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FAUBA. THE LAND DEGRADATION ASSESSMENT IN DRYLANDS LADA. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Step 1: Identification of land degradation problems and evaluation of the users needs.
Step 1: Identification of land degradation problems and evaluation of the users needs. • By means of the elaboration process and execution of the National Action Program of Combat against Desertification (NAP), the main problems of the land degradation in the country could be identified. • This Process was Strengthened in the National Workshop of the Project LADA realized in Buenos Aires in May, 2003
Step 2: LADA work team establishment. Coordnation DCSyLCD SAyDS National: PAN, PAP Monitoring National Unit Subregional: PAS Chaco PAS Puna Monitoring group UNC Regional: TPN B&I\RCU Monitoring Regional Unit 7 Pilot Sites Monitoring Regional Nodes Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero Universidad Nacional de Jujuy Universidad de Buenos Aires Instituto Argentino de Investigación en Zonas Aridas Municipio de Santa Maria Secretaría de Ambiente de La Rioja Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Red Agroforestal Chaco (ONG) Global: GLADA UNEP\FAO\ Countries\ CCD Monitoring Global Unit
Step 3: Inventory and Preliminary analysis. The available information in the country is the following: • Satellite images and air photographies covering of arid and dry areas. • Soil Maps in different scales. • Degradation and Desertification Maps. • Information about Hydric resources. • Information about native and cultivated forests. • Climate. • Land use. Cultivation systems and grasses. • Population Data, Life quality. • Land tenure. • Industrial Activities and oil extraction. • Substructure and Energy. All this information can be found in different spacial and temporary scales. It is dispersed and sometimes inaccessibly. There are no geo-referenced data bases at national level.
I. PRELIMINARY AGREEMENTS • - - Identification of problems, actors and intervention areas. • - Identification of the social actors involved in the problem inside a defined space area. • - Actors' convocation and identification of needs. • - Selection of the intervention area. • - Agreement around the space analysis scales that it will be adopted. • - Identification of common problems (among the actors, in an specific area, etc...) and susceptible of intervention in the defined scale. Step 4: Stratification strategy and sampling. • II. DEFINITION AND PROBLEMS PRIORITIES, OBJECTIVES, IMPACT HYPOTHESIS AND ACTION. • - Ranking of identified problems • - Description and agreement about desertification processes that affect the environmental system. - - Identification of desertification causes and consequences. • - Embracing the analysis units (environmental reference units) • - Embracing objectives. • - Identification of impact and action hypothesis (alternative analysis: what we want to change and how we get it. Audits and actions, identification of the project application's effects) III. EVALUATION AND DIAGNOSIS - Formulation of the strategic participative diagnosis about the desertification status. - Agreement on the evaluation procedure (criteria for the benchmark selection and evaluation methods) - Benchmarks identification and selection (for prioritized problem / objective / analysis unit) - Embracing reference points (basic line, data sources, mensuration protocols) - Design and embracing of the Monitoring and Evaluation System (SEM) - Demonstrative experimental areas identification, case studies or mensuration stations. - Procedures for data gathering, processing and storage. - Determination of Desertification fragility, pressure and status through environmental reference units. PROCEDURE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EVALUATION SYSTEM AND MONITORING OF THE DESERTIFICATION Process replication - Time 2 • IV. ANSWER: INTERVENTION PLAN • - Identification of solutions and action fields. • - Formulation and evaluation of the intervention strategies impact. • - Intervention Plan Design. • - Intervention Plan Implementation. V. MONITORING AND CONTINUATION - Process operation, monitoring and continuation. - Impact's Evaluation. - Feedback and continuation (realization of the necessary adjustments to secure the process continuity)
Step 5: Field inquiries and participative evaluation. • Reference terms for the selection of cases: • That the case studies link in the same area hot and bright spots. • The selection should include verified outcomes in environmental and socioeconomic aspects to establish comparison criteria. • Focus directed to small farmers confronting it with other productive sectors. • Existence of base information. • Existence of institutional interrelation (with continuity and presence). • The severity and intensity degree of environment/social degradation phenomenon's is considered for the hot spots (critical areas) • That these areas act witness for the work of the monitoring group. • That they are representative places of more extensive areas and that their results can be able to be extrapolated. • That their limits coincide, as much as possible, with administrative and/or geographical areas (basins, sub-basins). • That forms of producers groups exist. • Commitment of the responsible group: institutional strengthening.
