response n-bits Combinatorial Circuit Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) • Extract secrets from a complex physical system • Because of random process variations, no two Integrated Circuits even with the same layouts are identical • Variation is inherent in fabrication process • Hard to remove or predict • Relative variation increases as the fabrication process advances • Delay-Based Silicon PUF concept • Generate secret keys from unique delay characteristicsof each processor chip

  6. Why PUFs? • PUF can generate a unique secret key / ID • Highly secure: volatile secrets, no need for trusted programming • Inexpensive: no special fabrication technique • PUF can enable a secure, low-cost authentication w/o crypto • Use PUF as a function: challenge  response • Only an authentic IC can produce a correct response for a challenge • Questions • How to design a PUF circuit? • Does the concept work (reliable and secure)? • How to use the PUF for key generation and authentication? n PUF (Challenge) Response

  7. Ring Oscillator even number of inverters en_n out Ring Oscillator Module • Ring oscillators are widely used in ICs to generate clocks or characterize performance • Each ring oscillator has a unique frequency even if many oscillators are fabricated from the same mask

  8. 1 2467MHz 2 2519MHz N 2453MHz PUF Circuit Using Ring Oscillators MUX counter Output >? 0 or 1 N oscillators counter Input Compare frequencies of two oscillators  The faster oscillator is randomly determined by manufacturing variations

  9. Entropy: How Many Bits Do You Get? • There are N! possible cases for ordering N oscillators based on their frequencies • Each ordering is equally likely • For example, 3 oscillators R0, R1, R2 have 6 possible orderings (R0, R1, R2), (R0, R2, R1), (R1, R0, R2), (R1, R2, R0),(R2, R0, R1), and (R2, R1, R0) • N oscillators can produce log2(N!)independent bits • A reasonable number of oscillators can express keysof long length • 35 oscillators produce 133 bits • 128 oscillators produce 716 bits • 256 oscillators produce 1687 bits

  10. 1 2 N Implementation Constraints • All ring oscillators must be identical • Any ring oscillator design will work • No additional constraints required • Everything is standard digital logic • No placement/routing constraint outside oscillators • Can be implemented even on standard FPGAs No placement /routing constraint Challenge Output Identical layout

  11. Errors? • Insight: Comparisons between ring oscillators with significant difference in frequency are stable even when the environment changes • Use “far apart” oscillator pairs to produce bits • Mask bits indicate the selection PUF output bit may “flip” when environment changes significantly Blue > Green Blue > Green Frequency Frequency Blue > Green Green > Blue Temperature Temperature

  12. Validation Goal • Security: Show that different PUFs (ICs) generate different bits • Inter-chip variation: how many PUF bits (in %) are different between PUF A and PUF B? • Ideally, inter-chip variation should be close to 50% • Reliability: Show that a given PUF (IC) can re-generate the same bits consistently • Intra-chip variation: how many bits flip when re-generated again from a single PUF • Environments (voltage, temperature, etc.) can change • Ideally, intra-chip variation should be 0%

  13. FPGA Testing • 15 FPGAs (Xilinx) with 1 PUF on each FPGA • +/- 10% voltage variation experiments • -20C to 120C temperature variation intest chambers • Combined voltage and temperaturevariation tests • Aging of FPGAs performed andexperiments re-run • Did not change PUF outputs at all

  14. RO PUF Characteristics • 8000 bits from 1024 oscillators (paper shows results for 128 bits) Average 46.6% Maximum 0.6%

  15. Key Generation: Initialization • To initialize the circuit, an error correcting syndrome is generated from the reference PUF circuit output • Syndrome/error mask is public information • Can be stored on-chip, off-chip, or on a remote server • For example, BCH(127,64,21) code will correct up to10 errors out of 127 bits • Failure probability < 10-10 Before First Use: Initialization n PUF Circuit m Encoding Syndrome/Mask (public information)

  16. Random Symmetric Key Generation • In the field, the syndrome will be used to re-generate the same PUF reference output from the circuit • This output is unique and unpredictable for each chip • Can be directly used as a symmetric key In the Field: Key Generation Decoding n Hash k PUF Circuit n m ECC PUF Syndrome/ Mask

  17. Private/Public Key Pair Generation Private key Seed ECC PUF Key Generation Public key • PUF response is used as a random seed to a private/ public key generation algorithm • No secret needs to be handled by a manufacturer • A device generates a key pair on-chip, and outputs a public key • The public key can be endorsed at any time

  18. Low-Cost Authentication • Protect against IC/FPGA substitution and counterfeits without using cryptographic operations Untrusted Supply Chain / Environments Authentic Device A ??? Is this the authentic Device A? PUF PUF Challenge Response Challenge Response’ Record Challenge Response • 1010 010101 • 1000 101101 0111001 000110 =? Database for Device A

  19. Challenge-Response Pairs • What if an attacker obtains all responses and put them into a fake chip with memory? • There must be LOTS of challenge-response-pairs • Use different parts on FPGAs • Use configurable delay paths on ASICs FPGA FPGA PUF PUF Oscillators Challenge 1 Response 1 Challenge 2 Response 2 (left-bottom, 5 inv, etc.) (right-middle, 3 inv, etc.)

  20. 0 1 0 0 1 1 An Arbiter-Based Silicon PUF c-bit Challenge 1 0 1 1 1 D Q 1 if top path is faster, else 0 0 0 0 … RisingEdge 0 0 0 G 1 1 1 Response • Compare two paths with an identical delay in design • Random process variation determines which path is faster • An arbiter outputs 1-bit digital response • Multiple bits can be obtained by either duplicate the circuit or use different challenges • Each challenge selects a unique pair of delay paths

  21. Arbiter PUF Experiments • Fabricated 200 “identical” chips with PUFs in TSMC 0.18m on 5 different wafer runs Security • Inter-chip variation: 24.8% on average • Careful layout results in 50% inter-chip variation (recent RFID PUF) Reliability • Intra-chip variation: 3.5% when temperature changes from 20C to 120C, 4% for +/-10% voltage changes

  22. Summary • Process variations can be turned into a feature rather than a problem • PUFs can reliably generate unique and unpredictable secrets for each IC • Highly secure: volatile keys • Inexpensive: standard digital logic • PUF can be applied to • Generation of both symmetric and asymmetric keys for cryptographic operations • Secure authentication of ICs without cryptographic operations • PUF has been demonstrated on FPGAs and ASICs • Even on passive RFIDs

  23. Back-Up Slides

  24. Security Discussion • What does it take to find PUF secrets? • Open the chip, completely characterize PUF delays • Invasive attacks are likely to change delays • Read on-chip register with a digital secret from PUF while the processor is powered up • More difficult proposition than reading non-volatile memory • Still, this only reveals ONE secret from PUF • Use two keys with only one key present on-chip at any time • PUF is a cheap way of generating more secure secrets

  25. ECC Security Discussion Dimension of Code Number of code words = 2k Suppose we choose a (n, k, d) code Code word length = Length of PUF response Minimum distance = 2t + 1 • Syndrome = n – k bits  public, reveal information about responses • Security parameter is k  At least k bits remain secret after revealing the syndrome • BCH (255, 107, 45) will correct 22 errors out of 255 response bits and effectively produce 107-bit secret key • Can get arbitrary size keys • Theoretical study in fuzzy extractor [Smith et al]

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