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Werner von Siemens Excellence Award Dzintra Rubule Siemens Osakeyhtio Latvian branch HR&Communication Manager 2011. Megatrends shape our future. Urbanization. 2007: for the first time in history, more people live in cities than in rural areas.

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  1. Werner von SiemensExcellence AwardDzintra RubuleSiemens Osakeyhtio Latvian branch HR&Communication Manager2011

  2. Megatrends shape our future Urbanization • 2007: for the first time in history, more people live in cities than in rural areas. • Today 280 million people live in megacities (> 10 million residents) • 2030: 60 % of the world’s population will live in cities • Urban conglomerations contribute a high share of a nation’s economic output: Tokyo provides 40% of Japan’s GDP, Paris generates 30% of France’s GDP. Demographic Change • Average life expectancy worldwide will increase to 72 years in 2025 from 46.6 years in 1950. • World population will grow from more than 6 billion now to 8 billion by 2025. • 95% of the global population growth is taking place in developing countries. • The 65+ generation will nearly double worldwide by 2030 (from 7% to 12%),

  3. Megatrends shape our future Climate Change • The average global surface temperature has increased by 0.76° C compared to the 18th century. • 11 of the 12 years between 1994 and 2005 rank among the 12 warmest since weather observations began. • Greenhouse gas emissions haven risen dramatically since industrialization. Today we face the highest CO2 concentration in the atmosphere for the past 350,000 years. Globalization • From 1950 to 2004, the volume of global trade has increased 27.5-fold. • The number of global players has grown from 17,000 in 1980 to over 70,000 today. • Ocean freight has increased over the past four decades from less than 6,000 billion ton-miles to over 27,500 billion ton-miles a year.

  4. Economic competitiveness Higher quality of life Sustainability Higher quality of life in future cities Infrastructure planning and implementation

  5. Sectors and Divisions: Industry Energy Industry Healthcare Divisions • Fossil Power Generation • Renewable Energy • Oil & Gas • Energy Service • Power Transmission • Power Distribution Divisions • Drive Technologies • Industry Automation • Building Technologies • Mobility • Lighting (OSRAM) • Industry Solutions Divisions • Imaging & IT • Workflow & Solutions • Diagnostics

  6. Sectors and Divisions: Energy Energy Industry Healthcare Divisions • Fossil Power Generation • Renewable Energy • Oil & Gas • Energy Service* • Power Transmission • Power Distribution Divisions • Drive Technologies • Industry Automation • Building Technologies • Mobility • Lighting (OSRAM) • Industry Solutions Divisions • Imaging & IT • Workflow & Solutions • Diagnostics * Figures for this Division are incorporated in the reporting of the other Divisions of the Energy Sector

  7. Sectors and Divisions: Healthcare Energy Industry Healthcare Divisions • Fossil Power Generation • Renewable Energy • Oil & Gas • Energy Service • Power Transmission • Power Distribution Divisions • Drive Technologies • Industry Automation • Building Technologies • Mobility • Lighting (OSRAM) • Industry Solutions Divisions * • Imaging & IT • Workflow & Solutions • Diagnostics * New Division strcuture, first reported as of January 2011

  8. Our vision and our values Siemens – the pioneer in Our values Responsible Committed to ethical andresponsible actions Energy efficiency Industrial productivity Excellent Achieving high performance and excellent results Affordable and personalized healthcare Innovative Intelligent infrastructure solutions Being innovative to createsustainable value

  9. Innovation is our lifeblood • €3.846 billion in fiscal 2010, or 5.1% of revenue • 30,100 R&D employees worldwide • 178 R&D locations in over 30 countries around the world • 8,800 inventions in FY 2010 or 40 inventions per work day • 57,900 active patents 30 100 R&D employees made8 800 inventions in 2010. • Nearly 58 000 active patents • R&D investments €3.8 billion

  10. 7.61 We have defined our most relevant CR issues Corporate Governance & Compliance Environmental Issues Social Issues Siemens has zero tolerance for non-compliant behavior! • Compliance • Supplier standards • Occupational health and safety • Environmental portfolio • Own ecological footprint • Managed substances in products • Employee qualifications • Millennium development projects • Disaster relief • Human rights • Diversity Transparency ● Accountability●Performance

  11. The message concerning Compliance is authentic, clear and non-compromising “Being a responsible company – this is what our foundation was built on, this is a core element of our values. Highest performance with highest ethics” Peter Löscher, President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens AG Source: P. Löscher; September 2010

  12. We need to continue fostering an integrity culture Questions to guide Siemens employees towards compliant and responsible behavior 1 Is it the right thing for Siemens? Is it consistent with Siemens core values and mine? 2 3 Is it legal? Is it ethical? Is it something I am willing to be held accountable for? 4 If the answer is YES to all of those questions, DON'T WORRY, BE CONFIDENT!

  13. Sustainability as the key to success:Siemens has been in business for 163 years For us, sustainability means acting in the best interest of coming generations – with respect to the economy, the environment and society. I won't sell the future for short-term profit. Werner von Siemens

  14. From Werner von Siemens' workshopto global player – active in over 190 countries 1847 Founding of ''Telegraphen-Bauanstalt von Siemens & Halske" in Berlin 1850 First international sales agency in London 1855 Founding of the Russian company as the first foreign branch 1904 First permanent office in China 1905 Founding of Siemens do Brazil 1924 Founding of Siemens India Ltd. 1961 Exports exceed 1 billion DM for first time 1968 Siemens passes the 100-country mark 1970 Founding of Siemens Corporation, USA 1994 Founding of Siemens Ltd. China in Beijing

  15. The History of Siemens – From Workshop to Global Player

  16. 1% People are the power of Siemens Siemens encourages lifelong learning and development Siemens empowers its diverse and engaged people worldwide Siemens stands for integrity

  17. Thank you

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