Puna Region : Province of Jujuy, Cuenca del Río Miraflores 2 Universities Provincial Gov Arid Chaco region: Provincie ofLa Rioja, Zona de los Llanos, Departamento Chamical, Departamento Vera Peñaloza Semiarid Chaco Region: Province of Santa Fe, Locality El Nochero Arid valleys region: Province of Catarmarca, Departamento Santa María University/ Municipality ONG/University Central western region: Province of Mendoza , Zona del Desierto de Lavalle Institute of Investigatión National Institut Patagonia region: Province of Río Negro, Localidad de Ing Jacobacci Patagonia Region : Province Of Chubut, Reserva Aborigen Cushamen National Institut
Characteristics of the selected areas Puna : 100.000 km2, 1 inhabitant per km2. Plateau of mountainous cords in South North sense, they overcome the 5.000 meters over the sea's level.- Indiscriminate pruning of the woody species. - Overpasturing or wrong shepherding, high charge.- Wrong agriculture and cattle practices.- Faulty water handling.- Inefficient energy use.- Land tenure problems.- Commercialization problems. Valles Áridos: 140.000 km2, valleys included between high mountainous chains.- Over exploitation of native forest.- Fires.- Overpasturing in extensive breeding. - Land property problems.
Semiarid Chaco : 600.000 km2 ( 22% of continental surface), 11% of total national population, (33% is rural). Mountainous cords, pampeanos and sub-andeans.- Increase of the agricultural areas in unirrigated lands.- Native forest degradation.- Wrong agriculture practices (salinization)- Fires.- Colmatación of tidelands, marshlands and lagoons.- Lost of Bio-diversity in the under watering areas- Land tenure problems. Center West: 614.000 km2 , 3.400.000 inhabitants.Four mountain units. Altoandino, Llanuras, Bolsones and Travesías, and Oasis de riego. - Fires. - Overpasturing. - Water and land use. - Indiscriminate pruning. - Uncontrolled urbanization. - Extractive mining activities. - Land tenure problems.
Patagonia: 780.000 km2 0,1 inhabitants per Km2, limits in the west with the mountain range Los Andes and in the east with the Atlantic Ocean. It presents thermal gradients, hydricos and edafics that determine the existence of different ecological areas or bio-zones.- Traditional cattle handle (sheep cattle production as monoculture)- Overpasturing.- Eolic erosion.- Underground exploitation.- High proportion of producers with few hectares.
Arid Chaco region (Llanos de La Rioja): This region covers nine departments of the province, totaling a surface of 4,8 million hectares. The main farming activity of the region is the extensive stockbreeding bovine-goat, being the fodder base different autochtonous vegetable species. - Breeding of goat and bovinos cattle - Small lands with scarce resources - Lack of access to water and technology
% Population that receives supports. Driving Forces Response Little Exploitation Surfaces. Insecure land tenure. Migration Low incoming in the population. Pressure Impact Low population density. Age structures Discharge loads Animal Firewood extraction as fuel. State Little evolved soils Aridity Land Cover Overgrazing Step 6: Information integration.
Step 7: Supervision of the strategies and tools. • The supervision process: • will allow a feedback in regular way and the analyses updating with their answers. • will allow to repeat, to expand and to continue the process and the national supervision systems will be part of regional nets. • will allow develop Long dated strategies will be developed not only involving the supervision tools but also the data gathering process and the continuous reappraisal of the of the land degradation impacts and answers.
Aims LADA Argentina 2006 - 2009 Fase 0: Step 7. Supervision of the strategies and tools National (3 months) • Consolidate the team work in LADA Argentina National (6 months) • Re-establishing the pilot sites selected for the previous phase • Validating a methodology of desertification evaluation applicable to different ecosystems and socioeconomic, political and institutional situations • Establishing a Degradation Permanent Monitoring Unit at a local, subnational and national scale and to facilitate capacities, products and strategies to create a Unit of Monitoring at a ALC and Global scale National/ global (42 months) • Creating capacities at the local level and to qualify at different levels of decision on the GLADA methodology and good indentify management practices
Año 1 Año 2 Año 3 Año 4 Local Scale Pilot Sites Subnational Scale National Scale Regional Scale Global Scale • To ratify the selected areas • To Consolidate and carry out agreements on the work plan • Produce an inventory of the physical - biological backup and • socioeconomic system • To installe demonstrative experimental areas • To carry out the calculation of selected indicators • To develop SIG of the pilot sites • To evaluate the feasibility of application of the complete Methodology in different situations, completing the work • of the previous phase • To achieve an Integral Diagnosis of the Degradation at a subnational level • To exchange and spread the results obtained • To assemble a permanent unit of monitoring • To identify, evaluate and spread practices of sustainable management • To promote the planning of actions to combat desertification in a participatory way in time and space • To promote the sustainable management and administration • of the environment To spread the results in all the events on the theme in which the country participate To develop the biophyisic and socioeconomic database To design the monitoring system
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